
Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized


Tea eggs, is one of the traditional snacks, every day in the breakfast shop can be seen, it is simple, easy to carry, inexpensive, both as breakfast, leisure time and snacks, can be said to be a very homely gourmet snack, especially in the cold winter, to a tea egg that emits tea aroma, with a bowl of hot porridge, the whole body will be extra warm, how to make tea eggs delicious? Should I use green or black tea? Many novices only know how to buy and eat, it is really not as good as doing it at home, clean and hygienic without additives, the family eats at ease, today share a five-spice tea egg method, boiled eggs, uniform color, tea aroma, fresh and delicious.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

Boiled tea eggs are not recommended to use green tea, because green tea is cold, not suitable for stomach diseases, frail people and pregnant women to eat, and the important thing is that the color is ugly, how much with a hint of bitterness, and using black tea is the best choice, overflowing aroma, bright color, excellent appearance, look at it is very appetizing, how to buy black tea? Boiled tea eggs do not have to choose good tea leaves, the ordinary lipton black tea bag is very good, rich in nutrition, the human body can also fully absorb its nutrients.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

In addition to black tea, when we make tea eggs, we can improve it again, cook it into a human-loved "spiced tea egg", the taste is not so single, peel the skin, you can see the marble-like beautiful grain, irregularly covered in the egg surface, the pot simmered tea eggs, steaming, wafting aroma, every day breakfast, the family is very able to eat, even children, can also dry two at once, cooked and eaten, really delicious, the following is the specific method, like the small partner can collect it, Just in case.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

Ingredients: Egg, black tea

Seasoning: Fragrant leaves, cinnamon, cumin, rock sugar, dried chili peppers, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce

1, the first step is to soak the egg several times, because its surface has fecal impurities, soak in lightly salted water for 5 minutes, rinse and replace the water, add a spoonful of salt, boil on high heat and cook for 5 minutes on low heat, and then put cold water to stir.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

2, take two eggs in the hand to knock, break the eggshell, or use a metal spoon, gently pat, the purpose is to make the egg crack, but do not use too much force.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

3, the eggs have been boiled has been completed, the next configuration of spiced brine, the pot added a kilogram of water, to the egg as the standard, add 2 star anise, 3 pieces of fragrant leaves, a piece of cinnamon, cumin 5 grams, rock sugar 10 grams, dried peppers 2, salt 15 grams, soy sauce 20 ml, dark soy sauce 10 ml, black tea 10 grams, after boiling on high heat, simmer for another 5 minutes.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

4: When the time comes, put the eggs in turn, continue to cook for 25 minutes on low heat, and then turn off the heat.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

5, at this time the tea eggs can not be eaten immediately, need to still soak in the pot, wait until the next day to eat, such tea eggs and fragrant and flavorful, but also will produce a beautiful pattern, it is recommended to cook and eat, there is no need to store a lot, the general tea eggs storage period is short, refrigerator refrigeration is not more than three days.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

6. Is this kind of tea egg very tempting? Has been fully into the taste, beautiful color, exuding a strong tea aroma, like you also come to try it, absolutely will not disappoint.

Five-spice tea eggs are delicious and have secrets, make according to the steps, the tea is fragrant, and the five-spiced tea eggs are summarized

1, if it is crushed black tea, it is recommended to wrap it up with a cloth, throw it away after cooking, to avoid getting everywhere debris, there are also ready-made black tea for sale on the market.

2, the first step, when boiling eggs in white water, put a spoonful of salt, you can solidify the damaged egg protein.

3, the boiled tea eggs need to be soaked into the flavor, directly eat can also be, if put to the next day, it will be more flavorful.

4, brine can be reused 2-3 times, again add a little large material can be.

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