
Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

In 206 BC, on the land of Guanzhong, a middle-aged man with a Chu yin made a deafening cry to the local people: "Father and elder have been bitter and harsh for a long time!" The slanderers, the whisperers abandon the city. I made a covenant with my father and the elder, the three chapters of the Fa: the murderer dies, the wounded and the thief atones for the crime, and Yu Xi removes the Qin Fa. ”

These few words are exactly to announce to the people of the world who have experienced the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty: the harsh law is no longer there, and there is no indiscriminate killing!

And this middle-aged man is Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao.

Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

When many people in later generations talk about Liu Bang, they think that Liu Bang was born in the city and did not read poetry. After coming to power, he despised The Confucian and was a typical rogue emperor. For example, in many historical documents, there are many interesting anecdotes about Liu Bang being snickered.

In fact, although Liu Bang did not read poetry and books, he had great righteousness in his heart. Chairman Mao once praised Liu Bang as "the most powerful feudal emperor."

I. Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation: benevolence and love

The "Chronicle of History" records Liu Bang in his youth: "Long zhuan and long yan, beautiful beard, benevolent and loving, happy to give, open-minded as well." "Xiang Yu, don't send it, Du Pei Gong Su is lenient and elderly."

From Sima Qian's pen, it is not difficult for us to see that Xiang Yu And bang, who is better, has long been seen and distinguished by the generals of the Southern Expedition and the Northern War at that time. They knew that tyranny was bound to lead to destruction, and only benevolence was the key to success, so they bet on Liu Bang, the "magnanimous elder".

Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

Historical evidence clearly states, "The king, the boat, the man, the water." The water carries the boat, and the water covers the boat. This phrase was first published in the "Xunzi Laigong" chapter, Liu Bang is familiar with Confucianism, well versed in this way, and finally in the time of breaking the barrier, it was welcomed by the common people.

"Benevolence and love for people" is Tai Shigong's evaluation of Liu Bang, and it is also one of the highest pursuits of Confucian culture, and in many Confucian works such as "Analects", "Mencius", "Book of Rites" and other Confucian works, "Benevolent Government" and "Benevolent and Loving People" are mentioned many times.

Sima Qian's use of "benevolence and love for others" to evaluate Liu Bang is not only the highest evaluation of Liu Bang, but also indicates that the Han Dynasty sowed the seeds of benevolence and human rights when it founded the country and inherited its family.

According to the "Records of History", Liu Bang relied on benevolence and righteousness to fight the world and won the hearts and minds of the army and the people. For example, when Liu Bang fought a decisive battle with the Qin army south of Lantian, he ordered his subordinates to "not plunder the brine (tong") when the prince of Qin came to surrender; when the prince of Qin came to surrender, Liu Bangli dismissed the crowd and said, "The king of The First Huai sent me, and I was able to tolerate it, and the people have surrendered, and killed them, unknown"; after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, he was able to be anxious about the people's anxieties, enjoy with the people, and finally "benefit with the world".

Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

Second, earnestly seek a way out for the people, and "do not want to spend the people"

Liu Bang was different from Xiang Yu, who "slaughtered and burned the Qin Palace in Xianyang and destroyed everything he passed", since he was well versed in the way of "Junzhou and People's Water", he naturally understood the truth that "those who win the hearts and minds of the people will win the world".

Liu Bang's appeasement of the people was not only the opposite of the tyrannical Qin Dynasty, but also very different from Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu fought all the way and destroyed all the way, although he relieved the people, he could not get the support of the people, and in the end he could only miss the world.

Liu Bang, on the other hand, was good at winning the hearts and minds of the people, and after Liu Bang attacked Xianyang, the common people flocked to him and welcomed him:

"The Qin people were overjoyed, and they competed for cattle and sheep wine and food to offer to the soldiers. Pei Gong also let it go, that is: there are many warehouses, not lacking, and do not want to bother people. ”

Just like the love of Liangshan and the hatred of the imperial court in "Water Margin", the contrast between Liu Bang and the Qin Dynasty is even stronger. At that time, the common people suffered from the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty, and suddenly there was a Liu Bang who "took the way of heaven" and insisted on not invading the people, which would naturally be supported by the people.

Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

The lives of ordinary people were worthless in the Qin Dynasty, and for ordinary people, they never knew which one would come first tomorrow or accident. At any time, they could die because an eight-rod can't hit a distant relative and violate the criminal law. ("History of Shang Martingale Liechuan Suoyin": One family is guilty and nine families are evenly lifted, if they are not corrected, then ten families sit together.) )

Liu Bang's "Three Chapters of the Law of Covenants" completely put an end to the "big problems in the hearts" of the common people.

