
These 3 kinds of instant noodles are about to be withdrawn from the market, are your childhood memories? | European boundary 1.Lucky vegetarian noodles 2.Guangzhou Huafeng Yi noodles 3.Smy Ultraman instant noodles

author:European life

European Report:

With the rise of takeaway, we can eat hot meals without leaving home, and living conditions are constantly improving. Instant noodles, as an instant dish, carry the memories of generations of people, but the frequency with which we eat instant noodles is declining. Remember which of the earliest instant noodles you ever ate?

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The yellow package has a large "vegetarian" character on it, and the packaging also has shiitake mushrooms painted on it. Lucky Vegetarian Noodle Seasoning Packs are divided into two types: powder buns and sesame oil buns. The powder bun is suitable for dry eating, and if it is eaten boiled, the taste with sesame oil can be said to be a must.

These 3 kinds of instant noodles are about to be withdrawn from the market, are your childhood memories? | European boundary 1.Lucky vegetarian noodles 2.Guangzhou Huafeng Yi noodles 3.Smy Ultraman instant noodles

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"Eat Huafeng, Lulutong" shows that Guangzhou people love Huafeng instant noodles, which is also the old friend who can most reassure Guangzhou people. If there is something special about Huafeng instant noodles, it is impossible to say, just a simple and unpretentious piece of noodle cake and dehydrated vegetables and cooking oil, which can make countless Guangzhou people haunt their dreams.

These 3 kinds of instant noodles are about to be withdrawn from the market, are your childhood memories? | European boundary 1.Lucky vegetarian noodles 2.Guangzhou Huafeng Yi noodles 3.Smy Ultraman instant noodles

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This Ultraman-wrapped instant noodles has won the childhood of many boys. Fifty cents a bag, the door commissary is more. In order to attract children to buy, this instant noodle also added a lot of Ultraman and small monster cards, in the era of collecting cards at that time, did you "kryptonite" for these small cards?

These 3 kinds of instant noodles are about to be withdrawn from the market, are your childhood memories? | European boundary 1.Lucky vegetarian noodles 2.Guangzhou Huafeng Yi noodles 3.Smy Ultraman instant noodles

In addition to the above list of instant noodles, there are actually many other brands, but with the rise of a number of "big name" instant noodles such as Master Kong, they have gradually withdrawn from the market. Why has instant noodles become a memory of a generation, but it is difficult for us to regain the enthusiasm for eating instant noodles now?

Food, like people, is a lot of it a product of the times. In the era when material life is not rich, instant noodles can be said to have come into being and become the memories of many post-70s and post-80s generations. Compared with traditional noodles, the appearance of instant noodles has been amazing, and due to the limited choice of dishes at that time, a variety of flavors of instant noodles have naturally won the love of most people.

In the past, the "instant noodle enthusiasts" after 70 and 80 have now entered middle age, their careers are on the rise, and their diet is no longer full and convenient, but they pay more attention to health and health. Fresh things, thermos cups, and autumn pants have become daily necessities. Compared with instant noodles with various additives and preservatives, fast food is their better choice.

Not only instant noodles, many old brands have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history and can only be found in memory, but they once held up the taste buds of an era, which has also cleverly become the marketing code of many "nostalgic shops" now.

Source: Online editing, if it involves copyright issues or seeks to report, please contact the European Media Network in time!

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