
Nut of the Day – Walnut Kernel

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Author: Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association Ye Yingxia, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

Nowadays, health advocates like to put a bag of mixed nuts in a carry-on bag, which is both depressing and nutritious! What varieties are included in these healthy and balanced blend nuts? Among them, walnuts, almonds, cashew nuts and hazelnuts, which are known as the "four dried fruits of the world", are indispensable. This time, we will introduce you to nuts with medicinal and food homologous effects - walnut kernels.

Nut of the Day – Walnut Kernel

Walnut kernels look very similar to the human brain, and many people think that walnut kernels can be shaped in shape and play a role in supplementing the brain. Is this correct? Let's take a look first

Ingredients of walnut kernels: the main contains oil, but also contains phospholipids, squalene, melatonin, etc., and phospholipids are essential components of the brain and nerve cells. After the phospholipids in food enter the human body, they can be hydrolyzed into choline and combined with the acetic acid in the brain with the bloodstream and converted into acetylcholine. The higher the acetylcholine content, the faster the information transfer between nerve cells in the brain, helping to enhance memory and intelligence. It is known that walnut kernels can play a role in strengthening the brain.

In addition, what is the effect of walnut kernels?

Li Shizhen, a medical scientist of the Ming Dynasty, said that walnut kernels have the effect of "nourishing qi and nourishing blood, moisturizing and drying phlegm, benefiting life gate, benefiting sanjiao, and warming the lungs and moisturizing the intestines".

So, how is TCM clinically applied?

1. Kidney loss and low back pain, knee weakness, frequent nocturia, can be used walnuts, sand garden seeds, eucommia, intermittent 10 grams each, water frying. It has the ability to strengthen the kidneys and waist, and consolidate the essence and shrink the urine.

2. Kidney and yang deficiency, impotence and sperm, can be used walnuts, suoyang, nootropic kernels, silk seeds, goji berries 10 grams each, water frying. It has the function of tonifying the kidney and fixing the essence.

3. Those with insufficient lungs and kidneys, cold and wheezing cough can use 10 grams of walnuts, 5 grams of ginseng, 5 grams of ginger, and decoction. It has the ability to warm the lungs and calm the breath, and tonify the kidneys and absorb qi.

4. The elderly have a loss of intestines and constipation, can be used walnuts 10 grams, cistanche 10 grams, angelica 5 grams, hemp seeds 10 grams, water decoction. It has the function of moisturizing the intestines and laxative.

Nut of the Day – Walnut Kernel

Since walnut kernels have the effect of medicinal and food homology, what are the dietary remedies for daily health care?

1. Walnut kernel lotus seed porridge

30 grams of walnut kernels, 20 grams of longan meat, 30 grams of lotus seeds, and an appropriate amount of rice, add water to boil into porridge. It can be used for insomnia and forgetfulness.

2. Goji berry walnut kernel porridge

30 grams of walnut kernels, 30 grams of goji berries, and an appropriate amount of rice, add water to boil into porridge. It can supplement the kidney and nourish the liver, and is suitable for people with liver and kidney deficiency leading to waist acid fatigue.

3. Walnut kernel Huaishan porridge

Nut of the Day – Walnut Kernel

30 grams of walnut kernels, 20 grams of Huaishan, 6 jujubes, an appropriate amount of rice, add water to boil into porridge. It can strengthen the spleen and supplement the kidneys, and is suitable for those with weak kidney deficiency.

Although walnuts are good, don't be greedy! Because walnuts are warm and have a high content of fatty ingredients, it is recommended that no more than 3 are recommended if eaten alone as a snack; if eaten with other nuts, it is recommended that the ratio of each nut is 1:1, and the total amount of consumption per day does not exceed 25 grams. Grasping the "degree" of daily consumption may bother you who love to eat, but please remember to avoid excessive, otherwise it is easy to have symptoms of mouth and tongue sores and nausea caused by fire.

At the same time, if the following symptoms occur, do not take walnut kernels: yin deficiency fire, phlegm hot cough, stool leakage, vomiting blood, nosebleeds.

References:[1] Zhao Shenglan,Chen Chaoyin,Ge Feng,Han Benyong. Research Progress on Functional Ingredients of Walnut Oil[J].Journal of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2010,33(06):71-74.

The picture comes from the network, thanks to the author of the picture, the varieties involving the manufacturer are only for learning to understand and use, and do not represent a recommended position!

Editor: Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association Sun Yat-sen University Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital Zengcheng Branch Liu Jianzhi

Review expert: Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University Wei Li

The above is the original work of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if you reprint, please indicate the author and source!

【Drug Shield Public Welfare】PSM Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the China Over-the-Counter Drug Association, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, the Chinese Medical Association, etc., gathers resources and gathers strength to promote public drug safety.

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