
Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

Speaking of Kyo sauce shredded meat, I still remember the first time I ate it in college, the feeling at that time was that I had never eaten such a delicious dish since I was a child, the meat was tender and smooth, the taste was also very special, it was delicious to eat, after eating a plate was not enough, and then I ate many times after going to work, as long as I had dinner with friends, I absolutely wanted shredded Meat with Beijing sauce.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

This dish looks very simple, a dish seems to be roughly divided into three parts, part of the shredded meat, part of a thousand sheets, part of the side dish, when eating to put the shredded meat and side dishes in a thousand sheets, and then curled up, a bit like a burrito. So what can be done to make a restaurant taste? The focus is on the shredded meat, as long as the shredded meat is tender and has a sauce flavor, and this is right.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it! I also learned it from my uncle, and after learning it, I found that it is not difficult, and you can do it well according to the method.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

Steps to prepare saurated meat with Kyo sauce:

Prepare a piece of pork through the spine, this part of the meat is not only very tender, or a strip, can be very good to cut out the meat shredded, very beautiful after making, for friends who are not very good at knife work, you can first put the pork in the refrigerator to freeze it, freeze it a little hard and then take it out, cut it into thin slices, and then cut into shredded meat.

After cutting, put the water in the bowl and pinch it a few times to make the meat completely soft and let the blood drain out.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

Squeeze dry water in a bowl, add cooking wine, salt, white pepper, white pepper powder is not too much, a little bit is good, start to repeatedly grasp and mix.

Then add some onion and ginger water to scratch and mix again, after complete absorption, then immediately add an egg white, note that it is egg white, do not add egg white, and continue to scratch and mix after adding.

Grab and mix until firmly wrapped in shredded meat, add a little cornstarch, stir with chopsticks to create a sticky fit.

Then add some cooking oil and stir, set aside and marinate for a while to let the shredded meat taste good.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

The above steps are indispensable, so that the meat can be tender and smooth, but also very flavorful, if directly under the pan to fry it is wrong, not only not into the taste, but also may make the taste of firewood.

When marinating, we prepare a thousand sheets and side dishes.

Cut the thousand sheets into small pieces, rinse them, put them into a large bowl, soak them in boiling water without a thousand sheets, or you can blanch the water directly, the purpose of doing this is to make the thousand sheets clean and beany, and the taste is better.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

Simply fold and place on the plate after fishing out. Cut a little cucumber shredded and a little green onion, place next to a thousand sheets, leave some empty space in the plate, and put the shredded meat later.

Pot hot oil, the amount of oil should be slightly more, until it is heated to 40% heat, pour the shredded meat into the oil pot, stir and spread, and then immediately put out, the process should be fast, control in half a minute, the time is too long, then the shredded meat will become hard and unpalatable.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

Leave a little oil in the wok, heat it up, add minced garlic and ginger, stir-fry to make it fragrant, then stir-fry with sweet noodle sauce and add a little water to moisturize.

Then add soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white sugar and stir to boil, reduce the heat and quickly adjust a little water starch.

Then turn on the high heat to pour the water starch into the pot, cook until it is thick, pour the shredded meat into the pot, stir-fry to collect the juice.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

Finally put the shredded meat into the plate, so that a plate of shredded meat with Beijing sauce is ready, take a thousand sheets when eating, put on the cucumber shreds, green onions, shredded meat, and then roll it perfectly, you can eat it, the taste is wonderful, the meat is tender and smooth, and the sauce is fragrant.

The difficulty in making this dish is on the shredded meat, you must not make it into firewood, otherwise it will be difficult to eat, pay attention to the correct steps:

First of all, the pork tenderloin should be selected, then seasoned with salt, added onion and ginger water to add fishy flavor and tenderness, then added egg white to make the meat more tender, then add corn starch to wrap the water, and finally add cooking oil to make the meat non-sticky, and lock the water to keep it tender.

In addition, when sliding meat, it is necessary to have more oil, the speed should be fast, and when the meat is scattered and discolored, it should be immediately filled.

Kyo sauce shredded meat do this, the meat is tender and smooth, the sauce is fragrant, teach you the detailed method, come and do it

Have you learned the method of shredded meat with Kyo sauce? Eat it this way to relieve your hunger, and you can also make a taste. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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