
Xiaopeng Automobile was fined for collecting 430,000 face photos, and the supplier was exposed by the 315 party

Sanyan Financial News, recently, Shanghai Xiaopeng Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. was fined 100,000 yuan by the Xuhui District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau.

The reason for the punishment was that the parties purchased 22 camera devices with facial recognition functions and installed them in their stores, so as to count the number of people entering the store and analyze the proportion of men and women, age, etc.

It is reported that from January to June this year, a total of 431623 face photos were collected and uploaded. This act violates the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law without obtaining the consent of the consumer, nor does it explicitly or inform the consumer of the purpose of collection and use.

Xiaopeng Automobile was fined for collecting 430,000 face photos, and the supplier was exposed by the 315 party
Xiaopeng Automobile was fined for collecting 430,000 face photos, and the supplier was exposed by the 315 party

In response, Xiaopeng Automobile responded that the incident was due to the fact that the stores in shanghai were not familiar with the relevant legal terms, and mistakenly purchased and used the products of a third-party supplier (Yuluoke) that violated the relevant legal terms.

Xiaopeng Automobile said it fully obeyed the administrative punishment. Before the Shanghai Municipal Supervision Bureau inspected, the Shanghai store voluntarily removed all the collection equipment through internal self-inspection and self-correction. The face data provided by the third-party software has been completely deleted, and Xiaopeng Motors has not leaked or illegally used personal information, and only uses non-personally related digital data such as passenger flow visits as a reference for business conditions.

It is understood that the third-party supplier Mentioned by Xiaopeng Automobile is an artificial intelligence company established in 2009, providing technical services such as face recognition and human nature detection.

In this year's CCTV "3.15" party, Yolook was exposed to collect face information in violation of regulations.

Xiaopeng Automobile was fined for collecting 430,000 face photos, and the supplier was exposed by the 315 party

Subsequently, Yoyo expressed its apologies and expressed its willingness to fully respect the security of users' personal information, accept the supervision of society and media, and the rectification opinions of law enforcement agencies.

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