
The latest discovery of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, correcting the thousand-year-old fallacy, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was originally here!

Above-ground cultural relics look at Shanxi, and underground cultural relics look at Shaanxi. From ancient times to the present, there are too many imperial generals buried under the ground in Shaanxi. The more well-known ones are the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, the Tomb of the 11th Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, and the Tomb of the 18th Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Archaeological excavations here have been continuing, and some time ago, archaeologists conducted a detailed exploration of the Jiangcun Tomb in the eastern suburbs of Xi'an.

The latest discovery of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, correcting the thousand-year-old fallacy, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was originally here!

Just yesterday morning, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage held a video conference in Beijing to announce the latest archaeological findings, and the Jiangcun Tomb in Bailuyuan, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, is the real Tomb of emperor Wen of Han. In the past, people always believed that the Han Wen Emperor's tomb was in the "phoenix mouth", but now it seems that this statement is wrong. The "Phoenix Mouth" is just a naturally formed loess beam with no mausoleum underneath it.

The latest discovery of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, correcting the thousand-year-old fallacy, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was originally here!

The Jiangcun Tomb, which was excavated this time, is located in Bailuyuan, on the eastern outskirts of Xi'an. About 800 meters to the northeast is the mausoleum of Empress Dou, the wife of Emperor Liu Heng of the Han Dynasty, about 2000 meters to the southwest is the southern tomb of Empress Bo, and the original state security unit "Phoenix Mouth" is about 2100 meters north of it.

The latest discovery of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, correcting the thousand-year-old fallacy, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was originally here!

Through meticulous excavation and meticulous analysis, the archaeological team members identified the "Jiangcun Tomb" as a "Ya" glyph, and the excavated pottery figurines and copper seals were all high-specification funerary products, combined with the location relationship with the "Tomb of Empress Dou" and the "Tomb of Empress Bo", and after comprehensive analysis, it was determined that the "Jiangcun Tomb" was the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han.

The latest discovery of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, correcting the thousand-year-old fallacy, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was originally here!

There are 11 tombs of the Western Han Emperor, and in addition to the mausoleums, there are also hou mausoleums, mausoleums, funerary tombs, cong burial pits, etc., which are huge in scale and magnificent. Except for Emperor Wen's Tomb and Emperor Xuan's Tombs, which are located on the eastern outskirts of Xi'an, respectively, on the Bailuyuan and Shaoling Tombs in the southeast of Xi'an, the remaining 9 are distributed in Xianyangyuan on the north bank of the Wei River.

The latest discovery of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, correcting the thousand-year-old fallacy, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was originally here!

It starts from Douma Village in Xingping City (county-level city) in the west and Zhangjiawan in Zhengyang Township, Weicheng District, Xianyang City in the east. In order, there are the Mao Mausoleum of Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty, the Pingling Tomb of Liu Fuling of the Han Zhao Emperor, the Yanling Tomb of The Hancheng Emperor Liu Xiao, the Kang Tomb of the Han Ping Emperor Liu Yan, the Wei Tomb of the Han Yuan Emperor Liu Yi, the Yi Tomb of the Han Emperor Liu Xin, the An Mausoleum of The Han Hui Emperor Liu Ying, the ChangLing of The Han Emperor Liu Bang, and the Yang Tomb of the Han Jing Emperor Liu Qi.

The latest discovery of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, correcting the thousand-year-old fallacy, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was originally here!

"Han Old Yi" records: Han Dynasty Imperial Tomb Underground Palace Inner Zi Palace, Outer Cypress Yellow Intestine Inscription. Zigong refers to the coffin of the emperor and empress. What is the Yellow Intestine? The yellow heart of the cypress wood is tired outside the coffin, and the wood is introverted, which is a kind of imperial tomb system popular in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and is a representative of the thick burial style of the royal family at that time.

The latest discovery of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, correcting the thousand-year-old fallacy, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han was originally here!

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