
When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face

author:A catalogue of the flavors of Rego
When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face

The climate in Beijing is dry these days, and the weather is getting colder and colder ~ this season is a good time to eat pumpkin, not only cheap but also delicious, there are many methods about pumpkin, pumpkin cake, pumpkin porridge... But today I want to share a sweet soup, delicious and nourishing, more "fragrant" than milk tea.

Step 1: Buy seasonal pumpkins and peel them and cut them into thin slices.

When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face

Step 2: Pumpkin slices steam for 10 minutes, then pour out the excess juice and crush them into pumpkin puree.

When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face

Step 3: Pour in glutinous rice flour, pumpkin puree and glutinous rice flour in a ratio of 4:1. It is difficult to grasp the proportion of the first time ~ mainly the pumpkin itself contains water, and only by mastering the appropriate proportion of glutinous rice flour can it be molded and non-sticky when the rounds are subsequently rubbed.

When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face
When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face

Pumpkin puree and glutinous rice flour and dough, basically more than half successful. The next step is to roll the balls. Pull down a small piece of noodles and knead into small rounds about 2 cm in diameter. You can do more at a time, freeze it up after eating, and it is more convenient to eat it next time.

When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face
When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face

Mashed dumplings are a traditional snack in the Gangnam region, and changing a single glutinous rice ball to a pumpkin ball is also an innovative attempt.

When it is cold, you should eat a warm little sweet soup, and the mashed pumpkin round seeds nourish the stomach and the face

It's cold, many girls have cold hands and feet, afraid of cold, put some red dates and goji berries, and then with pumpkin, not only tonic blood but also spleen and stomach.

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