
Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

author:Such as contemplation
On the Korean battlefield, in the face of the superiorly equipped "United Nations Army", the volunteer army has emerged many combat heroes who are not afraid of sacrifice and are not afraid of life and death, and when it comes to heroes who sacrifice their lives and forget to block the gun hole, people will naturally think of Huang Jiguang, many people do not know that under the inspiration of Huang Jiguang's heroic deeds, there are also 6 heroes who block the gun hole in the volunteer army.

Chen Kaimao was born in 1931 in Anchang Township, An County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, now called Kaimao Village, Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, Cai Chaoxing was born in 1934 in Ducking Village, Tashui Town, An County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, they joined the army at the same time in 1951, and they were also soldiers in the 9th Company of the 535th Regiment of the 179th Division of the 60th Army of the Volunteer Army.

Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

In early January 1953, the 3rd Battalion of the 535th Regiment of the 179th Division of the 60th Army of the Volunteer Army was ordered to take the 883.7 Heights of Yukonsan on the eastern front of Korea and the unnamed highlands on its northeast side. The peak of Yuyin Mountain is steep, more than 1100 meters above sea level, there are two reinforced platoons of the 23rd Regiment of the 3rd Division of the South Korean Army defending, the enemy army is condescending, the threat to our army is extremely great, the forward position of yuyin Mountain Highland, and the nearest distance from the enemy's front is only more than 100 meters.

At dusk on January 5, heavy snow fell, and volunteer commanders and fighters broke through one barbed wire net after another of the enemy. When the attack reached the fourth barbed wire, the 9th Company was blocked by enemy bunker fire, and the entire company was suppressed and unable to raise its head.

The 3rd squad organized several explosions in a row, although the barbed wire was blown down, but the blasting of the Korean bunker was unsuccessful, and the whole class was sacrificed. The soldiers threw bombs at the enemy bunker, but to no avail. Chen Kaimao stepped forward and rushed to the enemy fort, and was shot 3 times on his body, but he used all his strength to pounce on the enemy fort firing hole.

Chen Kaimao was sacrificed, but the enemy's bullets still shot out of his unblocked gun eyes. Cai Chaoxing, who was immediately behind Chen Kaimao, was about to insert a grenade into the bunker when his right arm was interrupted, and he jumped up and pounced on Chen Kaimao's body, firmly blocking the enemy's gun hole. With his life, he cleared the way for his comrades-in-arms to completely annihilate the enemy.

Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

After the sacrifice of Chen Kaimao and Cai Chaoxing, the 60th Army of the Volunteer Army held a memorial meeting for them in the battlefield, and the commander of the army, Zhang Zuyu, delivered a eulogy entitled "Revenge for the martyrs Chen Kaimao and Cai Chaoxing." The eulogy pointed out, "Their heroic deeds are the glory of the whole army." ”

Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

Chen Kaimao was posthumously awarded the title of "Second Class Combat Hero" by the Headquarters of the Volunteer Army, and Cai Chaoxing was posthumously awarded the title of "Second Class Combat Hero" by the First Class Meritorious Service.

A native of Huangjialiang Village, Zuoyun County, Shanxi Province. As a squad leader of the 2nd Company of the 540th Regiment of the 180th Division of the 60th Army of the Volunteer Army, on February 12, 1953, in the battle against the nameless heights southeast of Yuyunli, he killed and wounded 3 enemies in succession, and still insisted on fighting after being wounded. At the critical juncture when the attack was blocked by the enemy's bunker fire, Zhao Yongwang, who had run out of ammunition, resolutely blocked the enemy's gun muzzle with his body, ensuring that the troops completely annihilated one platoon of the enemy, and enabling friendly and neighboring troops to occupy the position and eliminate the enemy's two reinforced platoons.

Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

After the war, the Political Department of the Chinese Volunteer Army posthumously recognized Zhao Yongwang as a member of the Chinese Communist Party, recorded first-class merit, and awarded the title of second-class combat hero.

Born in 1931 in Jixi County, Anhui Province, on the night of July 6, 1953, Xu Jiapeng's 9th Company of the 200th Regiment of the 67th Division of the 23rd Army launched a counterattack operation against the 17th Regiment of the US 7th Division on the north hill of Shidandong, west of Tieyuan, under the cover of our artillery fire on a rainy night. The north hill of Seokdaedong is the key point of the US military's garrison. The volunteers attacked three times, but without success.

Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

Xu Jiapeng and his comrades in arms of the assault platoon inserted themselves from the front into the main peak of the enemy position, opening the way for the follow-up troops. When the enemy's three barbed wire fences were continuously broken through to approach the main peak, an enemy fire point in front of it was frantically strafing with machine guns, blocking the way forward of the assault platoon. Soldier Sun Qiulun held an explosive package in his arms and prepared to destroy this fire point, but he was shot and killed before he could take a few steps forward.

Without waiting for the platoon leader to give orders, Xu Jiapeng grabbed the explosives package and jumped up, deftly dodging the enemy's bullets and rushing to the bunker. Just a few meters away from the bunker, the bullet hit Xu Jiapeng's legs, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

Just when everyone thought he had sacrificed, he saw that he stubbornly stood up again, slowly climbed to the front of the enemy bunker, and pulled down the fuse. But the package of explosives, which was wet with rain, did not explode. He dragged his injured leg around the bunker, looking for the entrance to the bunker, but he couldn't find it. Seeing that the time for charging was approaching, the enemy's machine guns were still frantically spitting out tongues of fire.

At this time, everyone saw Xu Jiapeng suddenly stand up and pounce on the shooting hole of the enemy bunker, block the muzzle of the gun that was shooting with his chest, and use his 22-year-old life to open up a way forward for his comrades-in-arms.

Inspired by Xu Jiapeng's heroic behavior, the comrades fought bravely, quickly captured the main peak of the enemy position, and finally won the counterattack battle with the record of annihilating more than 3,500 enemy people.

Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

On October 27, 1953, the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea posthumously awarded Xu Jiapeng the title of "Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" and the Gold Star Medal and the National Flag Medal of the First Class. On February 15, 1954, the headquarters of the Chinese Volunteer Army posthumously awarded him the title of "First Class Combat Hero".

Born in March 1934, a native of Quantang Township, Nanling County, Anhui Province, he is a soldier of the 1st Company of the 595th Regiment of the 199th Division of the 67th Army of the Volunteer Army. On the night of July 13, 1953, the summer campaign of the Volunteer Army was launched on the front line of Jinchengchuan, and Li Jiafa's 1st company was tasked with capturing the main peak of Shanyan Mountain.

Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

When the attacking forces occupied Position 133 and launched an attack on Position 166, they were blocked by heavy machine gun fire from the enemy bunker, and Li Jiafa's platoon leader was seriously wounded. At the critical moment, Li Jiafa stepped forward, carrying explosives packs and grenades while dodging enemy bullets and quickly approaching the enemy bunker. After destroying one enemy fort, he threw the last grenade at another bunker with ferocious fire, but the enemy's machine guns were still howling wildly. At this time, Li Jiafa's body had been injured in 7 places, his left leg had been pierced by bullets, and the ammunition had been used up.

The troops blew their charge, and fierce tongues of fire were still spewing from the bunkers. At this moment of a thousand gunshots, Li Jiafa used all his strength and resolutely pounced on the shooting hole of the bunker. Use your chest to blaze a trail forward for your comrades-in-arms.

After the war, the Korean government posthumously awarded Lee Jiafa the title of "Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea", the Gold Star Medal, and the National Flag Medal of the First Class. The headquarters of the Volunteer Army posthumously awarded him special merit and the title of "First Class Combat Hero".

Born in 1926 in Xiangtan County, Hunan Province, he joined the revolution in April 1949, was a member of the Communist Party of China, and was the deputy platoon commander of the 7th Company of the 215th Regiment of the 72nd Division of the 24th Army of the Volunteer Army. On July 13, 1953, in the Battle of Zhuzidong Nanshan in the Battle of Jincheng, he led the 9th Squad on a surprise mission. After repelling the enemy's frantic counterattack, the whole class of fighters also suffered casualties one after another, Li Shuhe himself was wounded in 3 places, and his right arm was broken. In front of the enemy's last bunker, in order to ensure the smooth advance of the follow-up troops, Li Shuhe pounced on the enemy's gun hole in spite of himself and died heroically.

Six "Hwang Ji Kwang-style" combat heroes who died on the Korean battlefield

After the war, the headquarters of the Volunteer Army posthumously awarded Li Shuhe first-class merit and posthumously awarded the title of "Second Class Combat Hero".

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