
Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

author:China's past

On October 22, 2006, the memorial service of Comrade Wang Guangmei, Liu Shaoqi's wife, was held at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing, and many people who respected her came from all over the world to see her off. Among them, there are not only the old Red Army who have leg and foot problems but still insist on coming in a wheelchair, but also Chairman Mao's daughter Li Ne.

Li Ne came with his son Wang Xiaozhi, and they came to the venue early to help, and the relationship between the two families was very close. She gently comforted Liu Yuan and Liu Ting, who could not cry, but Li Ne herself was also immersed in the grief of losing her elders.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Wang Guangmei's memorial service

She looked at Wang Guangmei's posthumous photo and couldn't help but fall into the memories of the past, Li Ne clearly remembered the selfless love that Aunt Guangmei gave her, and finally, she couldn't help but cry out: "Aunt Guangmei, I came to send you on your last journey." ”

Then she pulled her son Wang Xiaozhi to her side and solemnly told him something. What did Li Ne tell his son? Why did she have a past with Wang Guangmei? What are Wang Guangmei's tortuous experiences?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > everyone gave up their pen from Rong, yan'an met her future husband</h1>

On August 24, 1921, Wang Guangmei, the "Everybody Girl Show", was born in Beijing. At that time, her father, Wang Zhichangyuan, attended the Nine Nations Conference in Washington in the United States, and was overjoyed to learn that he had finally had a daughter after having 6 sons, and named it "Guangmei". And her mother Dong Jieru is a famous person in Tianjin, gentle and virtuous.

Wang Guangmei had 6 older brothers and 4 younger sisters, and more than half of these brothers and sisters threw themselves into the War of Resistance Against Japan, which also sowed the seeds in Wang Guangmei's heart that she would also go to the revolution in the future.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Wang Guangmei's family

In her early years of study, Wang Guangmei's science was particularly strong, recognized by people in the physics community, and she should be engaged in physics research when she grew up, and if she went to the United States to study for a doctorate, she might even become a sister of Yang Zhenning or Li Zhengdao.

At the same time, her mathematics is also "beyond the reach of the dust". In the Dutch library, there is Wang Guangmei's academic transcript, which reads "Queen of Mathematics".

As early as the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Guangmei had contact with Communists and became acquainted with Cui Yueli, the leader of the school working committee. After Japan's surrender, she went to Fu Jen University as a teaching assistant. During this time, she completed her master's degree and became one of the rare female masters of physics at the time.

Wang Guangmei dreamed of becoming "China's Marie Curie", so after graduating with a master's degree, she immediately submitted her resume to the University of Michigan in the United States and successfully got the admission letter. Just as Wang Guangmei was preparing to go to the United States to continue her doctoral studies, she was contacted by underground party members.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Wang Guangmei university photo

In 1946, just after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek again engaged in the trick of "fake peace and real civil war" in an attempt to exclude the Communist Party of China from the Chinese political arena.

At that time, in order to cope with the "tiger's eye" of many forces, the Communist Party of China set up the Beiping Military Investigation Office, which had nearly 500 members such as Ye Jianying, Luo Ruiqing, and Li Kenong, but there was no suitable English translator. After much consideration, Cui Yueli finally recommended Wang Guangmei to take up this position.

At that time, Wang Guangmei had already been admitted to two famous universities and informed her to go through the procedures for studying abroad as soon as possible. Moreover, Wang Guangmei is a high-energy physics student, and most of her usual contact is subject terminology, and she is worried that when she goes to work as a translator, she will encounter unfamiliar language related to politics and military, so she is a little hesitant.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

At this time, she thought of her family members who had joined the revolution: the third brother Wang Guangchao often procured medicines for the Eighth Route Army at the risk of his life; the fourth brother Wang Guangjie was an underground member of the Communist Party of China, who repeatedly deciphered local encrypted documents and transmitted information for our party; and her mother was also very sympathetic to revolutionaries and repeatedly covered up underground party members.

At this time, the Communist Party was in short supply of talent, and she herself knew that the Communist Party was better than the Kuomintang, so how could she stand idly by at this critical moment? After careful consideration, Wang Guangmei pushed aside the university's admission notice and went to the Military Investigation Office to report.

In the end, the Kuomintang, the Communist Party, and the United States did not reach a consensus, and the Kuomintang took the lead in cooperating with the US military, and an unprecedentedly fierce civil war broke out.

