
Lonely people, lonely hearts

author:Lady Zhenggong arrived

1. Wandering alone in the streets, looking at the bustling crowds on the street, those smiling faces, those that do not belong to you, you are just a passerby, nothing to take away, nothing to stay, no matter how lively, how prosperous, but more and more set off your single shadow, in the crowd, you silently look up, but can not find a familiar face ...

2. A person curled up on the bed, unable to sleep, thinking of inexplicable problems in your mind, the darkness is like a huge cobweb wrapped around you, in a thick quilt, you feel so cold, take out your mobile phone from under the pillow, but find that you don't know who to call, so, helplessly tucked back into the pillow, you shrunk your head into the quilt, gently hugged your knees, like a child hold yourself tighter, then, it will not be cold...

3. You hate some people, some things, even hate the world, you are always thinking, why is it you, why it must be you who bears all the pain, you just want to be an ordinary child, happy to live your childhood, study, find a job, fall in love...

However, such an ordinary thing is so difficult for you...

You feel as if there is a pair of eyes behind your back, looking at you with a sarcastic smile

Then, shaking his head, walked away...

4. Facing the computer in a daze, the coffee around me has gradually become cold, and the melodious music in the headphones is stretched out, at this time, it is early in the morning

You don't know when you became like this, like a burrowing animal, hiding in your nest and not wanting to come out

When, start to be afraid of the sun outside, hate going out, face the people outside the door, and feel that they are not even as kind as your cold computer

Sometimes, the virtual world is indeed more beautiful than the real world...

5. You lean against the window, looking at this strange city through the misty drizzle

You don't know how long you're going to stay here, you don't know what kind of people you'll meet, you don't know what kind of memories you'll leave behind...

Light a cigarette, smoke in the air, you quietly cat on the eyes, enjoy the silence of this moment

From now on, you must learn to know strangers, do strange things, and live a strange life...

Alone in a foreign land for strangers...

6. You are used to walking in the aisles of a school by hand, with no goal, no end, you just want to go step by step like this until you are exhausted

You learn to think alone and solve problems in this time that belongs only to one person, and it doesn't matter whether your conclusion is right or wrong...

You look at the lively playground, the corners of your mouth, and a smile gently rises

Under the setting sun, your shadow stretches so long...

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