
Three Kingdoms: Xu Shu is not speechless, but a box of uncompromising words

The historical Xu Shu is not a deification of the evolution, but his experience is roughly the same. Removing the cloak of deification, what was Xu Shu's ability? Why did Zhuge Liang lament Xu Shu's life during the Northern Expedition become a mystery for eternity? And look at the interpretation of the knife master today.

Three Kingdoms: Xu Shu is not speechless, but a box of uncompromising words

Xu Shu, the word Yuanzhi. A native of Changshe County, Yingchuan County (present-day Changgedong, Xuchang, Henan). The year of birth and death is unknown, but there are stele in Pengcheng.

Xu Shu helped Liu Bei defeat Cao Ren and capture Fancheng. When Cao Cao found out, he sent someone to secretly arrest Xu Shu's mother and lure Xu Shu to Xu Du. Xu Shu recommended Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei. When Xu Mu heard that Xu Shu had been tricked into coming to Cao Cao, she committed suicide in anger. This is a wonderful narrative in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, through which Liu Bei's generosity and benevolence are expressed, Cao Cao's sinister cunning is expressed, and Xu Shu's loyalty and filial piety cannot be both, and Xu Shu's mother's integrity and fierceness in the face of great right and wrong. Through Mr. Shui Jing's many recommendations and Xu Shu's horse recommendation of Zhuge Ge, Zhuge Liang's talent and ability are also shown on the side.

But what about the true story?

Cao Cao captured Xu Mu only after defeating Liu Bei at Danyang when the army was moving south, and Xu Mu did not commit suicide. Liu Beisan Gu Maolu invited Zhuge Liang, and Xu Shu only left Liu Bei to join Cao Cao after Zhuge Liang came and experienced the defeat of Dangyang. This in and out has played a great role in shaping the character image of the author.

Three Kingdoms: Xu Shu is not speechless, but a box of uncompromising words

In addition, the name Shan Fu is actually a oolong.

In the "Wei Luo", it is said that "Shu Xian's name is Fu, this single family", this "single family" means that he was born in a humble background, not that Xu Shu was originally a child of a single family. Pei Songzhi's citation "Wei Luo" records such an anecdote: Xu Shu was a hero and a righteous warrior when he was young, and he made many friends. Once, he killed someone to avenge his friend, then smeared chalk (white mud) on his face, and prepared to escape with his hair on, but he was caught by the officials.

The government conducted a harsh interrogation of him, but Xu Shu was silent, and the government could not tie him to the pillar upstream in the street, hoping that the people would identify him. As a result, everyone did not dare to recognize him, and finally his companions recognized him and snatched him away in the downtown area. After Xu Shu was saved, he was greatly moved, so he abandoned Wu Congwen and finally turned to Liu Bei. In a few words, the image of a chivalrous man who was a friend enough to lecture jumped on the paper.

Three Kingdoms: Xu Shu is not speechless, but a box of uncompromising words

Pei Songzhi gave Xu Shu some annotations after reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which came from a book called Wei Luo, which has now been lost. Because shu han did not have a history book, Xu Shu was later on Cao Cao's side, so the Wei Luo recorded Xu Shu, which is still relatively reliable.

Pei Songzhi's supplement to Xu Shu probably has a few points, and I will not append the original text here. First, Xu Shu and Meng Gongwei, Shi Guangyuan, and Zhuge Liang traveled together to study, that is, Zhuge Siyou. These three people were very diligent in their studies and very profound in their knowledge, but Zhuge Liang only looked at the strategic aspect.

Zhuge Liang thought that they could only do the assassination history, the county guard, and what they could do as an official laughed but did not answer. Zhuge Liang believes that Xu, Meng, and Shi are in the same category, but there are even fewer records of Meng Gongwei and Shi Guangyuan in the history books, so it is impossible to support what kind of person Xu Shu was.

Three Kingdoms: Xu Shu is not speechless, but a box of uncompromising words

In the second year of Taihe (228), Zhuge Liang led an army in the Northern Expedition, and heard that Xu Shu and Shi Tao's official positions were not very high, so he sighed: "Is it that there are too many strategists in the State of Wei, so why not reuse Xu Shu and Shi Tao?" Zhuge Liang's exclamation is still puzzling, because in real history, the "script" is somewhat different.

So in real history, is Xu Shu's ability really that strong? When he got to Cao Cao's side, did he really not say a word?

Three Kingdoms: Xu Shu is not speechless, but a box of uncompromising words

In the fourth year of the Huang Dynasty (223), cao cao had just died three years later, cao pi succeeded to the throne, and Xu Shu was appointed as the right lieutenant general and yushi zhongcheng in the state of Wei. If you want to know if Xu Shu "doesn't say a word", then see what kind of official Yushi Zhongcheng is.

Three Kingdoms: Xu Shu is not speechless, but a box of uncompromising words

Similarly, this official was invented during the Qin Dynasty. In fact, the ruling system of the Qin Dynasty was basically used before the Sui Dynasty, although the official names changed from time to time, but the functions were roughly the same. During the han dynasty, the imperial history was abolished, and the imperial history was made the governor of the imperial history, and the later dynasties were followed. When cao Cao arrived, he changed yushi zhongcheng to gongzheng, taking the position of the hundred officials of the chaoyi. When Cao Pi became the lord of Wei, he overthrew the old father's set and called back to Yushi Zhongcheng.

Zhongcheng was the governor of The Taiwan and the prefecture, and Yushi actually did not need to explain too much, and the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu belonged to this person with the most words. It is pure fiction to say in the speech that Xu Shu "did not say a word" when he arrived at Cao Ying, and that by the time of the State of Wei, especially Cao Pi, he was a literal box of words.

Three Kingdoms: Xu Shu is not speechless, but a box of uncompromising words

Therefore, Xu Shu's experience is generally the same compared to the interpretation, but in terms of personal emotions and political orientation, there are still quite different. Looking at the interpretation through the correct history, I also hope that everyone can more objectively understand the truth of the event.

What Xu Shu looks like in your heart, I hope you can tell you in the comment area below!

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