
Sichuan: Wild giant pandas forage in corn fields Experts have initially judged that the age of 18 has entered old age

author:Lightning News

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Qilu Network And Lightning News, September 6, 2019 On September 4, a wild giant panda came from Yuping Village, Lewu Township, Ebian Yi Autonomous County, Leshan City, Sichuan Province. When the villagers found out, the giant panda was moving slowly, eating corn stalks in the farmer's cornfield.

Sichuan: Wild giant pandas forage in corn fields Experts have initially judged that the age of 18 has entered old age

A propaganda worker in Ebian Yi Autonomous County told lightning news reporters that Ebian is a growth belt for wild pandas, and pandas usually live in the mountains and occasionally go down the mountain to find food in the crops of farmers. After the discovery of wild giant pandas, local relevant department personnel rushed to the scene, they carefully observed the status of the pandas, and contacted giant panda experts in Chengdu.

On September 5, experts from Chengdu conducted a physical examination of the giant panda, and the preliminary judgment was that the age of the giant panda was estimated to be about 18 years old, and it had entered the stage of old age. Due to the limited conditions at the site, the giant pandas were sent to a professional rescue center for further examination and monitoring.

Lightning News reporter Dong Di reports

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