
Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

The historic photo below is from August 23, 1991, when the leader of the former Soviet Union, Gorbachev, was asked by Yeltsin to speak according to the script in front of everyone present at the meeting, in a tone that was almost relentless to an order.

Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

The media at the time took this photograph, which became a symbolic scene of the collapse of the Soviet Union and a milestone in history.

After Gorbachev finished reading the manuscript, he slowly walked off the podium in a trance, as if he had lost it.

The results after that can be imagined. When he was handed over to Russia's new leader, Yeltsin, he fought hard for his retirement rights, but he did not want it.

Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

Later, in an interview in 2001, Gorbachev said, "How does a cat torture a mouse?" It's nothing more than this: the rat is obviously bleeding, and the cat is still taking pleasure in going up and down its hands, torturing it but not eating it, just humiliating. And that's what Yeltsin did to me. ”

A few days after the handover, Yeltsin instructed his subordinates to drive him out of his office. After that, Gorbachev, who had nowhere to go, had to move to an old house of only 80 square meters on Kosykin Road.

In fact, Gorbachev's treatment was still good. He owned a villa in the Moscow countryside, but after the handover of power, all his standards of living continued to decline. Later, because for a long time, Gorbachev's relationship with Yeltsin was very stiff, so in 1995, Gorbachev's only remaining Volga scooter was also taken away.

Unexpectedly, however, it was the financial crisis of 1998 that really put Gorbachev into trouble. In this national crisis, $80,000, most of his life savings eventually disappeared, becoming a bubble that disappeared under the financial crisis. Since then, Gorbachev has completely become an ordinary citizen with no power and no wealth.

Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

From then on, in order to make ends meet, Gorbachev had to lay down his body and go down the road of trying to make money.

In any case, Gorbachev was still a big man. This made his path to making money a lot easier. Later, he endorsed Pizza Hut and worked with his granddaughter to make an advertisement for it. At that time, many people paid attention to this, but it still won the attention. After that, he also spoke for lv packages.

Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

After this, Gorbachev began to change careers as an actor. Even if the producers are demanding and picky, he can get on his heels – play himself, Gorbachev.

He later appeared in more than twenty films, but they were all very ordinary small roles, and the more famous of them was the film that restored the historical facts of the collapse of the Soviet Union, called "The King of War".

Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

On the surface, Gorbachev was already miserable, but he was still one of the luckiest members of the CPSU after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

On November 6, 1991, The new President of Russia, Yeltsin, signed a document banning the activities of the Communist Party of the Former Soviet Union and the Communist Party of Russia in what is now a federal territory, and Yeltsin issued an order to seal the office buildings of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. And this is also a symbol that marks the CPSU's descent from the stage of history.

Marshal Akhromeyev, the chief of the General Staff of the Soviet Union at the time, surrounded him in deep despair after learning the news of the dissolution of the CPSU, and he committed suicide.

Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

At that time, the Russian Federation, which had entered capitalism, feared a comeback of the influential CPSU leaders, and as a result, many CPSU leaders were eventually arrested and imprisoned on trumped-up charges, sentenced to four or even more than ten years in prison, and lived a very miserable life.

However, to be honest, the Soviet Union has long been separated and disintegrated. Many senior leaders within the Soviet Union took advantage of the situation and began to lay out before the collapse of the Soviet Union in order to gain some benefits and include state assets in advance.

That large and orderly Soviet Union was only a flash in the pan of history. In the end, it was still impossible to escape the fate of the separation of the birds and the forest.

Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

After that, Russia began to implement a "shock therapy" policy, and many members of the CPSU who had not yet left the party were discriminated against, and it was difficult to find jobs. Even more, some Soviet soldiers sold blood money to seek a living, and a large number of military merit medals were sold cheaply, and the fate of the relevant personnel in the Soviet Union at that time could be imagined.

Why was Gorbachev rated by Putin as the biggest criminal in Soviet history?

In this way, a huge country disintegrated, high-rise buildings fell, and guests scattered. The former Soviet Union is divided into 15 countries, and at this moment, it is necessary to mention the evaluation of the initiator of the russian leader Putin to Gorbachev: "He is the biggest sinner in history, a coward who throws power on the ground and lets the madman pick it up!" ”

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