
Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

The Xinhai Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen was a magnificent living drama in Chinese history, and Guangxi was an important stage for this live drama. In order to overthrow the autocratic and decadent Qing Dynasty, Sun Yat-sen and his comrades-in-arms organized ten armed uprisings, including four large-scale armed uprisings in and around Guangxi.

After the establishment of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen set up the base camp of the Northern Expeditionary Army in Wangcheng under the Duxiu Peak in Guilin, where he reorganized the army and met with Ma Lin, a representative of the Comintern, and laid the foundation

"Russia as a teacher"

The basis of thought.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Sculpture of the Xinhai Revolution

During this period, Sun Yat-sen continued to tour Guangxi, drawing a grand blueprint for Guangxi's economic construction and transportation development. Along the way, he kept giving speeches, propagating the principles of the revolution, inspiring the people to overthrow the warlords and unite and struggle for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

A hundred years have passed, and between the mountains and rivers of Guangxi, there are still the footprints of the great pioneer of the democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen, who once struggled, and his grand voice echoes everywhere.

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, China's state was weakened, social turmoil was unstable, and the national crisis deepened, resulting in popular resentment everywhere.

On the other hand, Japan, China's eastern neighbor, has been increasingly powerful since the Meiji Restoration.

For a time, going to Japan to explore the way of rich countries and strong soldiers, not only to escape the pursuit of the Qing government, but also to continue the political struggle, became the yearning of China's hot-blooded revolutionaries at that time, including Sun Yat-sen.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Sun Yat-sen in his early years

During that time, Japan became the country with the largest number of Chinese students studying abroad, and representatives of the reformists and revolutionaries also carried out activities in Japan. Here, the revolutionary forces leading sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the democratic revolution, gradually grew, from small to large, from weak to strong, and from overseas to domestic.

In April 1902, Zhang Taiyan, Ma Junwu and others agreed to hold the "242nd Anniversary Of the Fall of China" in Tokyo on the day of the Chongzhen Emperor's hanging in the Ming Dynasty, so as to commemorate the anti-Qing struggle at the end of the Ming Dynasty and encourage the fighting spirit of the anti-Qing revolution.

Zhang Taiyan was responsible for drafting the manifesto, which was published in the China Daily, the organ newspaper of the Xingzhong Association, the first revolutionary group in modern China, and this manifesto was like a heavy artillery shell, allowing Sun Yat-sen to see its power. At the time of the subjugation of the country and the extinction of the species, this is also the most acceptable slogan and the most direct means for people.

In December of that year, on the eve of leaving Japan for Hanoi, Vietnam, Sun Yat-sen secretly summoned Ma Junwu and others for consultation, asking them to take advantage of the opportunity of the group worship during the New Year's Day to actively speak the truth of the anti-Qing revolution.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Ma Junwu

Ma Junwu spent his life following Sun Yat-sen in the revolutionary struggle, always supporting Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary truth, he was both a revolutionary and an educator, and Sun Yat-sen once had a high evaluation of him.

On January 29, 1903, the first day of the first lunar month, thousands of Chinese students gathered at the Chinese Students Association in Tokyo to hold a New Year's group service. Subsequently, Ma Junwu stepped up to the podium and pointed at Cai Jun, the minister of the Qing court, and angrily shouted:

"The despotic, brutal, and traitorous Qing Dynasty was so decayed that it had long since lost its conscience, and if it was not overthrown, it would be intolerable."

This speech shook the people of the country, in the face of the power of the Qing court, Ma Junwu publicly called on everyone to actively participate in the anti-Qing revolution, but also expressed the voice of Sun Yat-sen. Since then, history has remembered this moment, remembered Ma Junwu, a student studying in Guangxi,

"Overthrowing the Qing Dynasty with Revolution"

It has become the hot topic that Chinese students talk about the most publicly.

At the same time, the "Su Bao" devoted a large amount of space to the extraordinarily large news of this public speech "Anti-Qing Revolution" and issued applause from all over the country.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement

At this time, Sun Yat-sen, who was active in the Vietnamese area, received the news and said excitedly:

"(Ma) Junwu really lived up to high expectations."

