
A bowl of beef soup

author:Words and deeds are simple

Lin Hui said every winter after college. She will miss the bowl of beef soup in her sophomore year.

She was not a good student, did not get good grades in the college entrance examination, went to a junior college, and chose a major that did not matter. She was still young and didn't know what the sorrow was. I don't understand acacia, I don't understand the style.

Young is good, fantasy can also live a life. Most of her school time is spent skipping class and then immersing herself in the library, reading books and fantasizing, which is the focus of life. The library is a huge key from the outside. She thought that it might mean that knowledge leads to all kinds of possibilities. She read philosophy in it, read medicine, read Confucianism. She loved the place so much that she wanted to tuck everything inside into her arms.

Lin Hui only occasionally attends the courses of foreign teachers, who are Japanese, especially rigorous, and the number of absenteeisms is too large, and the whole subject will hang up. Lin Hui had to compromise. Every time she sat at the back. Under the intensive reading textbook are other books. At first, she didn't notice a boy sitting in the corner and kept an eye on her.

Later, when she skipped class, the boys bribed the girls in the class with snacks, begging to impersonate Lin Hui when the teacher asked questions. Help her with her homework. Organize her notes and put them on her desk, and draw the key points on her textbook before the exam. Lin Hui slowly knew all this.

Lin Hui is not pretty, but full of spirit. Especially the eyes, dark and slippery, like children. Personality is free and bold. Maybe that's why boys like it. She didn't ask, he didn't have time to confess.

Boys blush every time they excuse themselves to talk to her, and she thinks it's rare to have a guy who blushes in college. Boys have nice-looking side faces and long eyelashes. In this profession, which has few boys in itself, it is highly liked by girls. She understood the boy's mind, but she didn't like the boy and could only keep her distance from him.

One day in intensive reading class, she was unwell, lying in pain at the back of the classroom, and she didn't even have the strength to go out after class. She sat in the classroom all the time, and the boys were in the corner with her. I didn't dare to come forward, nor did I dare to talk. Later, Lin Hui said that she was hungry and asked the boy to buy a beef soup. The boy happily bought a beef soup. Lin Hui said that there was coriander in it, and she couldn't eat it. So the boy sat next to him and carefully picked out the parsley.

Wait until the picking is done. Give the porridge to Lin Hui. Lin Hui took the porridge and poured it into the trash can next to the leg of the table.

She said, we can't, I don't like you, please don't like me in the future.

The boy listened to this and walked out of the classroom. And then, the next two years of college. The two didn't say a word. It's like a strange road. The boy never sat in the back seat again. Even if the class activities, I never spoke to Lin Hui on my own initiative.

This is the result that Lin Hui wants. Originally, the two parallel lines intersected and then separated.

After many years of separation, she will still miss this simple like. Beef soup that was thrown away. And the boy blushed and stuttered as he asked her to borrow something.

I hope all is well for the deceased.

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