
Precautions for activities in the third trimester

Precautions for activities in the third trimester

Pregnant in October, the baby is about to be born, expectant mothers can not let down their vigilance, the more important the last moment of the mother-to-be more careful, in the daily life and preparation for delivery should pay more attention, especially in sports, so as not to "report" the baby in advance.

Walking and standing

When going downstairs, hold the handrail to prevent the body from leaning forward or falling.

Pulling on the handrail of the stairs when going upstairs can reduce the burden on the legs with the help of the strength of the arm.

When walking normally, you should look up, straighten your back and neck, tighten your hips, maintain your full body balance, and walk steadily.

When sitting, it is best to choose a seat with a straight back (do not sit on a low sofa), first keep your back straight, and use the strength of your leg muscles to support your body to sit down, so that your back and hips can comfortably lean on the back of the chair, and your feet are flat on the ground.

When standing up, first move the upper body forward to the front of the chair, then support the table with both hands, and use the leg muscles to support and lift the body, so that the back is always kept straight, so as not to tilt the body forward and pull the back muscles.

When standing, keep the heels and soles of both feet on the ground, so that the weight of the whole body is placed on both feet, the knees should be straight, tighten the abdominal wall inward and upward, and at the same time contract the hips, the arms are naturally drooped on both sides of the body, the head is naturally raised, and the eyes are level ahead.

Living attention

Do not bend down directly to pick up items from the ground to avoid injuries to the muscles and joints in the back due to excessive force. You should slowly crouch down, pick up your belongings, and then slowly stand up.

Precautions for activities in the third trimester

In the third trimester, pregnant mothers should not lie on their backs for a long time.

When you need to pick up a high-altitude item, don't tiptoe up, don't stretch your arms, so as not to accidentally fall, it's best to ask your loved ones at home for help.

Sleeping posture often affects the quality of sleep, after 28 weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers should avoid long-term supine, so as not to enlarge the uterus to compress the inferior vena cava, affecting the baby's development, generally on the left side of the bed. When you get up, if your original sleeping position is supine, you should first turn your body to one side, bend your legs at the same time, turn your shoulders and hips, and then slowly move to the edge of the bed, use your hands on the bed, slide your legs under the bed, sit on the edge of the bed, sit less for a while and then slowly get up.

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