
Five home-cooked recipes include onion duck skin, duck paw mixed with old vinegar, home-style duck neck, and chicken minced duck paw

author:Pony food diagram

Duck is delicious, but have you eaten it that way? Selected five cold dishes about duck, no matter which season is suitable for drinking, relief, very delicious, worthy of everyone's recommendation, interested friends can try.

Five home-cooked recipes include onion duck skin, duck paw mixed with old vinegar, home-style duck neck, and chicken minced duck paw

Home-style duck neck

Ingredients: Marinated duck neck, green onion, coriander, carrot, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, chili noodles, aged vinegar, pepper, sesame oil.

1. Cut the brine duck neck into pieces, peel and wash the shallots and carrots, cut into strips, wash and cut the parsley into sections, put them on a plate and set aside.

2. Mix soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, chili noodles, aged vinegar, pepper and sesame oil and pour over the neck of the duck.

Five home-cooked recipes include onion duck skin, duck paw mixed with old vinegar, home-style duck neck, and chicken minced duck paw

Old vinegar mixed with duck paws

Ingredients: Cooked duck palms, ground peanuts, chopped coriander, soy sauce, salt, sugar, aged vinegar, sesame oil.

1. Wash the cooked duck palms and control the dry water.

2. Mix well with soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar and sesame oil, mix well with duck palms, plate, sprinkle with ground peanuts and chopped coriander.

Five home-cooked recipes include onion duck skin, duck paw mixed with old vinegar, home-style duck neck, and chicken minced duck paw

Chicken and duck palms

Ingredients: Cooked duck palm, ham, bean sprouts, chicken minced, rape hearts, salt, monosodium glutamate, clear soup, starch, bright oil.

1. Wash the cooked duck palms and control the dry water. Blanch the rapeseed hearts until cooked. The duck paws are patted with starch, coated with minced chicken, garnished with ham and bean sprouts, and steamed. Season the broth with salt and MSG to bring to a boil, drizzle with oil, pour over duck paws and garnish with vegetable hearts.

Five home-cooked recipes include onion duck skin, duck paw mixed with old vinegar, home-style duck neck, and chicken minced duck paw

Brine duck gizzard

Ingredients: clean duck gizzard, salt, cooking wine, sliced green onion and ginger, clear soup, MSG.

1. Rinse the duck gizzard in boiling water, rinse and set aside. Season the broth with salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, green onion and ginger slices, add duck gizzards and simmer for 2 hours, let cool and then take out the slices and plate.

Five home-cooked recipes include onion duck skin, duck paw mixed with old vinegar, home-style duck neck, and chicken minced duck paw

Onion duck skin

Ingredients: Roast duck skin, green onion, green pepper, soy sauce, chili oil, sugar, aged vinegar, chili noodles, white sesame seeds.

1. Wash the green onion, remove the seeds and wash the green peppers, cut into strips with the roast duck skin, and plate for later.

2. Stir soy sauce, chili oil, sugar, aged vinegar and chili noodles in a small bowl, pour into a dish, sprinkle with white sesame seeds, and mix well.

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