
Not ready? Chicken fir is the most expensive 260 yuan / kg, and it will not be eaten at the end of the month

author:Spring City in the palm of your hand
Not ready? Chicken fir is the most expensive 260 yuan / kg, and it will not be eaten at the end of the month

Black truffles sold in the market

Not ready? Chicken fir is the most expensive 260 yuan / kg, and it will not be eaten at the end of the month

Citizens rush to buy chicken fir before the tide Falls City Times all-media reporter Zhang Jindong photographed

Pocket Spring City News Entering November, the frost weather increases, wild mushrooms gradually fall tide, and the sale has entered the end of the year. On November 7, the reporter visited the Yunnan WoodWater Splash Wild Mushroom Trading Market (hereinafter referred to as the "Wood Water Splash Market") and found that compared with July and August, the number and types of wild mushrooms sold in the Wood Water Splash Market were significantly reduced, mainly chicken fir and matsutake mushrooms, due to the low purchase rate, the price of wild mushrooms fell. The price of chicken fir is 120-260 yuan per kilogram, and the price of matsutake mushroom is 200-400 yuan.

At present, truffles are gradually maturing and are listed in large quantities. In addition to local truffles, there are also truffles from the northeast for the public to choose from this year.


Fewer citizens are buying wild mushrooms

At 2 p.m. on November 6, there were only about 50 vendors selling wild mushrooms in the spacious Wood Splash Wild Mushroom Market. Compared with the hard-to-find scene in the peak season, there are large open spaces in the Mushui splash market at this time, which seems deserted. Even on weekends, few citizens come to buy wild mushrooms.

"My wild mushrooms here are the most complete ones in the market at present, including hand green, patina, milk pulp, millet fungus, tiger palm fungus and dried bacillus, which is the last wave of wild mushrooms this year, and there is no more when it is sold out." Ms. Cai, a vendor in the market, introduced that the price of good quality is 290 / kg, and the quality of slightly worse quality can be bought for less than 100 yuan, aeruginosa and milk pulp bacteria 60 yuan / kg, millet ripe bacteria for 50-130 yuan / kg, tiger palm fungus 80 yuan / kg, black beef liver 100 yuan / kg, dried bacillus 300 yuan / kg.

Mr. Han, who sells chicken fir, said that due to the frost, the chicken fir will not be sold for two or three days. "The quality of chicken fir has not declined, but there are too few people buying mushrooms, so the price has dropped, compared with the peak season, which has dropped by fifty or sixty yuan per kilogram." The umbrella-shaped chicken fir is 130 yuan / kg, and the price of the unopened is slightly higher, which is 260 yuan / kg. Mr. Han said.

"This is my last wave of matsutake mushrooms, the price is 200-400 yuan / kg, now about 10 kg a day, not much." Mr. Li, a wild mushroom vendor from Jinning, said that until the end of November, there were still a small amount of chicken fir and matsutake mushrooms in the market, and other wild mushrooms really fell off the tide. Since the listing, the price changes are more obvious in chicken fir, matsutake and dried bacillus, and the price fluctuations of other wild mushrooms are not very obvious.

At the stall of the vendor Ms. Li, there are black truffles of different qualities. She introduced that these truffles are mainly produced in the three eastern provinces and Fugong County of Nujiang Prefecture, and there are also a small number of local truffles, mainly from Dabanqiao, Songming and Dongchuan. "I have many types of truffles here, and the price is different, the cheapest is 200 yuan / kg, the quality is average 450 yuan / kg, the most expensive 700 yuan / kg." Ms. Li said that during the peak season of wild mushrooms, she mainly sells common wild mushrooms such as hand green and milk pulp mushrooms. During this time, these wild mushrooms were fewer and the quality was not too good, so they began to sell truffles. Truffles can be sold until February next year.

In the peak season, the business of mushroom washers has become deserted due to reduced transactions. "Today so far only washed 2 single wild mushrooms, the current market can wash about three or four orders a day, and the peak season can not be compared." Ms. Wang, who washed the fungus on behalf of the wooden water splash market, said.


Buy another wave before the tide sets

In the market, Mr. Zhao and his wife came together to buy wild mushrooms. Mr. Zhao said that the chicken fir that has just been listed sells for three or four hundred yuan / kg, and this time it is about to fall, the price is cheap, and he will come to buy something at this time of year. "The 120 yuan / kg Bought today, spent 295 yuan, ready to go back to fry chicken fir oil." Although the chicken fir has opened an umbrella and does not have the aroma of the peak season, the moisture is not large, and it is still very cost-effective to buy fried chicken fir oil. Mr. Zhao said.

"We specially came to see if there were any wild mushrooms, and after asking, the price was not expensive, so we planned to buy more." Now we have picked some matsutake mushrooms and seen hand green, and put them together to send to relatives in Xinjiang, and we ourselves have rushed to buy a little before the tide falls and go home to eat. Mr. Hu, who brought his family to buy mushrooms, said.

Mr. Ma originally planned to buy tianma, but when he saw that there were wild mushrooms for sale, he bought a lot. "Thinking that if you don't buy it again, you can't eat it, just this year, there are more people in the family for the New Year, so I will buy more." Now pick some chicken fir, wait and see if there are any other wild mushrooms of better quality, and buy a little more. Buy it back, pack it up, freeze it in the fridge, and eat it during the New Year. Mr. Ma said.


Daily trading volume of 2 tons truffles a large number of mature listing

Cheng Aili, head of the wood water splash market, introduced that at present, wild mushrooms have entered the final stage, and the types and quantities have been significantly reduced, mainly based on grain-cooked mushrooms, chicken fir and matsutake mushrooms, and the market volume is about 2 tons per day. In addition, after the winter, truffles gradually matured, the number gradually increased, and the market volume was about 5 tons per day.

"The truffles in the wood splash market mainly come from Yunnan and several places in Heilongjiang and Jilin in the northeast. Because of the different climatic environments, truffles in the northeast entered the ripening stage half a month ago and matured earlier. These truffles are mainly sold to large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, while Kunming is mainly retail. Cheng Aili said that only a small amount of truffles in the northeast entered the market last year, but due to the large output and good taste, it was favored by many people from other provinces, and this year began to enter the market in large quantities, and the public also had more choices when buying truffles.

City Times all-media reporter: Zhang Jindong

Editor-in-charge: Li Dongyu Internship Editor: Zhao Ping

Editor: Zhou Xiaoxue

Final Judge: Qian Hongbing

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