
New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou
New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water to mix on the wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste. Hello, everyone. I'm Chef Jiang Yizhou, and today it's time to share the food with you, are you ready?
New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

It's about to be the New Year, and I believe that every family will make some fried lotus boxes at home to eat. Many friends only add water when making fried lotus boxes at home, in fact, this method is often wrong. When you are doing the noodles, only add water, and the batter will easily fall off. Today I will teach you the practice of making fried lotus boxes in restaurants, and after learning them, you will no longer have to worry about making fried lotus boxes badly.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

If you also like to make your own food at home, you may wish to follow this article to learn about it. The fried lotus box made by this method is tender and does not deslute, so friends who like it hurry up and try it.

Ingredients: 1 lotus root with nine holes, 1 small piece of pork belly, 1 piece of green onion, 1 piece of ginger, fine salt, chicken essence, thirteen spices, sweet noodle sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking oil, eggs, flour, cooking oil.


1. First prepare a fresh nine-hole lotus root, use a peeling knife to cut off its outer skin, and then use the knife to cut into a clip blade and put it in a bowl, with an appropriate amount of water to remove the lotus root. In this way, the lotus root is not easy to blacken when processing.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

Generally, the lotus roots we see in the market will be divided into two kinds, one is a nine-hole lotus root and the other is a seven-hole lotus root. The nine-hole lotus root is suitable for fried lotus box to eat, while the seven-hole lotus root is more suitable for vinegar lotus slices.

2. Slice the pork belly into thin slices, then cut into small cubes and put them in a bowl for later. When frying the lotus box in the New Year, the meat filling must choose the fat and skinny pork belly, and the meat filling that comes out of this is tender and juicy, not old and not old.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

3. After the pork belly is cut, put a little ginger minced in it, put twice as much chopped green onion as the ginger minced, so that the pork belly filling is more layered. Then add half a scoop of water inside. Stir vigorously with chopsticks to work evenly.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

4. Add a spoonful of refined salt, a spoonful of chicken essence, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce and 1 spoonful of dark soy sauce in the pork belly, and then add a spoonful of cooking oil to lock in the moisture inside the pork. Then stir well and marinate for five minutes.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

5. Prepare the batter: pour half a bowl of flour into the bowl, then add a mother egg yolk to it, then add the right amount of fine salt to increase the gluten of the flour, then add half a spoon of water, use chopsticks to stir it evenly. Do not add too much water to the batter, stir it into a drawing shape.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

6. The minced meat is already marinated, then place the minced meat inside the coupled clip blade with a small spoon. The meat filling can be put more or less according to your preference. Remember to squeeze the lotus slices when you put them. In this way, the meat filling is not easy to leak out. After all the clips are complete, you can start making it on fire.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

7. Heat the wok and add the right amount of wide oil to the inside, about 60% hot. We put chopsticks in wide oil to try the oil temperature, when the surface of the chopsticks bubbles rapidly. You can fry the lotus box. At this time, we need to turn off the fire.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

8. Combine the batter evenly and fry it directly in the frying pan. All lotus boxes are placed in a frying pan and fried over medium heat. Once all the couplings have floated up, flip it with a colander. The lotus box can be fished out when it is fried until the surface is golden.

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

9. At this time, we turn the heat again and heat the oil temperature again. When the oil temperature is 90% hot, the fried lotus box is placed inside and re-fried. In this way, the excess oil in the lotus box can be forced out. Fry for about 80 seconds and you're ready to pan!

New Year's fried lotus box, batter only with water mixing is wrong, teach you the hotel method, crispy outside and tender inside without shedding the paste - fried lotus box ——

A golden crispy, tender and unspeakable fried lotus box is ready. Friends who like to eat lotus boxes, hurry up and try it! Do you have a different approach to this? Welcome to share with us in the comment area. Like this article remember to collect and forward Oh. We'll see you next time.

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