
Beef soup and soup are prepared to be refreshing and delicious

author:A delicacy on the tip of your tongue

The so-called "radish greens have their own love", that is, some people like to steam, boil, stew into a talent of the "soup", some people love to stew, stew "soup". Today, Xiaobian will introduce some home-cooked soup methods, such as beef soup method, white ear yam lotus soup method and red jujube silver ear lotus seed soup method.

Beef soup, because of the different ingredients, so there are different methods, today Xiaobian mainly introduces two methods, one is the West Lake beef soup, the other is tomato beef soup.

West Lake beef soup

Beef soup and soup are prepared to be refreshing and delicious

Ingredients fee

50 grams of beef tenderloin, 100 grams of tofu, 5 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 5 grams of garlic, 10 grams of salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of pepper, 20 grams of starch, 5 grams of sesame oil, 15 grams of cooking wine, 20 grams of egg white.

Recipe recipe

1. Wash the beef skewers, cut into small slices with a knife, and then change the knife to cut into small cubes.

2. Slice the tofu top knife, cut into pieces along the way, cut into top pieces, and then use chopsticks to stir the egg whites evenly, chopping green onions, ginger and garlic into foam.

3. In a clean bowl, put the diced beef with 5 grams of salt, grasp well, put 5 grams of cooking wine, grasp evenly, put 5 grams of starch and mix well, marinate for 20 minutes.

4. Add 200 grams of water to a boil over high heat, blanch the chopped tofu thoroughly, pour into a colander and set aside.

5. Heat up about 5 grams of oil, add marinated beef cubes and fry them, put 10 grams of green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Mix the cooking wine with water in a 1:10 ratio, about 10 grams of cooking wine, 100 grams of water, add diced tofu in blanched water, put 5 grams of salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, pepper, and bring to a boil over high heat.

7. Starch 15g, sprinkle egg white and bring to a boil, drizzle with sesame oil out of the pan.

8. Sprinkle the coriander on the plate, and a delicious, colorful and fragrant West Lake beef soup will be displayed in front of everyone.

Health Benefits

bean curd

Clears heat and relieves fire, qi and detoxification.


Lowering reverse and stopping vomiting, reducing phlegm and cough, dispersing cold and dissolving the table.

Tomato beef soup

Beef soup and soup are prepared to be refreshing and delicious

Beef, tomatoes, beef broth, tomato sauce.

1. 3-4 tomatoes, wash and cut into small pieces for later.

2. Prepare the beef broth to taste.

3. Put the cut tomatoes in a pot and pour in the beef broth and soak the tomato surface.

4. Bring to a boil over high heat and heat over medium-low heat to make the tomatoes soft and rotten.

5. Cut the beef with sauce into minced meat.

6. Stir the tomato sauce well, add the minced beef when the soup is slightly thick, heat for 2-3 minutes to turn off the heat.


Replenish the spleen and stomach, strengthen the muscles and bones, and benefit the qi and blood.


Stomach, digestion, thirst.

Silver ear yam lotus soup

Beef soup and soup are prepared to be refreshing and delicious

6g dried white fungus, 12g fresh yam, 3g goji berries, water (depending on the size of the pot) about 1200g, rock sugar to taste.

1. Soak the white fungus in water and remove the small pieces of the tip.

2. Add the white ear lotus seeds to the water.

3. Bring to a boil on high heat and reduce heat to low heat and cook for about 30 minutes or more.

4. After the white fungus is soft, add yam and goji berries and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, add rock sugar to taste and serve.

Recipe tips

1. If you are severely constipated, you do not need to add lotus seeds, or do not eat lotus meat after cooking soup.

2. White fungus is rich in dietary fiber, which can clear the stomach and intestines to reduce the absorption of fat in the intestines, and promote defecation, which is a high-quality weight loss food.

3. You can drink more white fungus soup to have a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on conjunctivitis.

rock candy

And stomach, spleen, lungs and cough.

Red date silver ear lotus seed soup

Beef soup and soup are prepared to be refreshing and delicious

2 small white fungus, 10 lotus seeds, 5 red dates, about 20 goji berries, and an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

1. Put the white fungus and lotus seeds in a large bowl and soak in cold water for 1 hour.

2. After the white fungus becomes soft, use scissors to cut off the yellow induration part, shredd it, the more broken the better, put it in a pot with the lotus seeds, add water, bring to a boil on high heat, adjust to low heat, cook for 15-20 minutes.

3. After cooking, pour the ingredients and soup together into the Thermos bottle, paying attention to the water level 2 cm away from the bottom edge of the bottle.

4. Add the washed goji berries and dates.

5. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

6. Tighten the stopper and outer cap and leave for one night.

7. Get up in the morning, open the bottle cap, stir well and you can drink.

1. White fungus do not choose the color of white, that is often chemically treated, it is best to choose the color of yellowish, no pungent taste;

2. It is best not to heat the white fungus to eat again, so the amount of one time should not be too much, and how much to eat and how much to do;

3. Pay attention to ensure that the amount of water is 1 cm away from the lower end of the cork, so as not to damage the rubber ring after a long time;

4. Do not put in carbonated drinks or acidic juices to avoid corroding the cup.

White fungus

Moisturize the lungs, assist in lowering blood lipids, and assist in lowering blood pressure.

lotus seed

Nourish the mind, relieve diarrhea, and replenish the spleen.


Calm the nerves, replenish the spleen and stomach, and assist in lowering blood lipids.

Conclusion: Whether it is beef soup or white ear yam lotus soup or red date silver ear lotus seed soup, it is a good health dish. The soup has a mellow flavor and is half soup and half dish formed by hooking. Xiaobian prefers red jujube silver ear lotus seed soup, whether it is a hot summer or a cold winter, cold drinks and hot drinks are a good choice. The wellness effect is awesome!

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