
Chinese Fujian cuisine: dry fried dragon and phoenix legs

author:Chinese cuisine on the tip of the tongue
Chinese Fujian cuisine: dry fried dragon and phoenix legs

Dry fried dragon and phoenix legs

【Raw Materials】

Main ingredients: 200 grams of net chicken, 200 grams of fresh shrimp meat, 25 grams of ham meat, 5 shiitake mushrooms, 5 net water chestnuts, 1 piece of lard.

Ingredients: 25 g of white soy sauce, 15 g of cooking wine, 75 g of flour, 2 eggs, 4 white shallots, MSG, curry, sesame oil, a little pepper, 500 g of peanut oil (about 75 g), 12 net chicken thigh bones (or chopsticks cut into the corresponding length).

Chinese Fujian cuisine: dry fried dragon and phoenix legs


1. Chop the chicken and shrimp (use a dry towel to suck the water dry) into rice grains, finely chop the water chestnut and squeeze the juice, cut the ham meat and shiitake mushrooms into rice, and cut the green onion into fine beads. Put all of the above ingredients into a large bowl, beat an egg, add white soy sauce, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, curry powder, pepper and mix well into equal amounts of 12 parts. One egg with flour and stir into egg batter.

2. Cut the lard oil into 12 slices 10 cm square. After each slice is coated with egg batter, add a portion of the filling, insert a chicken leg bone in the center and wrap it into a chicken leg to make a "dragon and phoenix leg" raw blank.

Chinese Fujian cuisine: dry fried dragon and phoenix legs

3. Put the oil pot on the high heat, when the peanut oil is 60% hot, the raw blanks will be put down one by one, fried until golden brown, fished out the drained oil, drizzled with some sesame oil, plated, yarded, accompanied by radish acid, coriander and so on.


The outside is crisp and tender, the texture is loose and tender, the taste is mellow, and it resembles a chicken leg. Served with radish acid and coriander, the flavor is better.

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