
In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

author:Historical Celebrity Archives

On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao stood on the upper floor of Tiananmen Square and solemnly announced that the People's Republic of China had been established.

After the news reached Tucheng Town, Guizhou, a middle-aged man who was about 50 years old who worked in a sugar factory ran home happily and said to his wife Zeng Zongde: "After 14 years, I, I can finally speak, I, I am actually the Red Army." Having not spoken a word in 14 years, his voice had become somewhat hoarse, and the words had been spoken unfavorably.

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

He Mulin in his later years

Zeng Zongde grabbed her husband's arm and asked eagerly, "Are you not dumb?" ”

As far as Zeng Zongde knows, her husband's name is He Mulin, since 1935, has been living in Tucheng, because he can not speak, he once worked for the landlord's family, at that time she also worked in the landlord's family, see He Mulin although a mute, but real, kind and reliable, so the two walked together, and in 1945 together to form a family.

In the following four or five years, Zeng Zongde and her husband He Mulin gave birth to a pair of children, although the life was uneventful, but the family was happy and harmonious, and won the respect and recognition of the villagers. In the usual communication with the villagers, He Mulin is compared to his hands and uses sign language to deal with others. Sometimes He Mulin would suddenly become quiet, thinking about something, as if he were waiting for something. Of course, the villagers did not care about this, only when he was "dumb from nowhere".

The husband suddenly began to speak, Zeng Zongde was surprised and happy, happy that her husband was a normal person, and shocked that she did not know why her husband had hidden his identity in the past 14 years, and even her wife who slept with her did not know anything.

He Mulin saw his wife's doubts, he looked a little embarrassed, and slowly told the story that happened to him...

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

Stills of the Red Army

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > he was a Red Army soldier</h1>

He Mulin, formerly known as He Chuifeng, was born in 1904 and is a native of Huichang County, Jiangxi.

He Mulin's parents are all authentic farmers, and they are more concerned about their own acres and three-quarters of land than the major affairs of the state, so they also hope that their sons will be like them in the future, working at sunrise, resting at sunset, and living the lives of ordinary people. Naturally, they do not know what kind of great changes have taken place outside, and the suffering people of all Of China have gradually united against the oppression of imperialism and feudalism.

But He Mulin was a young man with patriotic feelings, and he longed to plunge into the torrent of revolution as soon as possible. Therefore, when the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army came to Huichang in 1929, he hid from his parents and enthusiastically signed up and joined the Red Army.

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

Road map of the Red Army's Long March

The parents obviously could not accept the son's act of joining the Red Army behind his back, and after the persuasion was ineffective, the father claimed that if he insisted on following the Red Army, then the father-son relationship would be completely severed, and there would be no one like him in the He family from then on. But even in the face of such a threat, He Mulin resolutely joined the Red Army and became a soldier in the teaching battalion of the Fifth Division of the Red Third Army under the leadership of Peng Dehuai.

After He Mulin left, his father was very angry and removed him from the family tree in a fit of rage. After learning the news, He Mulin had an indescribable pain, and he changed his name to "He Mulin", eager to grow in the experience of blood and fire.

After He Mulin joined the army, he caught up with the five anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations of the Central Red Army, and because of his heroic performance, he was soon appointed as a squad leader of the teaching battalion, leading the soldiers to win one battle after another.

However, in the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" operation, due to the wrong command of Bogu, Li De, and others, the Central Red Army lost consecutively, and the base areas in the Soviet area were constantly shrinking. In view of the grim situation between the enemy and ourselves, the Red Army had no choice but to carry out a major strategic shift and embarked on the arduous long march.

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

Zunyi Meeting

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > Battle City, unfortunately injured</h1>

In October 1934, He Mulin moved west with his warriors and left his hometown of Jiangxi. At that time, he would not have thought that he would never have the opportunity to return to his hometown again.