Qin Law "One person commits a crime, the whole family and neighbors sit on it", the Han Law "Father and son brothers sin do not match each other"; Qin Law has "the punishment of the three ethnic groups", the Han Law "but the law has three chapters, the murderer dies, the injured and the thief make it atonement, and the Rest is not guilty." ”

Liu Bang is not verbally "for the Heavenly Path", but has been put into practice, and has really let the people see the benefits, from this point of view, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu who are more clever and superior.

Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

Third, "benefiting from the world" is the right way

After taking over the world, Liu Bang held a banquet in Luoyang, at which Gao Qi and Wang Ling commented on Liu Bang: "Your Majesty has made people attack the city and the pond, and those who have descended are given to it, and they are in the same interest as the world." ”

"Benefiting with the world" is not only Liu Bang's magic weapon to win the world, but also an indispensable element for successful people in ancient and modern China and abroad.

Many people feel sorry for Xiang Yu for killing himself in Wujiang, but they feel disdainful of Liu Bang's victory over the world, it seems that Liu Bang first entered Xianyang with the suspicion of trickery, but if we can further understand history, we will find that "those who seize the world, Liu Shiye" is not accidental, but historical inevitability.

When faced with the military soul of the rebel army, Emperor Yi of Huai, Liu Bang's attitude was bi gong and bi respectful, but Xiang Yu's attitude was dismissive, and even after Emperor Yi had no use value, he killed him in Jiangnan;

In the face of the surrendered Qin army, Liu Bang was magnanimous and benevolent, and properly safe and wise. However, Xiang Yu "cheated 200,000 Qin disciples" in the south of Xin'an City, killing prisoners since ancient times was ominous, Xiang Yu's move not only made the enemy dare not surrender again, this kind of behavior was no different from the Qin general Bai Qi Pit to kill the Zhao State troops;

In the face of the common people with the foundation of a country, Liu Bang was like a parent and Qiu did not commit any crime. Xiang Yu plundered wildly and did not take the common people seriously at all.

Just think, if Xiang Yu won the victory, wouldn't the people have to face another Qin Dynasty?

It is because the common people support Liu Bang and abandon Xiang Yu, which is the desire of the people, and Liu Bang advocates "benefiting the world" as the right way.

Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

Why did Liu Bang, who was well versed in "Confucianism", choose Taoism to rule the world?

As we all know, in the early years of the Han Dynasty, the Taoist ideology was adopted to govern the country, talking about the "yellow old way" and "rule by doing nothing", not working for the people, not disturbing the people, and letting the people rest and recuperate.

So why did Liu Bang, who was well versed in "Confucianism", choose Taoist thought to rule the world?

In fact, in the pre-Qin era, Confucianism was only one of the hundred families of the sons, and Confucianism belonged to an academic talent, and it had a distinct political tendency.

The Book of Han and Yiwen Zhi records that there are ten families of the sons, and only nine of them are considerable. All arise from the weak way of the king, the power of the princes, the lords of the time, and the likes and dislikes. It is the art of the nine schools of art that comes out and works together, each leading one end, and admiring its goodness, so as to chi and take the princes.

That is to say, in the early Han Dynasty, Confucianism was only a doctrine, and Confucianism was not the same as entering the world. If during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he did not "depose hundreds of families and respect Confucianism alone", but exclusively respected other academics, then it is possible that all the officialdom in the future would be "Taoism", "Ink Technique", and "Magic".

Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

Let's take a look at the Taoist thought of "not working for the people, not disturbing the people, and letting the people rest and recuperate", combined, is this not exactly in line with Liu Bang's proposition of "benefiting the world"?

"Lao Tzu" records: Small countries and widows, so that there are Shibo tools instead of use, so that the people die heavy and not far away. Although there are boats and public opinions, there is nothing to take advantage of; although there are armored soldiers, there is nothing to show; so that the people can re-knot the rope and use it. Eat willingly, serve beautifully, live in peace, enjoy their customs, neighboring countries look at each other, the voices of chickens and dogs hear each other, and the people do not interact with each other until they are old and dead.

In fact, it can be seen from here that Taoist thought is the best interpretation of civilian power. And this kind of thinking of small countries and widows is very similar to Liu Bang's attitude towards the common people, which is also the goal that Liu Bang has been striving for all along. Therefore, Liu Bang will choose to use Taoist ideas to rule the world.

Liu Bang despised The Confucians? From Liu Bang's personal Confucian cultivation, we can see his "common interests with the world"

"With the magi, with the people, with the fathers and fellow countrymen, with the world." Liu Bang has always been grateful to his hometown father and elder, this friendship not only did not disappear after he became emperor, but more intact, and from gratitude for his hometown to gratitude for the world and transformation, such a king, no wonder Chairman Mao praised him as "the most powerful feudal emperor".


Historiography of Takazu Honki

"Mao Zedong's Collection of Ancient Texts and Criticisms of Literature and History". Beijing:Central Literature Publishing House.1993:p.121. ISBN

"Xunzi Waigong"


Lao Tzu

"The Spirit of Tianhan"

Hanshu Yiwenzhi

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