
2021.10.31| The First Part of the General History of the World: The Nature of Human Nature

author:The cloud of the road is far away from reading slowly

Today I read the "Revelation of History today" in the first part of the General History of the World- the nature of human nature.

I really like the General History of the World section. At the end of each part there is "History's Revelation to Today." This section echoes the previous preface that "the new world needs a new historiography." This is also the role of history.

Of course, some people may feel that I am not a big leader, and I will not care about a region, a large group of people, what is the use of studying history? Graduates of history are the "golden oil" of society.

Today I try to talk about my reflections on this first part and the revelation from the perspective of the small self.

2021.10.31| The First Part of the General History of the World: The Nature of Human Nature

History is written by people

This revelation, The Nature of Human Nature, seems to me to be more accurately a reflection on cultural anthropology. Because history has passed, we have no way of knowing the circumstances of the life of primitive people. We can only speculate on the history of that time by observing and studying the existing remnant tribes. Of course, from this point of view, the limitations of history also come out.

The Nature of Human Nature speaks of a tribe discovered in 1971, the Tassadai. They live on a completely isolated island. There was only a small tribe of 27 people, but for at least 6 centuries they lived exactly like their ancestors. They are also in the economic stage of collection and equitable distribution. A contrast group of 30 people is also mentioned, called the Venturi.

The difference between the two ethnic groups is that one is non-aggressive and the other is aggressive.

The Nature of Human Nature says: "History shows that human beings are born neither fond of peace nor war; they are neither inclined to cooperate nor to aggression. It is definitely not their genes that determine human behavior, but the way in which the society in which they live bequeaths them to act. ”

2021.10.31| The First Part of the General History of the World: The Nature of Human Nature

Thinking about the nature of human nature from the perspective of the "ego", we have to mention the original family.

The family is the most critical place to educate children. When many children grow up, they will find that their personalities, behaviors, thoughts, and even marriage and raising the next generation are inextricably linked to the original family.

At this time, there is a myth. Many parents will have this kind of thinking when educating their children: If I don't care about my baby, my baby doesn't know what she can become.

For example, parents always say that if I don't care about my child's learning, my child's learning will not progress.

Look, here's the problem. So under this logic, the premise of parents' thinking is that my child must be learning badly. My children are inherently bad, so I have to educate my children to prevent them from getting bad, not being able to get into college, and so on.

Your own parents don't think you're good, how can you be good?

2021.10.31| The First Part of the General History of the World: The Nature of Human Nature

Innocence is as white as paper, and heaven is true.

The child is really as innocent as a blank piece of paper, and it is true. It is really susceptible to the influence of the external environment, and the plasticity is extremely strong.

In fact, it is really not easy for parents. Parents have suffered and tired, and they want their children not to experience it again. This is the inheritance, this is the basis of human existence. Otherwise, how can the brain capacity be expanded from 300 to 1200, which is the inheritance of knowledge and experience from generation to generation, and the emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry is a summary and accumulation of the growth law of animals and plants.

Everything is about learning.

Anthropologist Ashley Montagu summed up human nature: "We are born with the genetic potential to do all kinds of things, but the way these potentials become actual abilities depends on our training, that is, on learning." ”

However, before learning, always remember that human nature is inherently "blank" and that there is any possibility.

The possibility of such a gap needs to be respected.

Every book I have ever read will not fail to live up to myself, but @ Dao Zhiyun is far away from reading slowly

Slow reading, slow thinking, slow writing, life needs to be calm and valuable

In addition, at this time, it is very interesting to look at Xunzi's sexual evil theory

1 Human nature is nature. Born to be.

2 Eating color, mood and anger, likes and dislikes, lust, gentlemen and villains are the same. And benevolence depends on learning. I think of "The Selfish Gene" that says that everything is for survival.

Mencius's theory of sexual goodness holds that benevolence and food are both nature, but benevolence is the main thing. This moral standard of benevolence is the product of socialization. In order to survive, only social convergence can form moral rules.

Man, it's complicated.

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