After the Red Army opened the Long March, it broke through the enemy's four blockade lines in a row, but also suffered heavy casualties, and the whole army was less than 30,000 people. It was not until January 1935, when the Red Army occupied Zunyi and held the world-famous "Zunyi Conference" in Zunyi, that Chairman Mao's military leadership was re-established and the Red Army was helped to get rid of the crisis.

After the Zunyi Conference, in the face of the heavy blockade lines set up by the enemies in eastern Qiandong and western Hunan Province, Chairman Mao abandoned the plan to make peace with the Red Second and Sixth Armies and instead sought to go north and meet the Red Fourth Front Army division in the Sichuan-Shaanxi base area. On the one hand, the military command group represented by Chairman Mao informed the Red Fourth Front to forcibly cross the Jialing River and march toward western Sichuan; on the other hand, it concentrated the superior forces of the Central Red Army and annihilated the troops of Guo Xunqi and Pan Zuo of the Sichuan army that had come in pursuit east of Tucheng, but in one fell swoop crossed the Yangtze River and went north to Sichuan.

In order to fight this battle well, Chairman Mao personally took command of the battle, and at the same time gathered Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Liu Shaoqi, seven marshals represented by Zhu De, and more than 200 generals, including Chen Geng and Song Renqian. However, due to the lack of intelligence preparation, the Red Army fought this battle very hard.

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

Battle of Tucheng

On January 28, 1935, the Battle of Tucheng was officially launched. Peng Dehuai and Dong Zhentang respectively led the Red Third and Fifth Red Armies to launch an attack on Guo Xunqi and Pan Zuo's troops, who were entrenched in the qingbanpo and Yong'an Temple, five kilometers east of Tucheng, and the Second Division of the Red First Army and the Red Ninth Army served as the general reserve, posing a decisive battle posture, and the great battle broke out.

As the squad leader, He Mulin led the soldiers to brave the enemy's artillery fire and bravely charged, and after several rounds of fierce fighting, they finally took the position of Guo Xunqi's Eighth Regiment. However, due to the failure of the intelligence work, the Sichuan army continued to increase its troops, and the number of people was as many as 10,000 people, and the Red Army could not be attacked for a long time, and suffered heavy casualties. It was not until Commander-in-Chief Zhu De personally took command of the battle, and Chen Geng led the cadre regiment to charge and fight hard, that he stabilized his position.

In the process of fighting, He Mulin was accidentally hit by the enemy's stray bullets, and suddenly the blood flowed, fainted on the position, and during the coma, he was injured in the thigh by the enemy's shells. Due to the tense situation, the comrades mistakenly thought that he had died and hastily withdrew from the battlefield.

The Red Army sacrificed more than 3,000 soldiers, but the enemy continued to reinforce, and at the critical moment, Chairman Mao immediately made a decision and ordered the troops to withdraw from the battlefield and advance to the Chishui River instead, thus beginning the divine work of crossing the Chishui River in four directions.

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

Wounded Red Army soldiers

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > saved by well-wishers and pretended to be dumb</h1>

In the early morning of January 29, 1935, two brothers, Zhao Changqing and Zhao Jixiang, who were only five or six years old, went to the mountain to look for hoes borrowed by the Red Army. As they walked to the green bar slope, they suddenly heard "Help me!" Help me! A faint cry. The two brothers followed the prestige, only to see that among the piles of corpses, a man covered in blood waved his right hand and asked them for help. This person was He Mulin, who had been unconscious all night.

The brothers knew that the Red Army was fighting for the poor people, and seeing that the wounded had no reason to save them, they quickly went down the mountain, called out to their father Zhao Yinzhou, and hurriedly carried He Mulin into a cave, covered him with grain grass, and then brought food and fed He Mulin bite by bite.

After the local villagers learned of the situation, they took turns to pretend to go up the mountain late at night to cut firewood and cut pigs and grass, and to deliver food and medicine to He Mulin. Under the care of the villagers, He Mulin's injuries gradually improved, and although his body was left with a disability, he was able to walk on a limp.

