
A traditional dish originating in Chongqing, "Sour Radish Duck Soup", is a very suitable appetizer soup before meals

author:Chongqing young father said food

Sour radish duck soup originated in Chongqing is a traditional dish, which belongs to the classic stew in Sichuan cuisine. The main ingredients are duck and sour radish, and the main cooking process is stew. The finished product is delicious and delicious, the soup is bright in color, and it can also be dried.

A traditional dish originating in Chongqing, "Sour Radish Duck Soup", is a very suitable appetizer soup before meals
A traditional dish originating in Chongqing, "Sour Radish Duck Soup", is a very suitable appetizer soup before meals
A traditional dish originating in Chongqing, "Sour Radish Duck Soup", is a very suitable appetizer soup before meals
A traditional dish originating in Chongqing, "Sour Radish Duck Soup", is a very suitable appetizer soup before meals
A traditional dish originating in Chongqing, "Sour Radish Duck Soup", is a very suitable appetizer soup before meals

Sour radish duck soup

Ingredients: 1 old duck

Excipients: sour radish 700 g

Red pickled pepper 10 g

2 slices of ginger

Seasoning: 1 bag of Mao Ge duck soup

A pinch of salt

1 scoop of chicken essence

1 scoop of MSG

Step 1: The duck is slaughtered into chunks, rinsed and set aside, and the carrot hob is cut into chunks (can also be cut into square chunks)

Method 2nd step: Heat the oil in a pot, add the sour radish and duck to the oil temperature slightly higher, add ginger slices, Mao Ge duck soup, red pickled peppers stir-fry for 1 to 2 minutes and add water to boil on high heat to taste. Reduce heat and cook until the ducks are ripe! (Casserole pots are recommended, or simmering soup pots are more effective)

If there is no suitable utensil, be sure to add a lid when boiling the soup, the first is to prevent the rapid loss of water, and the second is to maintain a higher temperature The boiling time of the soup will be greatly reduced!

If you have your own pickled radish at home, and the effect is very good, you can add a little more, and the flavor is more sufficient, you don't need to use Mao Ge spices to help improve the taste!

In autumn and winter, come with a bowl of sour radish duck soup before the appetizer soup, eating before meals will make your appetite open.

Suitable for people with heat and fire in the body, low-grade fever, weak physique, loss of appetite, dry stools and edema, better food. At the same time, it is suitable for malnutrition, postpartum illness weakness, night sweats, sperm, women with less menstruation, dry throat and thirst; it is also suitable for cancer patients and people with diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver after chemotherapy, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, ascites, tuberculosis, chronic nephritis and edema

For the body weakness cold, cold caused by not thinking about eating, stomach cold pain. Diarrhea is thin, low back pain and cold dysmenorrhea, as well as obesity, arteriosclerosis, chronic enteritis should be eaten less; cold patients should not eat.

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