
People who feel lonely and lonely, after reading Carnegie's quote, may be able to make you happy Many lonely and lonely people are like this because they do not understand that love and friendship are not gifts from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed by others, or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If you want others to like us, you really need to do your best. Love, friendship, or happy times are not a contract. What can be prescribed, let us face reality. Whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily any longer. However, they must understand that happiness is not about giving to others, but about winning the needs and love of others for you.

author:Kairo literature

Loneliness and loneliness are not innate, nor are they innate, at the moment when most of us are born, we have received a lot of people's care and affection, but later, as we grow older, we slowly become lonely and lonely, and people have a feeling of growing up more and more lonely.

Why? Even if you don't read Carnegie's quotes, many people can say a lot of reasons, such as the more you grow up, the more you see, the more you listen, the more you see, the more you see, the more you don't understand, you will slowly understand, and you will see the true face of many people, the true face of society, and you will feel more and more lonely.

The more we know, the more we are afraid, we want to get off the list, we want to make friends, but we are afraid of being ridiculed, laughing at us for not having a house or a car, feeling that we will humiliate ourselves when the time comes.

People who feel lonely and lonely, after reading Carnegie's quote, may be able to make you happy Many lonely and lonely people are like this because they do not understand that love and friendship are not gifts from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed by others, or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If you want others to like us, you really need to do your best. Love, friendship, or happy times are not a contract. What can be prescribed, let us face reality. Whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily any longer. However, they must understand that happiness is not about giving to others, but about winning the needs and love of others for you.

Because too many people even if they have not gone to love, they have seen too much love break up like this, and they have seen too many men without money, talking about a love humble to what extent, money is spent, and finally it is lonely and lonely, and the heart is still hurt fiercely.

In order not to become like that, in order not to hurt their hearts, many people are willing to fight for their careers first, make a little more money, have a little capital, and then fall in love. That way, you won't be ridiculed and you'll be able to afford women.

But everyone knows that society is realistic and cruel, just a house, may take many people to struggle for half a lifetime, so many people can only look forward to their own day of great luck, or house prices like cabbage that day comes early.

Many people would rather experience a long period of loneliness alone than dare to try to fall in love, rather than pursue love, because they see the essence of love too thoroughly.

Speaking of which, if you are not very satisfied with the above answers and analysis, we may as well read Carnegie's quotations together, he is very thorough in analysis, may be able to make you happy! The text is as follows:

Many lonely and lonely people do this because they don't understand that love and friendship are not gifts from heaven. If a person wants to be welcomed by others, or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If you want others to like us, you really need to do your best. Love, friendship, or happy times are not a contract. What can be prescribed, let us face reality. Whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily any longer. However, they must understand that happiness is not about giving to others, but about winning the needs and love of others for you. —Carnegie The Weakness of Human Nature #卡耐基语录 #

After reading Carnegie's quotations, I believe that many people have not done the above points, and even make the above mistakes, which is also the main reason for his loneliness and loneliness, I believe that as long as you read this quotation, pay more attention to it in the future, and strive to do it in this regard, one day you can also usher in happiness.

Today, I have the honor to read a quote like Carnegie with you, and we may wish to use this quotation to analyze it in more depth, discuss it, and reflect on it.

People who feel lonely and lonely, after reading Carnegie's quote, may be able to make you happy Many lonely and lonely people are like this because they do not understand that love and friendship are not gifts from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed by others, or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If you want others to like us, you really need to do your best. Love, friendship, or happy times are not a contract. What can be prescribed, let us face reality. Whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily any longer. However, they must understand that happiness is not about giving to others, but about winning the needs and love of others for you.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >which is why many lonely and lonely people do</h1>

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > because they don't understand that love and friendship are not gifts from heaven. </h1>

Yes, many people think that the love and friendship that others get so beautiful is a gift from heaven, and it is God who cares for him and gives him. And he did not have such luck, and could only admit his fate.

If you can, many people want to find such a love, do not dislike him without a house, a car, do not dislike his conditions, then he thinks that he can boldly go and will say goodbye to loneliness and loneliness. But I know very well that such a woman, in reality, is like a gift from God, too rare to ask for, and it is not easy to meet.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > a person who wants to be welcomed by others, or to be accepted</h1>

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > must pay a lot of effort and cost. </h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > we really need to do something to get others to like us. </h1>

Many people are lonely for a long time, they will live the opposite of this, he believes that if you want to be welcomed by others, you must first make yourself rich, as long as you are rich, you can be accepted. And if you want to get the likes of others, many people also think that they need to have money.

