
Geenee releases WebAR for 3D augmented reality try-ons and avatars

AR technology company Geenee announces the release of the WebAR Full Body Tracking SDK. The 3D Augmented Reality Try-On solution allows users to put on digital costumes or avatars that follow their movements in real time without the need to download the app's extra steps.

The SDK will be available to proxy partners and developers before the SDK is introduced to Geenee's drag-and-drop WebAR Builder as a code-free interface in early 2022 (anyone interested in Early Access can apply to Geenee's Partner Lab Program). Partners will receive 3 months of non-commercial use of the SDK to showcase various creative examples of the technology for Web 3.0 and metaverse applications.

Geenee releases WebAR for 3D augmented reality try-ons and avatars

Heather Lipner, head of product design at Geene, said: "We have reached an important milestone in the AR/VR industry, allowing people to quickly and easily wear 3D digital clothing without an application. This is the most influential fashion innovation since the buy button. In addition, the ability to be 3D incarnations in AR will change the way we think about ourselves and others, broadening our identities to make them more inclusive and diverse. ”

According to Geenee, many existing AR full-body tracking solutions are limited to app-based setups, while Geenee's 3D Full-BodyTracking SDK solution enables developers and creatives to leverage WebAR for virtual try-ons, avatar accessories, digital twins, interactive moments, games, and NFT wearables.

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