
How to make the apple is sweet inside, and the skin is crisp and long. How to make a plucked apple is more delicious

author:Little Kejanin

At home, how can you make the plucked apples inside sweet, crispy and long.

How to make the apple is sweet inside, and the skin is crisp and long. How to make a plucked apple is more delicious

First find a few apples to wash, then peel him, use a knife to cut it into small petals, remove the core and cut him directly into pieces.

How to make the apple is sweet inside, and the skin is crisp and long. How to make a plucked apple is more delicious

The first important point is to put the apples in cool water and soak them with some salt for three minutes, which is the key to the sweetness of the apples.

How to make the apple is sweet inside, and the skin is crisp and long. How to make a plucked apple is more delicious

The second point is to take some ordinary flour after fishing out.

How to make the apple is sweet inside, and the skin is crisp and long. How to make a plucked apple is more delicious

The purpose of shooting flour is to make apple chunks easier to stick to starch, but also to play a role in crispy skin, and then shoot this starch, shoot the starch layer by layer, after shooting, drop some water upwards, and then shoot some starch, repeatedly shoot three or five times, just shoot it like this, and then shake it, shake off the floating powder above.

How to make the apple is sweet inside, and the skin is crisp and long. How to make a plucked apple is more delicious

Heat the pan with oil The oil temperature is burned to about 60% Put the apple in, bubble in the middle, and then float up immediately The oil temperature is just right. The apple itself can be eaten raw, so the apple should not be fried for too long as the skin is hard and discolored, quickly fish it out.

How to make the apple is sweet inside, and the skin is crisp and long. How to make a plucked apple is more delicious

Pour the oil out, add a spoonful of water directly to the pot and add a large spoonful of sugar, don't be too little sugar, less syrup can not pull out the juice.

How to make the apple is sweet inside, and the skin is crisp and long. How to make a plucked apple is more delicious

The point is again, small fire boiling sugar, this flame should not exceed a circle of sugar water, the flame should not open too much, if the flame exceeds this circle of water, it is easy to paste, the fire can not be too small, the small fire is easy to boil half and crystallize, after boiling the water you see a little sticky spoon, this time you can hang frost dishes, slight discoloration can be pulled Silk Pour the apple in and quickly stir-fry IT IS OK

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