In October, Wang Guangmei's identity was exposed, and she could no longer stay in Beijing, just when Yan'an was in need of fresh blood, and for her safety, the party organization arranged for her to go to Yan'an. It was here that she met her future husband, Liu Shaoqi.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Liu Shaoqi

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="58" > Liu Shaoqi Xianshu's wife and Li Ne's gentle elder</h1>

Perhaps under the influence of Qianjin's mother, Wang Guangmei paid more attention to her own dressing since she was a child. In red Yan'an, he is still a beautiful landscape in simple clothes. She often wore a snow-white shirt with a pair of blue cargo pants, which stood out among women at the time.

When I first arrived in Yan'an, this "everyone bridesmaid" who had been pampered since childhood was curious about everything, and was full of enthusiasm for every work, which was unanimously recognized by everyone. Soon after, she was assigned to the Foreign Affairs Bureau as a translator. Due to her work, she has many opportunities to meet senior leaders.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Fashionable Wang Guangmei

One day, she and several colleagues pestered Mr. Zhu to tell the story of the past, and Mr. Zhu was so entangled by them that he couldn't help it, so he proposed to go to Liu Shaoqi together to see it.

Liu Shaoqi took them to sit down in the courtyard and shook hands with them. Because Wang Guangmei was shy, she stood behind everyone embarrassedly, and did not dare to speak, only reported her name to Liu Shaoqi.

However, after only meeting once, this beautiful and cultured girl was firmly remembered by Liu Shaoqi. After that, he often went to talk to Wang Guangmei, and he came into contact with more, and she gradually understood the other party's intentions.

At that time, Liu Shaoqi already had 5 children. However, Wang Guangmei, who was also born in a restructured family, did not mind, and when she saw these well-behaved and sensible children, she not only did not resist in her heart, but also had a strong feeling of pity.

Soon, she accepted Liu Shaoqi's marriage request. Because it was during the revolutionary period, the wedding was not very grand, and only a few comrades around him were invited to dinner.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Wang Guangmei Liu Shaoqi

But she did not expect that on the wedding day, Zhou Enlai and Chairman Mao both rushed to the scene to congratulate her. Chairman Mao smiled and said a congratulatory speech to the two newcomers: "Comrade Shaoqi and Comrade Guangmei, it is very good that you can choose to take care of each other in difficult times!" I wish you a long time and an early birth of your son! ”

Excited and shy, Wang Guangmei shared a cake with the two leaders and thanked them for their blessings. In those days, cakes were a rarity. But the most rare is Chairman Mao's congratulatory speech, because he does not often attend other people's weddings, this time it was Zhou Enlai who specially persuaded him.

After getting married, Wang Guangmei devoted her main energy to caring for her husband and moved from the Foreign Affairs Bureau to Liu Shaoqi's residence. The party organization deliberately vacated a small room next to the two men's rooms to do translation work for Wang Guangmei.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Wang Guangmei is not only Liu Shaoqi's wife, but also his advantageous assistant. After completing her tasks every day, Wang Guangmei racked her brains to think about how to help her husband reduce her workload. At that time, she also served as Liu Shaoqi's secretary, helping him save time by doing newspaper excerpts, and the documents on her desk should never be read.

In the years that followed, Wang Guangmei brought four more children to the extended family, plus several children born to Liu Shaoqi's ex-wife, forming a large family with more than 10 members. As the mother of the family, Wang Guangmei never favored her own children, but instead shared her maternal love with several other children.

Among them, the stepdaughter Liu Tao was the most loved by Wang Guangmei, there were delicious things she ate first, there were fresh and fun things she was the first to get started, even the extremely precious watches and pens at that time, Wang Guangmei did not hesitate to buy them for Liu Tao, even her own children were a little jealous.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Wang Guangmei, Liu Shaoqi and daughter Liu Ting

Wang Guangmei not only cared about her own children, but also took great care of Chairman Mao's children, and Li Ne was the one she particularly liked.

Since Chairman Mao's death, the descendants of Chairman Mao and Liu Shaoqi have gradually become closer. Wang Guangmei is the bridge that supports this relationship, she said, "In the two families, I am the only elder." You are all my children and grandchildren, and I can only rest assured that you are all right. ”

After divorcing her husband, Li Ne lived alone with her children. When Chairman Mao was alive, he would give her a part of the manuscript fee to supplement her family, but after Chairman Mao's death, Li Ne suddenly lost his pillar. Her health was not very good, coupled with the blow of her father's death and divorce, she was depressed every day, and her life was not very good.

