
Recognized as the "benchmark of the B-class car", 10 times more beautiful than the Camry, the strength is better than the Magotan, and the fuel consumption is 4L and cheaper

Guide: The recognized "B-class car benchmark", 10 times more beautiful than the Toyota Camry, the strength is better than Volkswagen Magotan, and the fuel consumption is 4L cheaper! For Mercedes-Benz large wheels + flowing water taillights, safer and more reliable than volkswagen Passat, the new model is listed in 2022, and the cumulative order has exceeded 60,000 units! Let's find out!

Recognized as the "benchmark of the B-class car", 10 times more beautiful than the Camry, the strength is better than the Magotan, and the fuel consumption is 4L and cheaper

The car we are talking about today is the Guangqi Honda Accord. According to the latest sales data analysis for November 2021 released by the Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Honda Accord's sales in November 2021 reached 22,114 units, compared with 22,869 units in November 2020, down 3.3% year-on-year, ranking 9th in the domestic car market.

Recognized as the "benchmark of the B-class car", 10 times more beautiful than the Camry, the strength is better than the Magotan, and the fuel consumption is 4L and cheaper

Honda Accord's cumulative sales from January to November 2021 reached 172539 units, down 10.8% year-on-year compared to 19*3356 units from January to November 2020, ranking 11th in the domestic car market. The most praiseworthy thing is that the 2022 new Honda Accord set a new record for sales, with cumulative orders exceeding 60,000 units.

Recognized as the "benchmark of the B-class car", 10 times more beautiful than the Camry, the strength is better than the Magotan, and the fuel consumption is 4L and cheaper

Among the more than 20,000 units sold by Honda Accord in November, the sales of the hybrid version were close to 6,000 units, once again refreshing the record of the highest sales of hybrid models per month. Ten generations of Accord has been listed for four years, with a cumulative total sales volume of more than 700,000 units, and the market performance is remarkable; mainly due to strong product strength and super high cost performance. As a Japanese joint venture "B-class car benchmark", the 2022 Honda Accord, replaced by mercedes-Benz with the same large wheel, as well as LED flowing water taillights, 10 times more beautiful than the Toyota Camry, the strength is better than Volkswagen Maiten, Passat, the key is that the fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is as low as 4L, which is very suitable for home transportation.

Recognized as the "benchmark of the B-class car", 10 times more beautiful than the Camry, the strength is better than the Magotan, and the fuel consumption is 4L and cheaper

Next door lao wang, there is a saying one! Honda Accord also has a best-selling "secret" is the terminal price thick, 2022 260TURBO CVT comfort version, equipped with 1.5T + CVT power system, the new car guidance price of 179,800, the reference minimum transaction price after the comprehensive discount is only 164,800, very cost-effective, but also Toyota Camry, Nissan Tianlai, Volkswagen Passat? What do you think? Welcome to reply to comments!

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