
"Wayward" old mother, with childlike happiness

author:To be healthy is to live
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"“任性”老母亲,拥有孩童般的快乐","en":"\"Wayward\" old mother, with childlike happiness"},"description":{"content":"母亲年过古稀,在市里一家养老公寓安静地生活。然而母亲并不愿意接受这份安静,而是时常搞出点小动静来,让朋友开心,让儿女关注...","en":"My mother was a rare old man and lived quietly in a pension apartment in the city. However, the mother is not willing to accept this quiet, but often makes some small movements, makes friends happy, lets children pay attention..."}},"items":[]}

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