
Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

author:Xin Xiaohe

No spicy no Xiang small stir-fried yellow beef

Hunan cuisine has always attached importance to the combination of raw materials, the taste penetrates each other, and the seasoning is particularly sour and spicy.

Due to the geographical location, the climate in Hunan is mild and humid, so people like to eat peppers to refresh their minds and get wet. Dishes made with sour kimchi and chili peppers are appetizing and popular, making them a unique local food custom.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

Today we bring you such a dish - small stir-fried yellow beef. The collision of pickled pepper and yellow beef is fresh, tender, spicy and refreshing, and when you eat two chopsticks, you must want to take another bite of rice.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

This dish is the most basic home-cooked dish in Hunan cuisine, and it can be seen in restaurants large and small.

But it should be noted that yellow beef is not the same as ordinary beef, and the beef we often eat is buffalo beef.

Yellow beef belongs to the warm nature of meat, good at tonic qi, is the first choice of meat for people with qi deficiency to eat and nourish food therapy, just like people with qi deficiency often prefer astragalus for medicinal therapy, so "Han's Medical Tong" said that "yellow beef tonic qi, and Mian astragalus work together." ——Excerpt from Baidu Encyclopedia

At the same time, the two are different in color, texture, taste and other aspects. Therefore, when we buy beef, we should also pay attention to discernment. "Yellow beef is generally brownish red or dark red in color, the fat is yellow, the muscle fibers are thick, and there is no fat inclusion between the muscles. Buffalo beef, the flesh color is darker than yellow beef, the muscle fibers are thick and loose, and have a purple luster. " Glossy."

——Excerpt from Baidu Q&A

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

▲ Yellow beef


今‬天我们‬做 小 炒 黄 牛 肉//

Everything is ready, let's get started!

Required ingredients

Beef, millet spicy, line pepper, pickled wild pepper, lard, vegetable oil, garlic, salt, pepper, oyster sauce, soy sauce, coriander

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu


— Preparation —

Like chili stir-fried meat, chili peppers are also a great essence of small stir-fried yellow beef. It is necessary to prepare three kinds of peppers: line pepper, millet spicy pepper, and bubble wild mountain pepper.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

Line pepper is the clear flavor of the pepper, millet pepper is to clear the flavor and spicy taste, and soaked wild mountain pepper takes its sour taste.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

In terms of beef, the beef buttocks of Guizhou cattle are selected, because the meat of the beef rump position is tender and the fascia is relatively small.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

When cutting beef, be sure to pay attention to the "top silk" cut, otherwise the beef will be wooded.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu


— Pickling —

Marinate the thinly sliced beef, pour in oyster sauce, soy sauce and stir well.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu


— Stir-fry —

The sautéing of the dish of small stir-fried yellow beef is also very important, basically ensuring that it is cooked for one minute.

Add a little lard and vegetable oil, sauté the garlic until fragrant, and then add the three kinds of chili peppers that have been cut.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

Wait until the spicy flavor of the peppers is fully released, then add the marinated beef.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

After stir-frying, add salt and pepper, the whole process must pay attention to: the fire should be large, the speed of seasoning should be fast, the frequency of turning should be high, and the aroma of chili peppers and the taste of beef should be quickly integrated.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

Then add oyster sauce, add a little soy sauce after the sauce is fragrant, stir well and add a little coriander.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

The whole process is a test of the chef's skills, and it must be done in one go, quickly allowing it to be heated evenly.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu


— Cooking —

When it first comes out of the pan, the fried beef flavor is fresh and fragrant, very tender, and very appetizing. It is accompanied by a spicy taste and a sauce aroma, which makes people have a lingering aroma after eating.

Hunan small stir-fried yellow beef that is all over the network, home-cooked small stir-fry shows kung fu

Because of its fast, delicious, dry and fragrant characteristics, small stir-fry has captured the taste buds of many diners, which shows the important position of "small stir-fry" technology in many cooking techniques. There is no doubt that the "small stir-fry" technique is indeed one of the most widely used techniques of all cooking techniques for modern Hunan cuisine. The inheritance of Hunan cuisine is inseparable from "small stir-fry".

To trace back to the real traditional Hunan cuisine, it is not to stimulate the taste buds with crude spices or even artificial additives.

It is a traditional cuisine that is mild, richly seasoned, skilled and deeply culturally rich.

But these traditional delicacies are being forgotten by us...

In this era of rampant materialism, innovative and creative cuisine has swept the public table, and traditional cuisine is in the midst of a storm.

Those once glorious traditional Hunan dishes have gradually faded out of our sight due to complicated methods or rare ingredients.

Some of those old dishes have been handed down to this day, and the roots and veins of Chinese cuisine can be found from them;

Some are dusty in the old menu, turning into slowly yellowing photos in books and the taste of memories.....

Classics deserve attention

Tradition deserves to be followed

Craftsmanship deserves to be passed on

Traditional cuisine is fading away, showcasing "traditional dishes that are about to die"

What will the food we be able to eat in ten years' time? Maybe there will be fewer and fewer authentic traditional delicacies... But there is always a group of people who, while adapting to the changes of the times, are adhering to the most essential traditional culture and carrying forward on the basis of inheritance.

They know that food that is stacked by time will be more mellow.

Passing on this culinary ingenuity ~ preserving the essence of Hunan cuisine ~ is the mission of craftsmen and us.


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