Wang Guangmei was worried that Li Ne would not be able to open it, so she specially took the nanny to visit her home. Not only did he help sort out the affairs of the family every day, but he also patiently enlightened her. Under the kind care of Wang Guangmei and his sister Li Min and others, Li Ne slowly sorted out his emotions and faced life positively again.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Li Ne and Chairman Mao

In 1985, Li Yinqiao and Han Guixin met their former comrade-in-arms Wang Jingqing and met Li Ne by chance. This time, Wang Jingqing and Li Ne collided with the spark of love.

Coincidentally, this Wang Jingqing warrior also had an indissoluble relationship with Liu Shaoqi and Wang Guangmei. He entered the army at the age of 13, becoming a small nurse who struggled in the front line, and later entered the Central Guard Division as Liu Shaoqi's bodyguard.

Soon after they met, Li Ne married Wang Jingqing. Wang Guangmei was very happy after learning this news, she used to worry that Li Ne would not be able to take care of herself and not take care of the children alone, but now that she has a good husband who can help and take care of Li Ne, the hanging stone in her heart has fallen to the ground.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Li Ne and Wang Jingqing

When Wang Guangmei met Li Yinqiao and Han Guixin, she also took the initiative to ask about Li Ne.s. After learning that it was the couple who introduced Li Ne, Wang Guangmei couldn't help but praise: "You have really done a good thing!" ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="59" > the stormy waves calmly passed, and the wind and rain lived a lifetime without regret</h1>

In her later years, Wang Guangmei rarely socialized and almost never went to a restaurant to invite guests. In order to let the descendants of the two families continue to lose contact, she also organized a "family banquet" in 2004, and made an exception to invite Mao Zedong's daughters Li Min and Li Ne to dinner.

Wang Guangmei told her son Liu Yuan: "A few days ago, those two children came to see me, and now I can't run, and I miss them again, so let's get together again." Yuan'er, you prepared early! ”

In this way, a party once again brought together Wang Guangmei's family and the descendants of the Mao family in the Chinese-style hall on the 26th floor of the Kyoto Xinyuan Building on Beijing's West Third Ring Road.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Two families get together

On that day, Li Min and her daughter arrived first, and a while Li Ne's family also came. Wang Guangmei, supported by her daughter Liu Ting, was the last to enter the hall. When the mao sisters saw this, they immediately greeted them and tightly held the old man's hand. Li Ne was most excited, and his eyes were filled with tears of longing.

During the banquet, the two families greeted each other and frequently raised a toast to Wang Guangmei's longevity. Wang Guangmei, who was physically weak, looked at the children kindly, and she thought how good it would be if she were to be like this forever. So, she took Li Ne and Liu Yuan's hands and said, "I'm gone, and you have to help each other like this!" ”

Under the leadership of Wang Guangmei, the relationship between the two families got along better and better.

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Li Ne and Liu Yuan

On October 13, 2006, Wang Guangmei ended her tortuous and legendary life at the age of 84.

Nine days later, Comrade Wang Guangmei's memorial service was held at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, and the masses who had high respect for her came to see her off. People with white flowers on their chests lined up in an orderly manner to bow and send off Wang Meiguang. Everyone's eyes were moist, and Wang Guangmei's descendants were crying even more.

Li Ne and his son Wang Xiaozhi came to the memorial hall early. Li Ne looked at Wang Guangmei in the photo, and unconsciously appeared in front of her voice and smile, remembering the warm care she had given. A few years ago, the two families were still sitting around talking and laughing, but now they are separated by yin and yang.

Li Ne's tears could not stop flowing, remembering that Aunt Guangmei often hung on her lips, "You must unite and help each other", Li Ne called his son Wang Xiaozhi to his side and solemnly instructed him: "We must try our best to help Uncle Liu Yuan take care of Grandma Guangmei's affairs." ”

Wang Guangmei died, Li Ne cried silently at the funeral, asked his son to help deal with Wang Guangmei's affairs, everyone abandoned their pens from Rong, Yan'an met the wife of her future husband Liu Shaoqi Xianshu, Li Ne's gentle elders calmly and calmly, and spent their lives without regrets

Li Ne attended Wang Guangmei's memorial service

Wang Guangmei's kindness is not only reflected in the love of the elderly, but also reflects her contributions to countless people. Such a beautiful, generous, fraternal and knowledgeable revolutionary predecessor will always be remembered by the people.

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