
This beef soup dish is sure you won't miss

author:Legionnaire Farmer

When: November 17, 2020

Location: Ili district, Xinjiang

As the weather cooled, the frequency of soup drinking increased a lot. At this time, it is most suitable for stewing a hot beef pot to eat, and it is most suitable for eating beef in winter, which is rich in nutritional value and is loved by everyone. Although the price is a little expensive, eating some beef properly in autumn and winter is also very good for health. There are also many ways to eat beef, such as frying, roasting, stewing, stewing, etc., each of which has its own flavor. Beef varies slightly in cooking techniques depending on the quality of its different parts. Today Xiaobian will make a tofu beef soup, the meat soup is thick, and the bowl before the meal is very appetizing. A spoonful down the layered taste is particularly rich, and with the blessing of coriander sesame oil, the delicious taste is doubled!

Tofu beef soup

1, preparation materials: corn starch 10 grams, eggs 1, tofu 300 grams, salt to taste, white pepper 5 grams, sesame oil 10 grams,

1 carrot, 500 grams of beef tenderloin, 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms, and appropriate amount of coriander.

This beef soup dish is sure you won't miss

2. Preparation steps: cut the shiitake mushrooms into cubes, chop the coriander and cut the tofu into small pieces. Cut the carrot and beef tenderloin into cubes. After separating the yolk from the egg white, beat the egg white and beat the foam to skim off the foam. Bring water to a boil in a pot, blanch the tofu, shiitake mushrooms, and carrots, then blanch the chopped beef. Rinse the blanched ingredients in cool water and set aside for later. Then bring water to a boil in the pot and add the white pepper and salt to taste and stir well. Add cornstarch and water to a bowl and pour water starch into the pot, stir in circles with a spoon in the pan, then slowly add egg whites and stir for 30 minutes. Finally, you can put the parsley, then turn off the heat and let the sesame oil stir well.

This beef soup dish is sure you won't miss

If there is a casserole pot is the best, with casserole boiled tofu beef soup, as soon as you open the lid of the pot, it will smoke hot, stir it bright, the soup is light, mellow and lubricated, and the fragrance of coriander is wafting, which makes people feel appetizing. At this time, it is perfect to accompany a salted egg fried rice, if you still can't do it, please read it.

Salted egg fried rice

1. Preparation ingredients: 1 salted duck egg, 1 carrot, 5 grams of peas, salt, shallots, peanut oil, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 5 grams of chicken essence, and an appropriate amount of rice.

This beef soup dish is sure you won't miss

2. Preparation steps: separate the egg white and egg yolk of the salted duck egg into cubes, chop the shallots and cut the carrots into cubes. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add carrots and peas and blanch the water and set aside. In a pan, add peanut oil to duck egg yolks and stir-fry over low heat, add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell and stir-fry to create a caramelized flavor. Stir-fry the rice in a pan and wrap it in egg yolks and stir-fry the rice. Add carrots, salt, peas, salty egg whites and stir-fry well. Season with chicken essence and sprinkle with shallots to get out of the pan. Just like this, a salted egg fried rice is ready, and the fragrance of salted duck eggs plus the mellowness of beef soup is really delicious in the world!

This beef soup dish is sure you won't miss

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