
Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

author:Lao Luo talks about history

The Republic of China period was a special period in China, just like the Three Kingdoms period in ancient times, when various warlords fought each other, and many heroes also emerged.

During the Republic of China period, the old and new ideas alternated, and the two collided with the spark of love, which made people addicted, and many stories of talented people who were talked about, such as Xu Zhimo and Lin Huiyin. Lu Xun was a great literary hero during the Republic of China period, leaving many popular literary works, but Lu Xun's mother thought that her son's works were not well written enough, preferring to read a novel called Zhang Hexhui, Lu Xun often rushed to the queue to buy his novels for his mother.

Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

The name Zhang Hexhui may not have been heard of, but everyone may have seen the TV series adapted from the novels he wrote, such as "The Golden Powder Family", "Paper Drunken Gold Fan", "Laughing Karma" and other TV series. The reason why others are not popular and the script is popular may be related to his personality and the environment in which he grew up.

Zhang Hexhui wrote more than 120 novellas and novels in his lifetime, wrote more than 30 million words, and was a prolific writer. In that difficult era, he used a pen to support the whole family, married three wives, can be said to be a winner in life, but he also has regrets, his works have not been orthodox confirmation, can not be elegant, he did not argue, choose to be silent, continue to create, according to his words: "Writing is only a way to make a living, no different from the stall."

Although he makes a living by writing, he has his own principles and bottom lines.

Zhang Hate Water's original name was Zhang Xinyuan, and the name Hate Water was taken from the Southern Tang Dynasty Lord Li Yu's "Meet and Greet": "Rouge tears, leaving people drunk, when is it heavy?" Since people grow up to hate water and grow east. ”

He was born in Guangxin, Jiangxi in 1895, but his ancestral home is Qianshan County, Anqing, Anhui. He was born in a martial arts family, his grandfather Zhang Kaijia and father Zhang Yu were both martial arts practitioners, his grandfather was a staff general of Zeng Guofan, and his father was also a small tax official of the Qing Dynasty.

When Zhang Hexhui was born, his grandfather and father had high hopes for him, hoping that he would honor his ancestors. He did not inherit his father's martial arts talent, but had a special love for novels, and his father criticized him many times, hoping that he would not read those "idle books" and should go to the examination, but he did not think so.

Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

He was very intelligent since childhood, had the ability to never forget, and was called a "prodigy". When he was in elementary school, he once went to school with a classmate named Qiu Feng, Qingmei Zhuma, two little guesses, hand in hand, Qiu Feng's mother thought that they would have lovers and eventually become dependents, did not expect that 6 years later, Qiu Feng had married a woman, which made Zhang Hate Shui feel very sad. This emotional experience injected an emotional soul into his later novels.

In 1905, Zhang Hexhui went to Jiangxi with his grandfather Zhang Kaijia, and by chance, he saw a novel of "Cruel Tang Dynasty" on the ship, and after reading it, he fell into the "strange circle" of the novel. Since then, he has become out of control, a little spare time to read novels, the pocket money given to him by the family is used to buy books to read, what "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Water Margin" and other four famous works he has read again, some of the plots can be memorized word for word.

Looking at the novels written by others, writing them so well, Zhang Hexhui also tried to write novels by himself and experience the feeling of being read. However, at this time, his father Zhang Yu died of illness, and the family fell in the middle of the road, as the eldest son in the family, he naturally had to take up the burden of the family.

His mother returned to his hometown of Qianshan, Anhui with his brothers and sisters, and Zhang Hexhui, who was at home, was snubbed and ridiculed by the people in the village, and he simply closed his door and studied novels with all his heart.

His mother watched him not do his "right job", and the matchmaker introduced him to a family affair so that his heart could settle down. How could his heart be settled?

The mother knows that her son is arrogant and arrogant, the average woman can't look at it, and the son is fascinated by reading novels, and yearns for the emotional return of the talented and beautiful people in the book. One day, his mother dragged Zhang Hexhui with the matchmaker to visit the girl in the same hometown Xu Arch Building, and from a distance she saw that Xu girl looked beautiful as a flower, dignified and beautiful, and he looked at the beautiful girl and was moved, and he reluctantly agreed to this.

Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

However, on the night of the flower candle in the cave room, the groom Zhang Hateshui could not be happy and fled to the mountain in one breath. It turned out that his mother had set up a bureau with the matchmaker, replacing the bride's bag with the ugly Xu family lady Xu Wenshu, who he saw that day was Xu Wenshu's sister.

When Zhang Hateshui couldn't wait to open the bride's cover, the scene in front of him disappointed him, he saw a short, ugly, and numb Xu Wenshu, after seeing it, he felt cheated and escaped. After searching around by his family and finding him on a hillside a few kilometers away, his mother persuaded him bitterly, and he finally compromised and admitted the marriage.

Due to the arranged marriage of the parents and the lack of emotional basis, the marriage between Zhang Hexhui and Xu Wenshu is nominal. After marriage, he fled the house on the pretext of going out to study. In 1912, he was admitted to the Suzhou Mongolian-Tibetan Reclamation School, but it was not long before the school was forced to disband, the students sought their own future, and Zhang Hexhui returned to his hometown again.

At this time, it is most suitable for Zhang Hexhui, and he cannot do farm work to support his family. He felt that he could support himself by writing, so he turned to his uncle Zhang Xicao, who ran a newspaper in Hankou, and just lacked a writer, and his arrival made the newspaper sell well and began his media career.

In 1918, Zhang Hexhui went to Wuhu, Anhui Province, as editor-in-chief and literary supplement. In the same year, he created the novella "Purple Jade into Smoke", which is also Zhang Hexhui's real debut work.

Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

Zhang Hateshui, who is famous in the place, is not satisfied with this and wants to go to a big place to see. In 1920, he began to drift north, came to Beijing, and served as a reporter in Beijing for Tianjin Yishi Bao, Wuhu Industry and Commerce Daily, and also served as a writer for many newspapers and periodicals, and he was an energetic creator.

After several years of hard work, Zhang Hexhui finally gained a firm foothold in Beijing. But he left his hometown to come to Beiping, leaving his original match in his hometown, alone in a foreign country, and sometimes feeling extremely lonely late into the night.

So he went to the poor people's art center in Beijing and took a fancy to a woman named Zhao Di. She was a native of Sichuan, who was sold to the Yang family as a maid from childhood, and was a bitter person, and later followed the Yang family to Beiping, where she suffered and insulted. As she grew older, she wanted to escape from the Yang family, and after escaping from the Yang family, she came to this poor people's art center, so that she could have a place to live and learn a skill.

The 16-year-old Hu Zhaodi looked very tall, Zhang Hated Shui was loved by pity, and soon after, the two walked together. After marriage, he changed his wife's name to Hu Qiuxia, which was taken from the artistic conception of "Falling Xia and Lone Bird Flying Together, Autumn Water Is Long and Colorful" in the "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion".

After marriage, the two lived a happy life, and in their spare time, Zhang Hexhui taught her to read and write, and she was responsible for his life.

Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

Under the care of Hu Qiuxia, Zhang Hexhui's diet and living have greatly improved, and he has also ushered in the peak moment of his literary creation. He created masterpieces such as "The History of Chunming", "The Family of Gold Powder", and "The Cause of Laughter", which made him a famous literary celebrity in Kyoto and gained a large number of fans.

At the same time, he also made a lot of money, and used the manuscript fee to buy a set of courtyards in Beijing, and took his mother in the countryside and the original Xu Wenshu's whole family to live in Beijing. A large family is all dependent on Zhang Hate Water, he is under great pressure, going to the newspaper office to work during the day, serializing novels at night, living a very busy day, spending less and less time alone with Qiu Xia, the feelings of the two are becoming more and more strange, coupled with the arrival of Xu Wenshu, which makes her angry. However, after the persuasion of her husband Zhang Hexhui, Hu Qiuxia could not say anything more, and could only endure in silence and get along with Xu Wenshu "peacefully".

