
Two and a half days to grow mature mushrooms, a day to pick four or five times! Demystify the growth story of the black-skinned chicken fir mushroom

author:Qilu one point

On January 25, the village of Changjiazhuang in Licheng District, Jinan City, was covered in cold fog, but the greenhouses at the planting base of Jinan Lin's Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. located here were warm and humid. With the roar of the machine, a black-skinned chicken fir mushroom thrives on the shelf, and the fat and fat figure looks particularly cute.

"Black-skinned fir mushrooms used to be wild, but now they have only been cultivated for three or four years." Lin Shengqiang, the owner of Lin's Science and Technology Agriculture Co., Ltd., said that because of this, the popularity of black-skinned chicken fir mushroom is not high, and many people do not know it. The black-skinned chicken fir mushroom is small, different from the common oyster mushroom on the market, its temperature requirements are more precise, and 25 degrees is its favorite temperature.

Two and a half days to grow mature mushrooms, a day to pick four or five times! Demystify the growth story of the black-skinned chicken fir mushroom

"For example, oyster mushrooms may grow from 15 degrees to 30 degrees (15 degrees error), while black-skinned fir mushrooms can only grow within five degrees of error." Lin Shengqiang introduced that "covering" is a way for them to control temperature, and the so-called "covering" refers to the three centimeters of nutrient soil covered with "round rollers" covered with hyphae. After the soil is covered, the temperature change in the environment decreases, Lin Shengqiang said: "If the soil is covered, even if the air conditioner is stopped for a day, its temperature will drop by up to 1 degree; if there is no soil cover, the temperature here may drop by 5 degrees." ”

Like the common oyster mushroom, the main body of the black-skinned chicken fir mushroom is also composed of a cap and a stalk, but unlike the oyster mushroom, it is mainly a food stalk, that is, the part that plays a supporting role located under the cap. Standard first-class mushrooms must have a stalk larger than 1.5 centimeters in diameter, Lin Sheng explained, adding that in order to produce high-quality standard mushrooms, "you need to make the umbrella cap small." The umbrella hat is small, and the nutrition is concentrated on the pole, so that you can raise a white and fat standard mushroom.

For the black-skinned chicken fir mushroom, the most beautiful height is 5-7 cm, but its growth cycle is very short, from a small point to grow into a mature mushroom only takes 60 hours, so if you want to harvest a beautiful chicken fir mushroom, you have to spend more effort on picking.

Two and a half days to grow mature mushrooms, a day to pick four or five times! Demystify the growth story of the black-skinned chicken fir mushroom

"You have to pick 4-5 times in 24 hours." This time is Lin Shengqiang and the workers after many experiments, "we have tested that it (black skin chicken fir mushroom) from the beginning to grow into 5-7 cm time, about 60 hours." Lin Shengqiang held up a small chicken fir mushroom and said with a smile, "At five or six o'clock in the morning, the workers need to come over to pick mushrooms, get up at three o'clock, and come at four o'clock." ”

In addition to picking mushrooms, cutting mushrooms is also a very important part. The harvested chicken fir mushrooms are quickly delivered to the hands of the mushroom cutters, who then complete the work, and the whole process requires a "fast" word. "Fast" delivery to the hands of workers is based on the pursuit of preservation, and "fast" in the process of cutting mushrooms reflects the requirements for the operator's proficiency. Holding the root of the chicken fir mushroom in his left hand and a knife in his right hand, he rotated to peel off a layer of black skin at the root, revealing the white and tender flesh, although simple but required sufficient patience and care.

Lin Shengqiang said that mushrooms are a good industry that can promote employment, and people who can't go out to work at the age of 70 or so can make fifty or sixty yuan a day when they sit there and cut mushrooms. ”

"We built this base to think about the diversification of production." There are strawberries that apply organic fertilizer, there are free-range stupid chickens, as well as vegetable planting, knowing breeding, Lin Shengqiang wants to build the entire park into leisure agriculture, not only can pick, fish, but also use these green ingredients to make a nutritious meal, but he frankly said: "The road is still relatively long." ”

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Intern Li Yunping Jiang Mingkun

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