
Onion roasted ribs, just like the yearning for the future in sadness, this is full of life flavor onion roasted ribs, just like the sad yearning for the future, this is the full taste of life

author:Big chestnut tree spreads

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > onion roasted ribs, like a sad yearning for the future, which is full of the taste of life</h1>

Zhou Zhongying

Onion roasted ribs, just like the yearning for the future in sadness, this is full of life flavor onion roasted ribs, just like the sad yearning for the future, this is the full taste of life

My wife fried pork chops is a must for our Zhou family, during the serious time of the epidemic, my uncle and aunt all live in Tsukida's hometown with children, and several uncles and nephews especially like my wife's roasted ribs. Several times to return to Rongjiawan, they were left behind, saying that they would burn ribs for them to eat. In this way, after eating ribs for a week in a row, we returned to our homes and burped the smell of ribs.

The wife has a experience in roasting ribs, one is to be careful, the other is to have patience, to cook food like time boiling water, cooking food invisibly. If she were to make onion roast pork ribs, it would take at least an hour and a half. It takes half a day to cook a meal. I really like the onion roasted ribs, the flavor of the onion is immersed in the ribs, which can both remove the fishy smell of the ribs and enhance the aroma of the ribs.

The best ribs are, of course, pork ribs, which are very straight, not complicated at all, crisp and sharp to eat, and fresh and sweet and fragrant to chew. But it's not that simple. First of all, the pork ribs are discharged into the pot and soaked in the marinade for at least half an hour; then the onion is cut head to tail and sliced for later, when sliced, the eyes are as far away from the onion as possible, otherwise it will make tears shine for a while; then the pork ribs are discharged into the pan and fried on both sides until a little brown, and then take out the reserve, the delicious dish is usually back to the pot, there is a warm and new taste; then put the red onion head into the pan and fry until fragrant; then add the onion and stir-fry to soften until caramel colored Then add a little water in the pan to continue stir-frying; then put the fried onion into the stew pot and spread well; at this time, the pork ribs are discharged into the stuffy pot and then add the seasoning, cover the pot and simmer on high heat first and then turn to low heat to simmer for at least 50 minutes, add the seasoning to continue simmering; finally, the fried onion is laid on a plate, and then the pork ribs are added to the finish. It's a very timely dish, so prepare it early. During the cooking process, the aroma of chives and ribs will continue to drift out of the kitchen and drift far away.

Onion roasted ribs, just like the yearning for the future in sadness, this is full of life flavor onion roasted ribs, just like the sad yearning for the future, this is the full taste of life

Tasting a good dish is like reading a good word, it is a kind of body and mind fusion. When the aroma of vegetables wafted in front of my nose, I seemed to have read "Mulan Flowers" performed by Qian Wei of the Song Dynasty: "The scenery of the city is chaotic. Smoke waves under the city beat the shore in spring. The green poplar grass rested for a few hours, and the tearful eyes and sad intestines were broken first. Feelings fade into decay. Luan Jian Zhu Yan was shocked and secretly changed. In the past, many years of illness disgusted with Fangzun, and today Fangzun is afraid of shallowness." When this word is first read, it is like cutting an onion, and there is always a tear flashing in the eye socket. With extremely poignant strokes, this word expresses the sentimentality of the author's twilight of life and political frustration.

Qian Weiyan has a strong interest in his career and regrets that he did not become the prime minister all his life. When the empress dowager listened to the government, Qian Weiyan was attacked by public opinion because of his relationship with the empress dowager, and was expelled from the imperial court, and Song Renzong was repeatedly hit after he pro-government. Therefore, the lyricist's mood in his later years is very unsmooth, and this song is created by him in such a state of mind, which is the expression of his inner hardships and grievances when he is frustrated in his career.

Now that I am more than half a hundred years old, I really don't want to run around to find a job, but I don't think it means much to write some words at home every day. At the beginning of the year, a team was formed with several friends in Yueyang to engage in self-media, and through half a year's exploration, he gradually found a little way out. Tomorrow, our food story is ready to start filming, but there is no excitement in our hearts. Running to Shaohua to grow old, without any achievement, the sense of loss in his heart is like the "magnolia" played by Qian Wei, full of tears and sorrow.

Life allows for some sadness, just as ribs allow an onion to accompany it. If the onion is compared to the tearful eyes of life, then the ribs are still firm in reality, although there is some bone, but its crispy taste is very chewy. No matter when, we can't lose our dreams, dreams make us full of motivation and make life tasteful. In fact, sadness is not numbness, it is also a kind of strength, but also a taste of life, because we are more determined in the sadness of the yearning for the future. (Written on August 5, 2020 in Tao Ranju)

Onion roasted ribs, just like the yearning for the future in sadness, this is full of life flavor onion roasted ribs, just like the sad yearning for the future, this is the full taste of life
Onion roasted ribs, just like the yearning for the future in sadness, this is full of life flavor onion roasted ribs, just like the sad yearning for the future, this is the full taste of life

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