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

He Mulin and the Old Red Army

He Mulin wanted to chase after the troops, but he didn't know where the troops had gone, so he had to stay in Qingbanpo. He Mulin's mouth full of Jiangxi dialects was easy to expose his identity, so he simply pretended to be dumb and never spoke again. In order to make a living, he came to Tucheng Town, worked as a long-term worker for the landlord's family, and met his future wife Zeng Zongde there.

In the blink of an eye, 14 years have passed, tucheng town ushered in liberation, He Mulin, who worked in the sugar factory, was sure that his identity no longer caused trouble to his family and villagers, so he began to speak and announced his identity.

The state will not treat every revolutionary volunteer who spilled his blood for the founding of New China, and after confirming He Mulin's identity, he was arranged to work as a worker in the Tucheng Supply and Marketing Cooperative, with a monthly salary of 10 yuan, and he was paid a military pension of 196 yuan per year. However, He Mulin believed that the construction of the country needed money, and after only two years of receiving it, he voluntarily gave up the pension.

He Mulin, a soldier in his former squad, Shi Xin'an, served as deputy political commissar of the Guizhou Military Region after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and was later awarded the rank of major general. Knowing that He Mulin was still alive, he found him with great joy and said, "Old Squad Leader, you are still alive!" "When they were in Guizhou, the two often met. Shi Xin'an said to He Mulin, "Old squad leader, what difficulties do you have in your life, despite mentioning it." He Mulin waved his hand and said, "Compared with those sacrificed warriors, I am already happy enough, and I am already very content to be an ordinary person in a down-to-earth manner." ”

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

He Mulin told the story of the Red Army to the young soldiers

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" > sacrificed himself for the people, and the remains were buried in Qingbanpo</h1>

When He Mulin works in a supply and marketing cooperative, he always puts himself in the shoes of his colleagues to solve problems. Once, a colleague accidentally bought a good wine as a bad wine and needed to make up the difference. He Mulin knew that his colleagues had many children at home, so he paid for the difference in price for his colleagues. When his family went to buy things, He Mulin always let his family buy bad ones, he said: "You buy the good ones, and no one wants the bad ones." ”

In 1972, a villager brought up a large fish of more than ten pounds from the river, and the villagers whose families were in difficulty saw it. He Mulin took the initiative to take out his own salary, bought the fish, kept the fish head and fins for himself, and divided the best meat in the middle into more than ten pieces and gave them to the villagers for free.

In 1949, a mute in Guizhou suddenly began to speak, and the deputy political commissar of the military region: Old squad leader, you are still alive He was a Red Army soldier who fought in Tucheng, unfortunately injured and was rescued by well-meaning people

He Mulin's medical book

For the Zhao family, who has the grace of saving their lives, He Mulin is even more able to help. But for his own family, He Mulin was extremely harsh. In view of his status as an old Red Army, someone once proposed to arrange work for his son, but the old man resolutely refused to accept it, but supported his son to go to the hard front line. In this way, his son went to Xifeng Nanshan to dig coal for 32 years, and died of overwork before the age of 50. When his daughter got married, he only took out a 5-pound quilt as a dowry, and the daughter did not understand, so the father and daughter once quarreled very stiffly.

In 1979, He Mulin suddenly felt unbearable pain in his abdomen, and his family cried to send him to the hospital, but he refused, saying: "The country has difficulties, and the country's medical resources cannot be wasted." He Mulin's condition became more and more serious, and he finally passed away on August 1, and before he died, he shook the hand of his family and said, "Bury me in Qingbanpo, where there are brothers who were born and died with me!" ”

After the death of the elderly He Mulin, because the road from Tucheng to Qingbanpo had not been repaired, his family had to bury his remains in the collective cemetery of Shizigou first. It was not until 2014 that his remains were moved to the Qingbanpo Martyrs' Cemetery, but his last wish was fulfilled.

The people's hero is immortal, and every veteran is a monument to pay tribute to the veteran!

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