Zhang Hexhui and Hu Qiuxia have been together for a long time, and some problems have gradually emerged, and the difference in their knowledge is too far away, and there is no common language. And Zhang Hateshui longs for a person who "understands him" until the appearance of his third wife.

Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

In 1931, at the age of 36, Zhang Hexhui met Zhou Shuyun, who was still studying at Chunming Girls' High School, at a disaster relief charity performance in Beiping, when he was only 16 years old. Zhou Shuyun, who had beautiful movements and stunning singing voice on the stage, suddenly attracted Zhang Hateshui under the stage and launched a fierce pursuit of her.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Shuyun was still a fan of his novels, and the two had common hobbies and loved to watch Peking Opera. The more the two talked, the more speculative they became, and after confessing, Zhang Hexhui confessed to her that he had two wives and could not divorce them, because they had no culture and could not live without him.

After the confession, Zhou Shuyun did not mind that he had a history of marriage, but felt that this man had a responsibility, even if he did not love her, he could not bear to abandon, much stronger than those scumbags.

Zhou Shuyun was attracted by his talent and married Zhang Hexhui, who was 20 years older than her, despite her parents' objections. However, his second wife was not happy, and in the face of her husband's insistence on remarrying, Hu Qiuxia tore up the previous photos of the two in one breath, threatened to divorce, and even ran to the Zhou family to make a big fuss. But in the end, under the persuasion of her family, Hu Qiuxia still chose to compromise for her three young sons, and since then she has often borrowed wine to pour sorrow. Later, Hu Qiuxia still left the Zhang family with her child, and Zhang Hexhui sent living expenses and child support on time every month.

After Zhang Hexhui married Zhou Shuyun, he changed his name to Zhou Nan. Zhang Hateshui finally found Zhiyin and lived a happy life of Qinse and Ming, and soon after, the two welcomed their first child, Zhang Ershui.

At this time, the Chinese people were already in the depths of the waters, the war was about to break out, the national disaster was in the head, Zhang hated the hydrological style, described the heroic stories on the anti-Japanese battlefield, and wrote novels such as "Taiping Flower" and "Long Live the Tiger" to publicize the anti-Japanese resistance, which boosted the morale of the Chinese.

In 1937, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the happy life of Zhang Hexhui and his wife Zhou Nan came to an abrupt end. In order to escape the war, their whole family moved to their hometown in Anhui. Zhang Hexhui went to Chongqing alone to run a newspaper, and Zhou Nansifu was eager to take his sons to Chongqing at the risk of risking their lives to meet her husband. Although the conditions were difficult at that time, the family cherished this hard-won reunion together. During this period, many works were also created.

In 1949, it was difficult to usher in new China, but Zhang Hexhui suddenly fell ill with cerebral hemorrhage, but fortunately, under the careful care of his three wives, Zhang Hexhui's illness gradually healed.

Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

In 1958, the original Xu Wenshu died of illness, and in 1959, his beloved wife Zhou Nan died of breast cancer, and he was only 44 years old.

In 1969, Zhang Hexhui died of illness at the age of 72.

Looking at his three marriages, Zhang Hateshui has responsibility, even if he does not love, he must have a beginning and an end, and never give up. In his lifetime, he created more than 120 novels, some of which were put on the screen and made into TV dramas, and were well-deservedly called "the first writer of the Republic of China".

His novels reveal the darkness of feudal society and the ugly phenomena of bureaucracy, and also show people the love and hatred of the world. His themes are rich and diverse, including romance, martial arts, military warfare, etc., have their own principles, and truly rely on writing to feed the whole family, not to be an official, not to join any party, and to be a pure creator.

Zhang Hexhui, a talented son of the Republic of China: He married a 16-year-old wife at the age of 36 and raised 13 children by buying a house in Beijing at the cost of writing

He raised 13 children through writing, and concluded by quoting what his children had to say about him.

"As children, we are not willing to use the worldly ruler to measure which wife the father loves more, we can only say that the father's humanity is full, benevolent, full of warmth and kindness." 」

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