
After symptoms of threatened miscarriage, can the fetus still be saved?

Pregnancy is not easy, and every expectant mother during pregnancy hopes to be able to give birth smoothly and safely. However, in reality, there are still some people who will have symptoms of threatened miscarriage.

The first trimester of pregnancy, the first trimester of pregnancy, is the most dangerous period of pregnancy and the highest rate of miscarriage. So what are the specific symptoms in early pregnancy that may be a sign of miscarriage? After these pre-omens of miscarriage, can the fetus still be saved?

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage and the choice of whether to keep the fetus

Threatened miscarriage is actually abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and other phenomena that occur less than 28 weeks during pregnancy. Early threatened miscarriages of less than 12 weeks and late threatened miscarriages of 12-28 weeks have the following common symptoms:

After symptoms of threatened miscarriage, can the fetus still be saved?

The illustration is original from the designer of Chiyu Senri A crotch

Pregnant women begin to feel pain after a few days or even hours after symptoms of vaginal bleeding. Some expectant mothers may have mild abdominal pain, which is usually paroxysmal abdominal pain; if there is severe lower abdominal pain or if this abdominal pain persists, it is time to start being vigilant. It may be an ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian cyst twisting or rupturing, so be sure to go to the hospital immediately.

Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding occurs during threatened miscarriage, which can be treated with fetal preservation if the amount of bleeding is low. However, once the amount of vaginal bleeding increases or has exceeded the normal menstrual amount, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately. Continuous heavy bleeding in the vagina will put the life of pregnant women in a dangerous situation, at this time not only can not save the fetus, but also may need to do abortion surgery, so as not to lose too much blood and put the pregnant woman in danger.

Vaginal fluid

This condition may simply be urine flowing out of the body, or it may be physiological, but it is likely to be amniotic fluid flowing out of the membrane prematurely. Once it is determined that the amniotic fluid is flowing out, it is necessary to determine the gestational age of the expectant mother at that time, observe for a period of time, and comprehensively judge whether it can continue to protect the fetus according to whether the water continues to flow and whether it is secondary infection.

Vaginal blood clots

When the threatened miscarriage, the vagina may drain blood lumps or some light gray tissue, at this time the pregnant woman can not be too sloppy, to pay attention to it, so as not to have more serious consequences, should go to the hospital in time to protect the pregnant woman herself and the baby.

Miscarriage is a relatively common accident during pregnancy, and many women in real life have experienced it. If the above symptoms occur, couples should be vigilant, especially in life to do a good job in all aspects of protective measures, do a good job of fetal protection. However, threatened miscarriage does not necessarily have to be fully protected, if there is a problem with the fetus itself, or if abdominal pain is not only found to be ectopic pregnancy and other situations lead to miscarriage, then you should give up on fetal protection. Regarding the question of whether to protect the fetus, I hope that the expectant mother can go to the hospital in time for examination and treatment, and follow the advice and guidance given by the doctor, so as to ensure the health of the expectant mother and the fetus.

So what should the expectant mother do after the symptoms of threatened miscarriage?

Obstetric examinations are important

When symptoms of threatened miscarriage appear, in addition to following the doctor's instructions to receive relevant examinations, expectant mothers should regularly go to the hospital for obstetric examinations. The obstetric examination work is done in a timely manner, and the problems in the development of the fetus and the abnormalities of the pregnant woman's body can be found in time, so that the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus can be guaranteed.

Adjust your schedule to ensure adequate sleep

In addition to the obstetric examination, it is also necessary to adjust the work and rest, the key is to ensure adequate sleep, and it is best to maintain sleep for about 8 hours a day. And pay attention to psychological conditioning, do not overly nervous and anxious. Usually, when there is nothing to do, you can go for a walk, which can improve the resistance of pregnant women themselves and ensure smooth delivery in the later stage.

Adjust your lifestyle habits

If symptoms of threatened miscarriage occur, avoid strenuous exercise and sex, even if it is only mild. It should be emphasized that the avoidance of exercise here is not to expect the mother to be bedridden all day long, eating, urinating and defecating and other physiological demand activities are carried out in bed, and normal life will not cause miscarriage. At this time, the diet of pregnant women should be light and clean, try to avoid or eat less spicy and irritating foods, and do not try foods that have not been eaten before during this period to avoid allergies, diarrhea and other situations. In addition to adjusting living habits, it is also necessary to carry out corresponding fetal protection treatment according to the cause of threatened miscarriage.

After symptoms of threatened miscarriage, can the fetus still be saved?

It is hoped that expectant mothers can pay attention to the unstable early stage of pregnancy, and in the first trimester, we must pay proper attention to personal living habits. Try to rest as much as possible, avoid overwork, and keep your nutrition balanced. Finally, you also need to maintain your emotional stability and welcome the arrival of a healthy baby happily. If there is a situation where a natural abortion really occurs, the expectant mother should actively adjust the body, adjust the mentality, and prepare for the next pregnancy.

End of full text

Contributed by: Luo Jiaying

Review: Ma Xiaohan

Typography: Wolfie


Public Health, local level

Health for all. 2020,(14)

Happy Family. 2020,(08)

This popular science content is the original of Intellectual Education Thousand Days, and it will not be reprinted. It is only for medical popularization, not as a clinical diagnosis and medical basis, please follow the doctor's advice for any medical behavior.

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