
Why treat high blood pressure, the elderly use more diuretics, and the young people use sartan more?

A friend of Hanako' who has been feeling headaches lately, measured his blood pressure at home at 139/98mmHg and asked Hanako what to do? Huazi said that low pressure exceeding 90mmHg is hypertension, but low pressure is not more than 100mmHg, you can first try life intervention to reduce blood pressure. Try eating less salt on your diet, plus exercising more and maintaining a regular schedule.

Friends asked, if life intervention is ineffective, what antihypertensive drugs to take? There is hydrochlorothiazide eaten by the elderly at home, can he eat it? Huazi said that hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic, more suitable for senile hypertension patients, like him, young hypertension patients, sartan drugs are used more.

Why treat high blood pressure, the elderly use more diuretics, and the young people use sartan more?

First, the characteristics of blood pressure at different ages

Typical hypertension is elevated by high pressure and low pressure. But the blood pressure characteristics of the elderly are different from those of the young. Hypertension in older people usually presents with elevated hypertension, unchanged or slightly lower, while younger people usually present with elevated low pressure and normal hypertension.

Blood pressure is divided into systolic blood pressure (high pressure), which is the pressure produced by blood on the aorta when the heart contracts; diastolic pressure (low pressure), which is the force of the aortic retraction during the diastolic heart, pushing blood flow to the peripheral arterioles.

The degree of aortic hardening in the elderly is high, and the resistance when the heart pumps blood is large, so the high pressure is elevated. Aortic sclerosis, in turn, leads to insufficient elasticity of retraction, so the low pressure is unchanged or low. The aortic elasticity of young people is normal, but the resistance of peripheral arterioles is large, so the high pressure is normal, but the low pressure is elevated.

Why treat high blood pressure, the elderly use more diuretics, and the young people use sartan more?

Second, different types of blood pressure medications are different

Senile hypertension with elevated systolic blood pressure (hypertension) is mostly a salt-sensitive type with increased blood volume. Therefore, the use of diuretic drugs to promote the excretion of water and sodium, reduce blood volume, and reduce the effect on high pressure is obvious.

Hypertension is mainly elevated in young people with low pressure, renin levels are usually higher, and through the "renin-angiotensin-aldosterone" system (RAAS) leads to peripheral arteriole contraction, increasing resistance. Therefore, the use of sartan drugs blocks angiotensin 2 receptors, inhibits RAAS, and reduces low pressure.

Praine drugs can also inhibit RAAS, but are prone to cause adverse reactions of dry cough, so sartan drugs are more commonly used. If the resting heart rate exceeds 80, it means that the sympathetic tone is too high and the use of lore drugs is required to effectively lower blood pressure.

Why treat high blood pressure, the elderly use more diuretics, and the young people use sartan more?

Third, it is necessary to control blood pressure with combined medication

The use of diuretics alone in the elderly has a weak control effect on blood pressure, and the use of diuretics is also easy to increase the excretion of electrolytes in the body, resulting in adverse reactions of electrolyte disorders. Therefore, diuretics are not recommended to be used alone, and can be combined with long-acting flat drugs to exert a synergistic antihypertensive effect.

Diuretics can also be used in combination with pry or sartans, and "puly" and "sartan" can raise blood potassium and can fight diuretic hypokalemia. It is also possible to use a three-drug combination regimen of horizons, diuretics, and "puly" or "sartan".

Why treat high blood pressure, the elderly use more diuretics, and the young people use sartan more?

Young people have low levels of hypertension, and blood pressure can usually be controlled with a sartan or a lol drug. If the effect is not good, a combination with a flattening agent may be considered.

Lore drugs also have a certain inhibitory effect on RAAS, and there is a overlap with "puly" and "sartan" in the pharmacological mechanism, so the lore drugs can be combined with "puly" or "sartan", but it is not a highly recommended combination regimen.

It should be noted that the two drugs "puly" and "sartan" cannot be used together.

Why treat high blood pressure, the elderly use more diuretics, and the young people use sartan more?

To sum up, if you first find high blood pressure, if your blood pressure does not exceed 160/100 mmHg, you can first try to lower your blood pressure with life interventions. If antihypertensive drugs need to be used, it should be noted that the type of hypertension in the elderly is different from that in young people, and the medication is also different. It is necessary to choose the appropriate antihypertensive drugs under the guidance of a doctor. Have doubts about medication, to consult a doctor or pharmacist, I am a pharmacist Huazi, welcome to follow me, share more health knowledge.

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