
Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

author:Small taste

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

Autumn wind, artificial busy autumn is the best season for nourishment, Chinese medicine says white into the lungs, so autumn should eat more white vegetables and fruits, such as pears, horseshoes, white radish, lotus root and so on to nourish the yin and dry can also prevent cough. "Lotus lotus a treasure, autumn lotus is the most nourishing", autumn lotus root nutritional value is very high, raw eating fresh lotus root can clear the heat and relieve trouble, quench thirst and jin, if the lotus root is squeezed into juice, the effect is better.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

Cooked lotus flavor sweet and warm, can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, blood and heart, so the main tonic five organs, there is a consumption into the effect, and lotus root is rich in starch, protein and vitamins, calcium, phosphorus iron and other mineral elements content is also particularly prominent. Lotus root cooking methods are also very many, can be cold mixed, can be steamed, can be fried, can be made into a delicious fried lotus box.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

Fried lotus box outside crispy tender, bite a bite to fall in love with the taste, today to teach you to make this home-cooked fried lotus box, is our family adults and children love to eat a delicacy, can be used as a dish can also be used as a snack. Mothers with children should try it out.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

【Dishes】: Fried lotus box

【Cooking Ingredients】: 3 lotus root, 1 piece of pork, 100 grams of flour, water to taste, 2 spoons of salt, 1 spoon of black pepper, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of fresh chicken juice, 2 spoons of sesame oil, 4 spring onions, peanut oil to taste.

【Cooking steps】:

1: First prepare all the ingredients needed, wash the pork and chop it into minced meat.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

2: Put the minced meat into the basin, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of black pepper and a spoonful of fresh chicken juice, if you don't like it, you can also add it.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

3: Continue to add two spoonfuls of soy sauce and two spoonfuls of sesame oil, crush the shallots into green onions, put them into the pork filling, and stir well with chopsticks in one direction until the meat filling is strong and set aside.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

4: Clean and peel the lotus root, then cut into thin slices of the same thickness, cut the lotus root slices, and place them in the order of cutting.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

5: Remove a slice of lotus root, spread the meat evenly, and then gently press it with another lotus slice.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat
Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

6. Make all the lotus tablets according to such steps.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

7, flour into a large bowl, add a spoonful of salt and an appropriate amount of water to stir into a thick batter, batter can not be too thin nor too thick, you can use a spoon and chopsticks to test it, can hang it.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

8: Put the prepared lotus box into the batter, and hang the batter evenly on both sides.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

Add enough peanut oil to the pan, and when the oil temperature reaches 60% heat, put the coupling of the batter hanging on it and put it into the oil pan and start frying.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

When frying, gently flick it with chopsticks to prevent the lotus and sticking together, and then turn it over to the other side until both sides are fried until golden brown, then turn off the heat and remove the pan.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

11: Fry the lotus root and fish it out to control the oil and put it into the dish.

Home-made fried lotus box, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a bite to fall in love with the taste, adults and children love to eat

【Cooking Tips】:

1. When choosing lotus root, it is best to choose a uniform size and thickness.

2, pork can be made by yourself, minced meat can also be bought ready-made.

3, when mixing the batter ratio should be well matched, can not be too thick can not be too thick, fried a lot of lotus box will be too much flour, too thin if it is not easy to hang the pulp.

4, there is also a way to cut the lotus root into thicker lotus slices, and then cut from the interruption, but do not cut, the prepared meat filling can be stuffed into the middle.

【Copywriter】Muhai Food King's Small Chef

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