
Wild giant pandas are photographed four times a year in Deyang, Sichuan Province, and the one who "rubbed his ass" may have been photographed with his mother

author:Cover News

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Cover reporter Wang Xianglong

On December 2, the cover news reporter learned from the Deyang Park of the Giant Panda National Park that when the rangers were sorting out the infrared camera data, they found a sub-adult giant panda doing perianal gland markers on the tree. This is the first time since the pilot of the Deyang Giant Panda National Park system that giant pandas have been photographed for marking.

According to reports, the wild giant panda that "rubbed the fart" on the tree this time may be the "son" of the wild giant panda in the same frame as the mother and child photographed in Deyang Park before.

Since the pilot of the system, in order to strengthen the monitoring of giant pandas and their species in the same domain, the Deyang Park of the Giant Panda National Park (hereinafter referred to as the "Deyang Park") has installed 233 infrared cameras, and a group of giant pandas in the Deyang Park have punched in Deyang every year.

Wild giant pandas are photographed four times a year in Deyang, Sichuan Province, and the one who "rubbed his ass" may have been photographed with his mother

In 2019, the first giant panda seems to be ashamed to see people and only captures his back; in 2020, the giant panda comes from the bamboo forest with its head held high; in 2021, the panda mother takes the child to punch the clock together, but the little baby is a bit naughty and does not cooperate with the photo. In November 2021, the staff sorted out the infrared camera data and found that the giant panda came to Deyang again to punch the clock. In the image, the giant panda is using the perianal glands to make odor markers, indicating that this field is its own.

According to the staff, animals generally use urine, or a mixture of urine and perianal gland secretions, on trees, on the ground or where they pass, to attract the opposite sex to reproduce the next generation during the breeding season, and to indicate the identity of the owner with odor markers during the non-breeding season, and other animals will leave the area when they smell the odor.

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