
"Recipe Upgrade"! Master Kong's instant noodles are about to be raised in an all-round way, and the comment area is frying!

author:Yi Renxi went ashore

When the news came out that Master Kong's instant noodles would gradually increase in price, netizens were quite surprised. "Recipe upgrades" have become an excuse for price increases, but they are inevitably questionable.


It is understood that Master Kong has notified all stores in advance, but the real price increase has not yet been determined, and it is just to "warm up" the news. Judging from the data of online shopping platforms at this stage, barrels and bags are at the level of about 4.5-5 yuan. Although the brand said that it would adjust the price according to the cost, consumers inevitably felt that the increase was a bit too large. More people are worried that the move will trigger a rally across the industry.

Many netizens have expressed their dissatisfaction. It has been pointed out that even if the "recipe" is really improved, there is not much difference in terms of the composition of the ingredients. "It's just a little more dish, so why bother with a big price increase?" Another netizen decided to "stop eating", he believes that the daily consumption cost has become higher and higher, and it is difficult to withstand a new round of rise.

"Recipe Upgrade"! Master Kong's instant noodles are about to be raised in an all-round way, and the comment area is frying!

Some netizens ridiculed, "The house has fallen, everything else has risen, and we have no way out!" "Clearly, consumer sentiment is already very bad. The price increase has spread widely. Some online store owners shared that the prices of flour and vegetables have actually increased significantly, and the amount of vegetables after the new packaging is slightly more, but the cost is ultimately borne by consumers.

A netizen said that the local convenience store instant noodles have been 5 yuan a bucket, which is much more expensive than before. This will undoubtedly increase the pressure on people's lives. The real motive for the price increase is also questionable. Some netizens questioned the "formula price increase" statement, believing that this is just an excuse, and the cost increase should be smaller than the announced increase.

"Recipe Upgrade"! Master Kong's instant noodles are about to be raised in an all-round way, and the comment area is frying!

Some people also pointed out that Master Kong has basically monopolized offline channels, does this give it a lot of room for price adjustment? In contrast, if other peers do not follow up with price increases, consumers will have more choices. Instant noodles have always been a commodity of people's lives, and rising prices will have a direct impact on people's lives.

If a brand decides to adjust its price, it is better to give a full explanation so that consumers are aware of the change in cost structure, otherwise the market will have a strong response. In the future, if inflation persists severely, the price bubble may burst, and the government should strengthen the control of food prices. Only when the whole society works together to safeguard people's livelihood can we stabilize the market order for a long time.

"Recipe Upgrade"! Master Kong's instant noodles are about to be raised in an all-round way, and the comment area is frying!

After this "formula upgrade" price interaction, we have to reflect: enterprises should think about consumers, and price increases must have sufficient reasons, and cannot get rid of responsibility for abstract reasons; Consumers need to express their opinions rationally and avoid being emotional; At the same time, the government should also strengthen supervision to prevent disorderly price increases and maintain the order of fair competition.

"Recipe Upgrade"! Master Kong's instant noodles are about to be raised in an all-round way, and the comment area is frying!

As a necessity for people's livelihood, the cost transparency of instant noodles is related to the vital interests of hundreds of millions of consumers. Brands should strengthen communication with consumers, explain the basis for price adjustment in a timely manner, and let users understand the real situation of cost changes. Government departments should also subconsciously supervise the price formation process, prevent individual enterprises from arbitrarily raising prices by taking advantage of their market position, and maintain the fairness of market competition.

"Recipe Upgrade"! Master Kong's instant noodles are about to be raised in an all-round way, and the comment area is frying!

Product pricing can only be reasonably and fairly priced if every participant undertakes the survey. This event also reminds us that the essence of the inflation problem is not about individual categories, but about overall supply and demand. In the long run, only when the economy continues to operate benignly, production costs maintain steady growth, and consumers' living standards continue to improve, can all sectors of society achieve coordinated progress.

"Recipe Upgrade"! Master Kong's instant noodles are about to be raised in an all-round way, and the comment area is frying!

Food is a major category related to people's livelihood, and any price increase will directly affect all levels of society. Enterprises should treat consumers fairly, the government should maintain market order, and consumers should be rational and self-disciplined. Only when all parties shoulder their responsibilities can society achieve long-term peace and stability and people's lives continue to improve. I believe that as long as we understand and respect each other, we can eventually find a balance point through cooperation and cooperation, so that the market order can be back on track.

"Recipe Upgrade"! Master Kong's instant noodles are about to be raised in an all-round way, and the comment area is frying!

What do netizens think about this matter, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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