
Counting the three major sinners in China's history, all of them have harmed the country and the people, making China set back a hundred years!

There are many traitors and villains in Chinese history, who betrayed the country and the nation for their own interests, which not only plunged the people into a deep and fiery situation, but also set back Chinese history by hundreds of years. If there were no traitors like Qin Ju to obstruct him, perhaps Yue Fei's Northern Expedition would have been successful, and the restoration of the Central Plains would not have been an unattainable dream! Of course, although Qin Juniper is hateful, the degree of his evil deeds is really not ranked in The history of China, and today we will talk about the three most harmful figures of the country and the people.

Counting the three major sinners in China's history, all of them have harmed the country and the people, making China set back a hundred years!

The first is An Lushan of the Tang Dynasty. During the most prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty during the Tang Dynasty, the ancients "flourished and declined", but no one expected that the decline of the Tang Dynasty would be so rapid, which was all related to An Lushan. An Lushan was a Hu person, the social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty was very open, the Hu people were able to serve as soldiers and officials in China, and An Lushan chose to join the army in order to make a living. Although An Lushan was fat, he was deeply favored by Tang Xuanzong, and he was also very good at patting his ass and recognizing Yang Guifei as his dry wife.

Counting the three major sinners in China's history, all of them have harmed the country and the people, making China set back a hundred years!

With such a relationship, An Lushan was appointed as the envoy of the three towns of Fanyang, Pinglu, and Hedong. In 755 AD, An Lushan launched a rebellion, known in history as the "Anshi Rebellion", which led to the rapid decline of the Tang Dynasty after the war, the instability of the frontier, and the loss of all the territory in the western region and other regions, which had a great negative impact on China.

Counting the three major sinners in China's history, all of them have harmed the country and the people, making China set back a hundred years!

The second is Hong Chengzu in the Ming and Qing dynasties. He was born in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and was a Han Chinese who was a righteous child of the Eight Classics, and gradually he took the imperial examination and became a jinshi, and the official to Shaanxi Province was envoys to participate in politics. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, peasant revolts in Shaanxi were frequent, and he was promoted many times for his suppression. The Chongzhen Emperor transferred him to Shanhaiguan as the governor of Jiliao to guard against the Attack of the Manchu Qing. Unexpectedly, Hong Chengyu surrendered to the Manchu Qing, and he came up with many ideas for the Qing Dynasty, without which the Qing Dynasty could not have seized the world in a short period of time. However, surrender is not a glorious thing after all, his mother was also very angry after hearing that Hong Chengyu surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and after seeing him, the old lady actually took up a crutch and beat him, scolding: "You disloyal and filial beast, killing you is also for the people of the world!" Interestingly, the Qing Dynasty did not recognize him, and the Kangxi Emperor included Hong Chengyu in the Biography of the Second Minister.

Counting the three major sinners in China's history, all of them have harmed the country and the people, making China set back a hundred years!

The last one was Wang Jingwei, a traitor during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Wang Jingwei threw himself into the revolution in his early years and even personally participated in assassination operations. In 1910, he participated in the assassination of Zaifeng, the father of the regent of the Qing Dynasty and the last emperor Puyi, and after his failure, he wrote the poem "Lead the knife into a fast, live up to the head of the youth", which became an idol in the minds of hundreds of millions of Chinese. But no one expected this young hero to become a traitor, establish a puppet government in Nanjing, and hype the so-called "curve to save the country." At that time, many Chinese felt that such a figure as Wang Jingwei had surrendered to the Japanese, so it must be right, more people had committed traitors, the Wang puppet government had hundreds of thousands of puppet troops, and the traitorous lackeys could not be calculated. Therefore, Wang Jingwei's crime is unforgivable, if he had died in the prison where he assassinated the Qing Dynasty, he would have been regarded as a great hero!

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