Such a thinking is very wrong, because as long as people who have thought about it and reflect on it will find that money cannot buy true love and true friendship

Rich people are often surrounded by a group of very hypocritical people, all of whom are people who shoot him on the ass. This is very terrible, causing the people around him to be hypocritical, but he himself does not feel that as long as he feels it one day, he will be very sad, and he will sigh that it is easier to be lonely and lonely if he has money.

On the contrary, some people have no money, but through their own efforts, with sincerity, and selflessness and even do not care about the mentality of gain and loss to exchange for real love and friendship, visible love and friendship, only in reality to try more, will always find that some people are suitable for you, you never take a step, and how to know who is suitable for whom?

People who feel lonely and lonely, after reading Carnegie's quote, may be able to make you happy Many lonely and lonely people are like this because they do not understand that love and friendship are not gifts from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed by others, or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If you want others to like us, you really need to do your best. Love, friendship, or happy times are not a contract. What can be prescribed, let us face reality. Whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily any longer. However, they must understand that happiness is not about giving to others, but about winning the needs and love of others for you.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > love, friendship, or happy time, is not a contract. </h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > can be prescribed, let's face reality. </h1>

If it's a contract, it's fine, there's marriage, there's no divorce. Then everyone wants to sign such a contract, but if they do not meet the person they like, fall in love with someone who does not love themselves, and sign such a contract, then is it to hurt their own happiness for a lifetime?

So it is not a contract of paper, many times, we still have to face reality, to adapt to the real society. To try to change their status quo.

As mentioned above, as long as you make enough efforts to the aspect you want, you can get love and grab the gifts given by God, not limited, only for the rich.

People who feel lonely and lonely, after reading Carnegie's quote, may be able to make you happy Many lonely and lonely people are like this because they do not understand that love and friendship are not gifts from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed by others, or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If you want others to like us, you really need to do your best. Love, friendship, or happy times are not a contract. What can be prescribed, let us face reality. Whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily any longer. However, they must understand that happiness is not about giving to others, but about winning the needs and love of others for you.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily anymore. </h1>

This sentence is even more true, the living people should not be miserable for the deceased, if the deceased person can wake up, the first time he sees you like this, he will definitely be sad. We can all be miserable for a while, or a few days, for the deceased, but not for weeks, months, or even years, or even a dozen years.

People have to look forward, if you don't want to live well, you can completely immerse yourself in sadness and pain, to break your own life, then you are not far away from looking for the deceased person, you will soon see him. Because you live a painful and sad life, you are prone to all kinds of diseases.

People who feel lonely and lonely, after reading Carnegie's quote, may be able to make you happy Many lonely and lonely people are like this because they do not understand that love and friendship are not gifts from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed by others, or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If you want others to like us, you really need to do your best. Love, friendship, or happy times are not a contract. What can be prescribed, let us face reality. Whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily any longer. However, they must understand that happiness is not about giving to others, but about winning the needs and love of others for you.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > however, they must understand that happiness does not depend on others to give alms</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > but to win the needs and likes of others for yourself. </h1>

Happiness really does not depend on sympathy and charity, but to win the respect and love of others, that is, to show your own skills and achievements, you can get the respect and love of others. If you are mediocre and mediocre, then even if you are lucky enough to find true love and get married, your life after marriage will be very difficult.

We must believe in ourselves, only through our own hands and unremitting efforts, everything can be won. It is also very important for the needs of others, you have to understand what the other person needs, you have done it, and have it, then your love will last a long time.

Just like a woman needs a house, a car, a deposit, you have worked hard to have it, and naturally you will get love and respect. But I believe that not all women in this world need a house and a car, and some women still need to see this person's attitude towards life, whether it is positive or decadent, and she cares more about whether you really love her, not just playing at home.

People who feel lonely and lonely, after reading Carnegie's quote, may be able to make you happy Many lonely and lonely people are like this because they do not understand that love and friendship are not gifts from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed by others, or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If you want others to like us, you really need to do your best. Love, friendship, or happy times are not a contract. What can be prescribed, let us face reality. Whether the husband dies or the wife dies, the living have the right to live happily any longer. However, they must understand that happiness is not about giving to others, but about winning the needs and love of others for you.

So why are you lonely? After reading this quote from Carnegie, it may make you happy!

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