
Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and nutritious

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 skills", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and high in nutrition

Speaking of porridge, I go from snacks to big, almost every morning my mother has to boil a pot of porridge, sometimes sweet potato corn paste, sometimes pumpkin rice porridge, sometimes red bean millet porridge, which eats the most is red bean millet porridge, the locals are very fond of this porridge, hundreds of eat tired, not only do their own home, go to the breakfast shop will also eat red bean millet porridge, fragrant and thick millet porridge is too delicious, do not know how much you eat?

Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and nutritious

Boiling millet porridge seems to me quite simple, but there are some people around who do not do well, always boil well, not thick, there is no rice oil, if you also encounter such a problem, it must be a problem in the method, need to correct it, understand the correct practice after doing a good job is very easy.

Millet porridge is a kind of extremely nutritious porridge, often eat if you have the effect of neutralizing the stomach, promoting digestion, nourishing, usual cooking can consider more millet porridge, can not do it every day to do it from time to time, especially now fast into the winter, more need to eat millet porridge, come to learn how to boil out a delicious millet porridge.

Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and nutritious

Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge fragrant rice oil thick, delicious and nutritious! Many people boil millet porridge, they only know how to pour millet into the pot to cook, but they do not know how to use skills, resulting in unsuccessful cooking.

Let me share with you the specific method of boiling millet porridge, as well as 2 tips, keeping these 2 points in mind, easily make millet porridge with thick rice oil, fragrant, take a look at it, make sure you learn to do it, make a successful millet porridge at once, and never be afraid of boiling bad in the future.

Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and nutritious

Steps to make millet porridge:

Millet porridge to be delicious, first of all, choose the right millet, must buy fresh millet, can not buy Chen millet, can not use the millet that has been put at home for too long, only fresh millet can make thick rice oil, the taste is fragrant. And fresh millet its color is yellow, smells of rice, feels very dry, buy loose scale according to these methods to judge it. If you buy a bag, you can buy it according to the place of origin, such as Qinzhou Yellow in Qin county, which I bought is very good, very fragrant and delicious, and there is rice fat small fragrant rice can be tried.

Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and nutritious

Buy the right millet and start doing it. Take an appropriate amount of millet into the bowl, add cool water to stir a few times to pour the water off, and then wash it again, wash millet does not need to be too hard, just need to stir a few times, otherwise if you use force, you will lose nutrients, not only the nutrition is not high, but also reduce the taste.

After washing, re-add the water and let the millet soak in the water for 20 minutes.

Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and nutritious

After soaking enough time, add water to the pot to boil, when adding water, pay attention to the ratio of water and rice, if the water is too much to boil out will be very thin, there may be rice oil may not be too obvious, if the water is too little to boil out and drink, the taste is also very poor, so the water to add the right line, the best ratio is 15:1 can try, the basic ratio of this ratio to adjust to their favorite taste, do more than a few times can be flexible mastery.

Bring the water to a boil, pour the millet and water into the pot, continue to cook on high heat and push with a spoon.

Turn the millet up and simmer over low heat until the millet blooms and becomes thick, then turn off the heat and cover the lid and simmer for a few minutes, so that there is a thick rice oil on the surface.

Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and nutritious

Boil millet porridge and keep in mind 2 tips:

First, millet can not be directly poured into the pot to cook, but first put in the water to soak for a while, let the millet absorb some water, when the millet absorbs the water and then cook it is easy to cook the rice oil, so the operation is much better than direct cooking, the time is short and cooked well, so millet to soak a bubble.

The second is that millet should be boiled underwater, can not be boiled under cold water, open underwater pot, millet is easier to flower out of rice oil, cold water under the pot cooking effect is much worse, many people do not cook well, most of them are this step is wrong.

Remember the above two tips, it is easier to boil out the millet porridge with fragrant rice oil. Boiled millet porridge can also add pumpkin, sweet potato, red beans and other ingredients, the taste is different, if you use red beans remember to cook in advance and then pour millet, you can try.

Boil millet porridge, keep in mind the "2 tips", rice porridge is fragrant and thick in rice oil, delicious and nutritious

In addition, buy millet is recommended to put into a closed container, the container can put a few dried peppercorns, the purpose of this is to prevent long worms, but do not worry about affecting the taste of millet, I often do this very good, and then put the container in a cool and dry place can be, the faster to eat the better, put for a long time the rice aroma will slowly disappear.

Have you learned about boiling millet porridge? Keep in mind the recipes and tips, and you can also stay up and eat well and have time to make a pot to taste. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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