In China's modern history, the two Guangdong (Guangdong, Guangxi) have joined forces to set off big waves again and again. When the vigorous Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement broke out, Hong Xiuquan came to Guangxi from Guangdong and joined forces with Yang Xiuqing, Feng Yunshan, Xiao Chaogui and others to launch a peasant uprising in Guiping Jintian, Guangxi.

Kang Youwei came to Guilin many times to organize the Sacred Society, founded the Guangren Newspaper, held lectures, publicized the idea of changing the law, and greatly created public opinion on the restoration of the new, and also received the support of Cen Chunyan and Tang Jingsong.

When he was a child, Sun Yat-sen often listened to the veteran soldiers who participated in the Taiping Rebellion tell the battle stories of that year at his doorstep, and it can be said that

The origin of Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary thought originated precisely from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolutionary Movement.

Hong Xiuquan's feat of launching the Taiping Rebellion in Guangxi planted a revolutionary seed in Sun Yat-sen's young heart. When he grew up, he regarded himself as "Hong Xiuquan second", determined to overthrow the rule of the Qing Dynasty and establish a free and equal China with rich people and strong country.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Hong Xiu panorama

The Sino-French War that broke out in 1885 also had a great impact on Sun Yat-sen, who was only 19 years old at the time and praised the heroic deeds of the soldiers and civilians in Guangxi against the French colonizers, saying:

"After the Sino-French War, Yu began to make a revolution, and in the year of the defeat of China and France, he decided to overthrow the Qing court and create the Republic of China."

When Sun Yat-sen went to Hanoi from Japan, he became acquainted with seven Guangxi nationals, including Huang Longsheng, a patriotic overseas Chinese in Hanoi, and established the Hanoi Branch of the Xingzhong Association to prepare for an uprising in Guangxi.

According to historical records, according to statistics, in 1887, the population of Guangxi Province was 7.5 million, but the cultivated land area was only 8.96 million mu, while local bureaucrats and landlords wantonly annexed land and occupied most of the people's land.

In addition, Guangxi's local finances have always been unable to make ends meet, and the Gengzi indemnity in 1900 was even worse, and 300,000 taels of silver were apportioned to the people of Guangxi. Even Huang Huaisen, the inspector of Guangxi at that time, could not look at it anymore and said angrily:

"The people of Guangxi are poor and barren, the excavations are empty, and the people's strength cannot be supported."

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Sun Yat-sen

The people of Guangxi lost their land and suffered years of famine, and they starved and starved, and coupled with the harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes distributed by the imperial court, they were forced to have no choice but to join the ranks of the rebellion and uprising.

Most of the peasant uprisings in Guangxi were led by the Hui Party, which at that time mainly included the Heaven and Earth Society, the Three Points Society, and the Triad Association. The so-called three-point meeting is derived from the three points of water of the three words "Yu Manchuqing". The surging uprising of the Hui Party in Guangxi was officially kicked off by Li Liting, the leader of the Three Points Society.

A native of Luchuan County, Guangxi Province, Li Liting is known for his friends, flamboyant personality, love of martial arts, and playing with boxing sticks. In the 24th year of Guangxu (that is, on May 4, 1898), Li Liting gathered more than 2,000 members of the Hui Party to launch a rebellion, captured the county seat of Luchuan County, and captured Luchuan Zhi County alive.

As soon as this incident came out, the party forces in Beiliu, Xingye, Rongxian and other places responded one after another, and they respectively captured the counties of Beiliu, Xingye, and Rongxian.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Suddenly, the prestige of the hui party was greatly enhanced, and Li Liting took advantage of the situation to gather tens of thousands of people and horses, known to the outside world as "100,000 troops", and marched to Yuzhou and spread to Xunzhou and Wuzhou.

In 1904, the Hui Dang and You Yong uprisings in Guangxi were on the rise, and their power gradually spread throughout the province, even expanding to the border of Hunan and Guizhou. They successively controlled Qingyuan, Nanning, Wuzhou, Si'en, Liuzhou and other vast areas, forming two centers of Nanning and Liuzhou.

