
Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

author:Food warms the home

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

There are many kinds of shrimp methods, most of which belong to the method of maintaining the original light taste of shrimp, which is the simplest and most effective, because the original taste of shrimp is light, and retaining this light umami taste will make many people be satisfied in their appetite. However, shrimp made by other methods will also have a very good taste performance, and a completely different taste will make people's appetite can be effectively improved. Miyaho shrimp balls are a very different approach from light taste. Gong bao this practice, everyone knows that it will be a sweet and sour dish, there are many ingredients that can be made into the miyaho type, the most commonly eaten is kung pao chicken. If you make shrimp in the miyaho method, you can also have a very good taste. It will also feel very enjoyable to eat.

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

No matter what method the shrimp is used to make, it will have a very great maintenance effect on our health. First of all, shrimp is an ingredient that belongs to meat, whether it is pig, beef and mutton on land or meat ingredients in water, which can provide the most important energy supplement for our body, that is, protein. In addition, the fat content of shrimp is relatively low, so this high-protein and low-fat ingredient has a very good maintenance effect for people who now consume a lot of fat, which can reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which will be of great significance for life and health. Many people who lose weight will use shrimp instead of other meat ingredients, which can ensure that the body has energy supplements and will not make the body fat. The method allows everyone to see the detailed description below.

Ingredients: 300 g shrimp, 1 spoonful of white pepper, 1 spoon of starch, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 4 grams of salt, 3 spoons of sugar, 2 spoons of vinegar, 1 spoonful of dark soy sauce, 3 dried chili peppers, 1 green onion, 4 g of dried chili peppers, 1 handful of peanut rice, 1/2 spoon of sesame oil.

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

Step 1: The shrimp used is ordinary white shrimp, when the shrimp is heated, it will naturally curl, so as to form the shape of the shrimp ball, first of all, the shrimp shell, shrimp whiskers, shrimp line are removed, and then the back is opened, so that the taste can be better in. After processing, the shrimp should be thoroughly rinsed several times so that it can be used normally for cooking.

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

Step 2: Clean the shrimp with starch, cooking wine, white pepper, salt together and marinate for more than 20 minutes, so that the fishy smell of the shrimp can be well removed, many people are very concerned about this taste, so this step is very critical.

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it
Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

Step three: use sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, dry starch as the main seasoning match, and then put soy sauce, salt, sesame oil, water together to stir evenly, make a sauce for later, which is related to the final taste of shrimp is not a key step, dried pepper directly soaked in water, so that when fried, you can also maintain a bright appearance.

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

Step 4: Other seasonings such as onion, ginger and peppercorns should also be prepared so that the food can have a good taste.

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it
Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

Step 5: Start the pot to burn the oil, you can make the oil slightly more, when the oil temperature is 70%, put the ginger garlic and peppercorns together to fry the incense, and then put the dried peppers, and the dried peppers should absorb the water before entering the pot.

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

Step 6: Then put the shrimp into the stir-fry, to make the shrimp evenly heated and set, but also can not be fried for too long, otherwise the taste of the shrimp will change greatly.

Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it
Don't cook the shrimp and eat it, try this "Miyaho shrimp ball", it is refreshing and tender, and the family loves to eat it

Step 7: After a slight change of color, put the peanut rice in, which is the traditional combination of Miyoshi cuisine, and add the sauce and stir-fry for 30 seconds to get out of the pot.

The key to the preparation of this dish is that the stir-frying temperature and time cannot be too long, and the sauce must be prepared.

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