
Featured delicacies: Green pepper crispy sausage, chicken foot peanut soup, hand-grabbed lamb chops homemade green pepper crispy sausage chicken foot peanut soup Hand-grabbed lamb chops

author:Healthy food

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > green pepper crispy sausage</h1>

Featured delicacies: Green pepper crispy sausage, chicken foot peanut soup, hand-grabbed lamb chops homemade green pepper crispy sausage chicken foot peanut soup Hand-grabbed lamb chops

Ingredients: 200 grams of cooked fat sausage, 150 grams of yellow throat, 100 grams of potato noodles, 80 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 80 grams of fresh green peppers, 30 grams of green and red peppers, a little ginger and minced garlic. Salt, monosodium glutamate, rattan pepper oil, sesame oil, salad oil each appropriate amount.


1, cut the fat intestine into a bergamot flower knife, change the yellow throat into a slice, and then put it into a pot of boiling water and pour a water.

2: Change the shiitake mushrooms into small pieces and put them together with the potato noodles into a pot of boiling water.

3: Put the fresh green pepper into the blender and add an appropriate amount of water to beat into the green pepper juice.

4: Heat the oil in the net pot, stir-fry the minced ginger and garlic until fragrant, pour in the green pepper juice and add salt and MSG to taste, add potato noodles, fat intestines, yellow throat slices and shiitake mushroom pieces and cook for a few minutes, drizzle with vine pepper oil and sesame oil and put it on the plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > chicken foot peanut soup</h1>

Featured delicacies: Green pepper crispy sausage, chicken foot peanut soup, hand-grabbed lamb chops homemade green pepper crispy sausage chicken foot peanut soup Hand-grabbed lamb chops

Ingredients: Chicken feet eight peanuts and a half bowl, ginger a piece of red dates ten green onions a section, salt 1.5 teaspoons cooking wine 1 tablespoon pepper 1 teaspoon


1. Prepare raw materials.

2: Cut open the chicken feet, boil the water, put the chicken feet into the heat and boil, put a tablespoon of cooking wine without liding the pot, boil again, fish out and wash and set aside.

3: Wash peanuts and dates, slice ginger.

4: Put all the ingredients together in a pot and simmer for one hour.

5: Add salt and pepper and continue for half an hour

6, out of the pot according to the preference can add sesame oil or coriander and the like.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > hand-grabbed lamb chops</h1>

Featured delicacies: Green pepper crispy sausage, chicken foot peanut soup, hand-grabbed lamb chops homemade green pepper crispy sausage chicken foot peanut soup Hand-grabbed lamb chops

Ingredients: Lamb ribs, green and red pepper, ginger and garlic minced, drunkard peanuts, spicy sauce, old dry mother tempeh, chili noodles, cumin powder, thirteen spices, beer, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil, sesame oil

1) Mince lamb chops, add ginger and shallots, blanch the cooking wine. It is then brine directly in brine and fished out and placed on a plate. Cut the green and red peppers into cubes and set aside.

2) Heat the wok, pour in the right amount of old oil (no old oil can be directly replaced with salad oil), heat the oil under the ginger and garlic minced, spicy sauce, old dry mother tempeh, chili noodles sautéed out of color and aroma, then add 2 pairs of beer, and finally add all the spices. Sauté over high heat and cover with lamb chops.

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