
Heart congestion! The little girl accidentally peed her pants, and was beaten by her mother, if she didn't love, why should she be born?

Many times, it is always taken for granted that the child is a piece of flesh that falls from the mother's body, and that the mothers of the world will love their children and tolerate their children.

But the truth, not quite the same, there are always some mothers who explode their emotions on their children without restraint, sometimes the child is wrong, if you do not love your child, why give birth to him?

Heart congestion! The little girl accidentally peed her pants, and was beaten by her mother, if she didn't love, why should she be born?

Recently, in Dalian, Liaoning Province, a little girl accidentally peed her pants while playing in the playground.

This is just a very common thing for small children, and parents will silently hold their children aside and change their children into a pair of pants. Or if you are worried about your child wetting your pants, you will wear diapers for your child before going out.

But if it were that simple, it wouldn't be on the hot search.

Heart congestion! The little girl accidentally peed her pants, and was beaten by her mother, if she didn't love, why should she be born?

After the child peed his pants, the child's mother began to scold the child loudly, and even she lifted the child up several times, and then slammed and kicked, saying bluntly: You pee your pants, why don't you let the car crash to death?

Heart congestion! The little girl accidentally peed her pants, and was beaten by her mother, if she didn't love, why should she be born?

Because there is no geothermal heat in the playground, the staff is afraid of the child's cold, and wanted to pick up the child, but did not want the child's mother to push him down.

This series of operations also frightened the other parents and quickly took their own children away.

Some people say that an unhappy childhood needs to be cured with a lifetime; and a happy childhood can be cured for a lifetime.

Xiaobian is also the mother of the child, I can understand that being a mother has a lot of difficulties, it is also very hard, but seeing this mother's violent and vicious behavior, it is really unacceptable.

The mother is the closest and most trusted person to the child, so when the mother hurts the child, its lethality is also the greatest.

No matter how old the child is, even if it is a baby waiting to be fed, as long as it is an individual, it should have the dignity he enjoys as a person, and each of us should respect it, and should not dominate the child with the emotions of parents.

Heart congestion! The little girl accidentally peed her pants, and was beaten by her mother, if she didn't love, why should she be born?

When you want to get angry, control the time for three seconds as much as possible, and think from the child's point of view, whether he is deliberate for a certain behavior, and if you are him, what will happen to you?

Every child comes to this world, it is not easy to process, he also needs to face a lot of challenges, need to give him time to grow, to learn. As a parent, all you can do is help him, give him time, give him inclusion, give him love.

For some parents, if you are not prepared to tolerate and love your children, do not bring them into this world, because you will only give them misfortune.

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