
Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

author:Xiao Dong food

When Xiao Dong is young, the family will raise a pig, every day after school, the father and mother are busy in the field, Xiao Dong will mix or mow grass to feed the pigs, the most said by the parents is to let Xiao Dong feed more, fattened the New Year slaughter, you can eat meat, at that time the favorite is the New Year, the New Year shouted on the neighbors to kill the pigs together, and then make a big pot of pork soup, eat very fragrant. It was the happiest time of the year.

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

Now with the improvement of living standards, Xiao Dong's family basically will not raise pigs anymore, want to eat meat directly to the vegetable market to buy back, before Xiao Dong bought pork is basically about 13 a pound, this year with the continuous development of the swine fever epidemic, the price of pork soared all the way, some urban pork have risen to nearly 30 a pound, Xiao Dong this side is already 23 a pound, Xiao Dong wants to go back to his hometown to raise pigs.

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

Today Xiao Dong bought a piece of pork in the vegetable market, nearly a Mao grandfather, Xiao Dong said that pork can not afford to eat, in the words of the people " to make money is difficult, easy to spend money " ah. A few days ago, some fans said that they wanted to learn fish fragrant meat shreds, and today Xiao Dong used this piece of pork with carrots to make a fish fragrant meat shredded, spicy and appetizing, with steamed rice to eat very delicious.

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

【Ingredients】: 1 piece of pork, 1 carrot, 1 piece of fungus,

【Ingredients】: Chili pepper, 1 egg, starch, green onion, ginger, garlic, sugar, watercress paste

【Seasoning】: salt, pepper, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, chicken essence,

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

1, marinated pork: the knife with water to rinse the knife without sticking, the tenderloin into slices, in the shredded, the meat into the bowl, put a little salt, pepper, to some cooking wine to fishy, beat an egg white, stir in one direction, stir for a minute, put a little starch, sizing to lock the water, put cooking oil, prevent sticking, marinate until about ten minutes

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

2, the preparation of ingredients: carrots cut into strips, advance soaked fungus cut into shreds, and then cut a chili shredded, green onion minced, ginger shredded, change the knife into minced, garlic crushed

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

3, mix the sauce: the following fish spice juice, put three spoons of sugar in the bowl, two spoons of vinegar, a spoonful of light soy sauce, and then a little old soy sauce, half a spoon of salt, a small amount of chicken essence, and then a little pepper, put some starch, add some water, this fish spice juice will be adjusted

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

4, blanching water treatment: boiling water in a pot, after the water is boiled, add carrots and fungus blanched water, blanch the water for one minute, fish out the water control and set aside

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

5, stir-fry shredded meat: put more oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, put in the shredded meat, the meat is smoothly fried, the shredded meat is fried white, and the oil is controlled

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

6, cooking ingredients: the pot in the oil, after the oil is hot, put in the onion ginger garlic, stir-fry after the spoon of watercress sauce, give it a stir-fry out of the red oil, then put in the carrot fungus, and then put in the green pepper, stir-fry evenly into the prepared sauce, boil the soup, and then put in the shredded meat, quickly stir-fry evenly, stir-fry evenly so that the sauce hangs on the shredded meat, so that it can be plated

Xiao Dong teaches you the homely method of fish fragrant meat shreds, the steps are detailed, 10 minutes to learn, the fish is full of flavor - [fish fragrant meat shreds] - fresh and tender appetizer, the meat is smooth and tender [preparation method]: [Cooking tips]:

Well, such a tender and delicious shredded fish meat out of the pot

1, when choosing pork, you must choose tenderloin, such meat is more tender to eat,

2, when cutting pork, you must first rinse it with water, so that it does not stick to the knife, otherwise it is easy to cut when cutting

3, when marinating shredded meat must be stirred in one direction, so that the stirred meat is easy to force, and the taste is more powerful and delicious

4, fried fish fragrant meat shredded to be fried quickly, the fire should be large enough, the pot gas should be sufficient, so that the stir-fried dish taste better

What are your good suggestions and methods for the practice of shredded fish and meat? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, thank you for your attention and support!

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