
Long knowledge 丨 Notes of the disciples of Confucius

Long knowledge 丨 Notes of the disciples of Confucius

Confucius initiated private learning, there is no class, and among the three thousand disciples, "there are seven out of seventy who have received karmic knowledge." Their learning methods, such as "learning and learning from time to time", "learning from the past and knowing the new", "sensitive and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask", etc., are all remarkable. But "good memorability is not as good as bad writing", and Confucius disciples also have the habit of taking notes. This is not only enlightening for the way of learning, but also a great contribution to the inheritance of culture.

The Book of Han and Yiwen Zhi contains, "The King of the Ancients, the Historian of the World", "The Left Chronicle of History, the Right Chronicle of History". Although Confucius was the "Su King", he seemed to enjoy this treatment. According to the "Interpretation of the Seventy-Two Disciples of Confucius", "Shu Zhonghui, Lu Ren, Zi Zi Period, less Confucius fifty years old, compared with Kong Junnian." The deacon of each widow takes notes to the master, and the two serve each other. "Confucius was knowledgeable in literature and spoke like crumbs, so it can be seen that there were disciples at that time who were specifically responsible for recording his words and deeds.

In addition to recording Confucius's words and deeds, it is more that "the disciples each remember what they ask." In the Analects of Wei Linggong, it is said: "Zi Zhang asks for action. The Son: 'Faithful in word and faithful in deeds, though barbaric in the land, do good.' Unfaithful in words, disrespectful in deeds, though in the state, what do you do? Standing sees its participation in the front, and in public opinion it sees that it depends on the balance, and then the husband then acts. 'Sons of Zhang Shu gentlemen. Zi Zhang asked Confucius for advice on the method of accessibility, and after receiving a reply, Zi Zhang wrote down the master's teachings on the large belt around his waist.

The "Confucius Family Language: Entering the Official" records that Zi Zhang asked Confucius for advice on the way of being an official, and Confucius gave a detailed answer to how to "settle down and gain fame", "Zi Zhang heard Confucius's words, so he withdrew and remembered it." In the "Confucius Family Language: Five Punishment Solutions", Confucius explained the essence of "the punishment can not be a doctor, and the courtesy cannot be a common man", "Ran you kneel down and are exempt from the table, and you know that 'words are beautiful, and they are unheard." 'Forget it'. Whether it is to casually write down the master's teachings on the belt around his waist, or to "retreat and remember" the master's teachings, it is a reflection of the disciple's initiative to take notes after receiving the master.

Of course, Confucius disciples also have passive notes. For example, Confucius said in the "Confucius Family Language and Correct Commentary": "The little boy knows: harsh government is fiercer than violent tiger." In the same passage, Confucius also reminded his disciples: "Disciple Zhizhi: The wife of the Ji clan is not enough." Both "zhi" and "zhi" contain the meaning of "remembering", but here they are reminded by the teacher to make records.

Generally speaking, Confucius's brilliant words and wonderful words will not be discarded, but if they do not take notes, how should disciples treat them? One is the "lifetime praise". For example, the Analects of Zihan says: "Zi Yue: 'Those who are clothed in robes and robes, and those who stand with foxes and sables without shame, their reasons are also related to those who are not ashamed.' If you don't ask for it, why not ask for it? 'The Son's Way is a lifelong ode to him. According to the "Saying Yuan JingShen" article, Confucius expounded the dialectical principle of yingfu news, and Zixia sighed: "Goodness, please praise it for life." "Lifetime praise" means "the center hides it, and when it is forgotten", and the teacher's teachings are always remembered.

The second is to put it into action. In the Analects of Yan Yuan, it is said: "The Son knows: 'Self-denial and retribution are benevolent.'" One day of self-denial, the world returns to benevolence. For the sake of benevolence, but by others? Yan Yuanyue: "Please ask his purpose." The Son said: "Do not look at incivility, do not listen to incivility, do not speak indecently, do not move if you are indecent." Yan Yuanyue said, "Although Hui is not sensitive, please do something." In the same passage, Zhonggong asks Ren. Zi Yue: "'When you go out, you will see the guests, and the people will be like a great sacrifice.' Do not do to others what you do not want. No complaints in the state, no complaints at home. Zhonggong said: "Although Yong is not sensitive, please do something!" The "please", on the other hand, implies that the Master's teachings are unswervingly followed and diligently practiced.

Because of this, it is no wonder that the Book of Sui says: "Confucius has recited the Six Classics, and taught them on Su Si, with three thousand disciples and seventy masters." He responds to the Master, speaks privately, and speaks in accord with the Word, or the book to the gentleman, or the matter is tireless. It seems that the disciples of Confucius who diligently took notes and worked hard to practice the teachings of their master have long been known to future generations.

Confucius taught his disciples the "Six Arts", but there was no special teaching material, and the notes made by the disciples had the function of teaching materials in a sense. Zeng Zi once said that "I am in three provinces and one body", which involves the problem of "passing on or not getting used to it". The so-called "transmission" refers to the master's teacher transmission; "Xi" refers to the student's review. Its content is the teachings transmitted by the Master, and its carrier is the notes made by the disciples. Therefore, in order to review the content taught by the master, it is indispensable to take notes. On the other hand, only when the notes are done well can we "learn and learn from time to time".

After The Death of Confucius, in order to commemorate his master, the disciples of Confucius gathered their own notes, "taking the true and earnest, and distinguishing them from the Analects, and the rest are collected, called the "Language of Confucius"." It can be seen that the notes made by the disciples of Confucius are the sources of the Analects and the Confucius Language. In this sense, the notes of Confucius disciples preserve the precious materials of pre-Qin Confucianism and lay the foundation of Chinese culture, and their value is immeasurable.

◎ This article was originally published in "Guangming Daily", the source network, the copyright of the picture and text belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact to delete.

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