From 1902 to 1905, the Guangxi Hui Party uprising was staged one after the other, and the banners of "anti-Qing and restoration", "robbing the rich and helping the poor", and "officials forcing the people to rebel" could be seen everywhere, and the shouts of "killing corrupt officials" and "killing the emperor" also spread in all directions.

Soon after, the Huidang uprising was brutally suppressed by the Qing government, and the rebel army was finally outnumbered, and was successively broken by the Qing army, and the rest retreated to the border between Guizhou and Yunnan, continuing to hold high the banner of anti-Qing.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing

The uprising of the Hui Party in Guangxi shocked the government and the opposition,

Sun Yat-sen was greatly encouraged and inspired, and he saw the potential power of the revolution and the hope of success in the great cause of the revolution, and said:

"From recent experience, it is clear that the Qing army is inferior to us on any battlefield, and the current uprising of the patriots in Guangxi is a clear example. Since they have surprising combat effectiveness, if they are given enough supplies, who can say that they cannot eliminate the Qing Dynasty's forces from China! ”

On June 30, 1905, the revolutionary groups Xingzhong Association, Huaxing Association, Guangfu Association, etc. jointly initiated the preparatory meeting of the Chinese League Association in Tokyo, Japan, and more than 70 representatives of seventeen provinces across the country participated. Seven people, including Guangxi students Ma Junwu and Deng Jiayan, attended the meeting and became members of the first batch of leagues.

At the meeting, huang Xing, Ma Junwu, Chen Tianhua and others were elected to be responsible for drafting the charter of the league.

On August 20 of that year, the League was officially established in Tokyo, Japan, and in addition to the 7 people from Guangxi who participated in the preparatory meeting, Zeng Yan and Ou Huang were added to attend the meeting.

The congress adopted the statutes of the League and elected Sun Yat-sen as prime minister.

Three departments were set up, namely the Ministry of Enforcement, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Deliberation, and Ma Junwu and Deng Jiayan were elected as the secretary general of the executive department and the minister of justice, respectively.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Member of the League

By 1905, 31 Guangxi students had joined the League, and a group of Guangxi revolutionary volunteers, represented by Ma Junwu, had made important contributions in the process of organizing the National Revolutionary Party League.

In January 1906, Huang Xing, the leader of the League, infiltrated Guangxi from Hong Kong, secretly developed a group of members among the people and the Qing army, and established the first League organization in Guangxi.

In December of that year, the Guangxi Branch of the League was established in Tokyo, Japan, with Liu Kun as the president and the main ally, and the branch absorbed 44 Guangxi students and overseas Chinese into the League in Japan, and the next year it grew to 120 people.

Soon after, the Hong Kong branch of the League set up a communication and liaison office in the Civilization Bookstore outside the Great South Gate of Wuzhou and the Dajin Jiang Guangxiang in Hezhou, and sent Liu Guxiang and Zhang Tiechen to Liuzhou to open the Fuguisheng Inn and the Yile Ye Club in Bow and Arrow Street, which also became the meeting place of the secret activities of the League.

Why did Sun Yat-sen carry out the anti-Qing revolution? The success of the peasant uprising gave him hope for revolution

Peasant rebel army

On March 4, 1907, Sun Yat-sen led hu Hanmin, the backbone of the League, to Vietnam from Japan, and then summoned Huang Xing to set up a leading organ for the uprising in the three provinces of Guangdong, Guizhou, and Yunnan at No. 61 Kambida Avenue in Hanoi.

Prepare to launch an armed uprising on the border of Guangxi.

Sun Yat-sen chose Guangxi as the site of an armed uprising, and also actively developed local Leaders of the Guangxi Hui, such as Wang Heshun and Huang Mingtang, to join the League and entrust them with heavy responsibilities.

At this point, all kinds of heroes will meet, the mountains and rains are coming, and a fierce fire of anti-Qing revolution is about to be ignited.

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