
"Happy Mothers of the World"

author:Sun Yulian Sun Yulian is me
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"《祝天下的母亲快乐》","en":"\"Happy Mothers of the World\""},"description":{"content":"初为人母88年立冬那天的拂晓,我被切开了,又缝了一遍,整整十六针,象缝纫机在身上跑了一圈,又相当于绕着地球转了一遍。输了...","en":"At dawn on the day of the winter of the first mother's 88th year, I was cut open and sewn again, a full sixteen stitches, like a sewing machine running around the body, and it was equivalent to circling the earth again. Lost..."}},"items":[]}

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