
How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

In the process of the collapse of the Soviet Union, we found a very interesting phenomenon: the governments at all levels controlled by the CPSU did not react in the whole process of disintegration, and even some heads of government took the initiative to cater to this process, accelerating the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

This also raises the question of why Soviet officials helped overthrow the political edifice in which they had lived for years. How exactly do they see the collapse of the Soviet Union?

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

In fact, Yeltsin, one of the main manipulators of the collapse of the Soviet Union, also had his own set of theoretical basis for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In July 1990, Yeltsin publicly announced his withdrawal from the CPSU, saying: "I think that socialism has been tested on The territory of the Soviet Union for more than seventy years, proving to be a tragedy for the people, and even more regrettably in our country." ”

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

In Yeltsin's view, the collapse of the Soviet Union overnight was not economic stagnation, nor was it external pressure or the attack of a group of opposition opinions, but because the Soviet Union lost its moral legitimacy. However, Yeltsin's words seem to be somewhat distorted, but in fact there is no valid theoretical support.

Yeltsin's entry into the CPSU in 1961 as secretary of the Moscow Municipal Party Committee of the Soviet Union and chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Russia is truly convincing. But behind the glamorous resume reflects a grim reality: without the deliberate promotion of the whole society in the Soviet Union, could Yeltsin have ascended to a high position? In other words, without the shareholder wind of Gorbachev's reforms, Yeltsin might still be an unknown person.

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Compared with Yeltsin's attacks on Soviet history, the views of other Soviet leaders are more rational.

In view of the root causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Prime Minister Ryzhkov of the Gorbachev government had a sharp view. Ryzhkov said: "We [referring to the Soviet government] are watching over self-theft, giving bribes and accepting bribes, and lying in the newspapers and on the podium. We indulged in our own lies while wearing medals for each other. Everybody does it, from top to bottom, all the time. ”

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

As the main representative of the conservatives of the Gorbachev period, Ryzhkov's speech was thought-provoking. Yes, as he said, when the Soviet government was full of self-theft and bribery, the Soviet road came to an end. Not to mention that there was a bad style within the Soviet Union, such as upward and downward effects.

In fact, when the revolution was not yet successful, the Soviet government did, as it had preached, that there was no selfish interest other than the interests of the state and the people.

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

A typical example is the Quruba fainting incident. At that time, in the face of the blockade and embargo policy of foreign forces, the situation of the Soviet Government was very grim, and there was an extreme shortage of materials. Under these circumstances, QuRuba, then the People's Commissar of Food of Soviet Russia, fainted from hunger at a meeting, which can really be described as "serving the people of Soviet Russia!" ”

However, after the economic situation in the Soviet Union improved, all kinds of privileged corruption also grew wildly, gradually evolving into a huge privileged bureaucratic group.

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

According to the data, by the time of Khrushchev, the central and local governments of the Soviet Union had formed a certain "special" contractual relationship: you Khrushchev did not use the knife to my privileges, and I also actively supported your rule. Thus, driven by such tacit policies, the privileged classes of the Soviet Union also matured.

The formation of the privileged strata was the inevitable result of the "metamorphosis" of the Soviet cadre clique, which directly led to the image of the Soviet government plummeting in the hearts of the people. What is even more frightening is that they not only deprived the CPSU of cohesion and combat effectiveness, but also wantonly embezzled state-owned assets without anyone else, hoping that the Soviet Union would collapse quickly.

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

As an inherent bureaucratic class in the Soviet Union, the long-standing old-age politics and small circles of cliques in the Soviet High-level, as well as the use of privileges to open back doors for relatives and the embezzlement of state-owned assets, have caused discomfort and even resentment among the Soviet people. It was this dissatisfaction that caused the Soviet Union to lose the trust of the Soviet people in the process of disintegration, and finally ended in a tragic collapse.

In the "August 19 Incident" that broke out in 1991, some conscientious members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union tried to turn the tide by setting up a "state of emergency committee", but what was the result? No one responded across the country. In the end, there was no escape from the fate of disintegration.

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

The Soviet populace was filled with resentment and resentment against the privileged classes, and before the collapse of the Soviet Union, they complained that the moths of these countries should be "gallows" in these countries. However, when the Soviet Union collapsed, not many Soviet officials were retaliated against, whether trials or retaliatory killings.

So where did these former Soviet officials go and why didn't they receive the trial they deserved?

How do officials in the former Soviet Union view the collapse of the Soviet Union?

In fact, these senior Soviet officials were transformed into the country's monopolies after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is reported that most of the tens of thousands of rich people in Moscow in 1991 alone were former Soviet party, government, and military cadres.

As the American economist David Coates put it: "The collapse of the Soviet Union stemmed from the ruling elite's pursuit of personal interests." These former Soviet officials wished that the Soviet Union would disintegrate as soon as possible, so as to turn "state-owned" into "private"!

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