
The second generation of the top officials in the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek was afraid of him for three points, and Song Meiling loved him when he was young

The decadent Qing Dynasty declined, opening up a new pattern of history. It was only the chaotic world that produced heroes, and many capable people and strangers also emerged in the late Qing Dynasty and early Min, and Tan Yanmin was one of them. Speaking of Tan Yanmin, he is also a person with status and status, born in the family of officials and eunuchs, he has received a good education since he was a child, he can write poetry at the age of 5, he also won the jinshi at the age of 30, entered the Hanlin Academy, served as the overseer of liangguang, served as the overseer of Hunan, and served as the chairman of the National Government in Nanjing. Moreover, Tan Yanmin refused to marry Soong Meiling because of a promise, and even Chiang Kai-shek had to give him three points when he saw him.

The second generation of the top officials in the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek was afraid of him for three points, and Song Meiling loved him when he was young

1. Tan Yanmin is a second-generation official

Tan Yanmin's grandfather was a guozi superintendent, and his father was admitted to the jinshi at the age of 30, and his official luck was very good. Because of the good family conditions, Tan Yanmin grew up with no worries about food and clothing, plus he himself was also smart and studious, and he had the reputation of a prodigy at a young age, and even the teachers of the Guangxu Emperor praised him as a rare wizard. After growing up, Tan Yanmin also lived up to expectations, achieved good results, and because he liked to make friends, he had many close friends in his life.

The second generation of the top officials in the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek was afraid of him for three points, and Song Meiling loved him when he was young

2. The person who knows the time is Junjie

Tan Yanmin is very smart and has a good vision when he is in the political arena. With the development of the times, Tan Yanmin knew that the future trend would change differently from the present, so he conformed to the development of the situation, actively devoted himself to the revolutionary cause, and became a figure at the level of an elder. After the Wuchang Uprising, he served as minister of civil affairs and was appointed governor of Hunan in 1912. Later, Tan Yanmin got to know Sun Yat-sen, and with the understanding of Sun Yat-sen, Tan Yanmin said that the revolutionary leader was none other than Sun Yat-sen, and he followed Sun Yat-sen all the way, which also made him go uphill from then on.

The second generation of the top officials in the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek was afraid of him for three points, and Song Meiling loved him when he was young

3. The deepest pain in life

Tan Yanmin can be said to be a successful person, but there is a pain in his heart, which is about his mother. Tan Yanmin's mother is not the main room, so she can only stand aside to add food to the whole family every time she eats. Later, after Tan Yanmin's mother died, when the coffin came out of the funeral, according to the family rules, he could not go out of the gate, but Tan Yanmin was unwilling, and he lay on his mother's coffin lid in one breath. When the tribesmen saw this, they had to give up and let the coffin come out of the gate. The mother's suffering caused Tan Yanmin a lot of harm, so that Tan Yanmin hated the feudal habits very much and swore not to take concubines.

The second generation of the top officials in the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek was afraid of him for three points, and Song Meiling loved him when he was young

4. Refuse to marry Song Meiling

Because Tan Yanmin had a relatively good relationship with Sun Yat-sen, he wanted Tan Yanmin to marry himself after Song Meiling returned from studying abroad. However, when Tan Yanmin's ex-wife died, he hoped that Tan Yanmin would not marry again in the future and take good care of their son and daughter, and Tan Yanmin also agreed. Therefore, Tan Yanmin refused on the grounds of agreeing to his deceased wife. So if Tan Yanmin had agreed to marry Soong Mei Ling at that time, perhaps there would have been nothing for Chiang Kai-shek.

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